It makes you mad, but it's true

It makes you mad, but it's true.
If you were to look at 50 random people, you wouldn't be able to tell how healthy they were. That's why doctors run tests, to find out if somebody is sick or not. You're not better than medical testing, your eyes aren't special.

>he's so indoctrinated he's unable to listen to his own instincts telling him just how anomalous a fat person is

Actually, you can, user.

You should check out someone with cancer, or with a big chronic illness - or someone who is morbidly or unhealthily obese. You can see that they're not doing well.

P.S. The bait was fat, like your ass :^)

Oh, so you're the smart alec of the class.
You're ignoring the point and just trying to be technically correct instead of actually correct, because you can't.

you don't need to be a doctor to know that fat=unhealthy. That's common knowledge, unless you're delusional or a total retard.

I don't have any fatter bait pictures. Anyone have some to post?

I'm willing to bet that if they were considerably overweight then they're more susceptible to diabetes, heart conditions, and various diseases over someone who is of average weight.

Try harder, faggot.

>being this gay and shallow

gb2fit so you can swap shirtless pics and fitness tips with other "heterosexuals" faggot nigger

I can diagnose morbid obesity by looking at a fat person.

You're right. Go ask a 350-pound senior citizen. Oh wait...

Morbidly obeast




This is Sup Forums, not Tumblr. You're on the wrong website.

someones making gravy...

just look at their torsos m8. no healthy person looks like that.


Holy shit, how is the person even alive?


That can't be real.

The reason the ever age person isn't sexually attracted to people who are overweight is because it's easily one of the strongest indicators of poor health. Your brain is designed to spot very subtle characteristics of healthy to ensure the best chance of healthy offspring. We may not be the equivalent of modern medicine, but we very much can perceive health with just our eyes. I'm going to assume you're heavily salted ham.

I'm a fat fuck and even I know this is retarded.

The issue isn't that fat=unhealthy (even though this is usually the case) it's that being fat gives a huge predisposition to various conditions and diseases. Sure, it's possible to have an overweight person who is as healthy as a non overweight person, but the one who is overweight has such higher odds of various complications down the road that it should be addressed in some manner.

Trying to deny this is just retarded. I have no problem with fat people (which is what I am), what I have a problem with are delusional people who think that being fat is nothing but a number in pounds when it really exposes you to a lot of things that could go wrong in your body and even kill you. Trying to deny that, and the fact that you're more than likely not very healthy anyway, is just people hanging on to some vestige of hope that they're not going to die sooner than the guy who weighs a hundred pounds less and that they're just as pretty as the girl who can fit in a dress half their size.

TL;DR: From one fat fuck to another, get over yourselves. You're not all, or even mostly, healthy and your odds of getting a complication from it are retardedly high in comparison to fit people.

Hey! Strawberry Pudding!

>oh wow youre right and im wrong and you think it matters
ok nothing to see here

If I see a brand new BMW I can't tell if it has a problem, but I'll bet it has less of a problem than a 50 year old Studebaker with an elephant sitting on the roof.

thats not........thats not real right?

She's not.

Super Obeast

Though she has lost weight since.

wtf is she even saying?

You think you do but you don't.



If you're fat, you're more likely to require medical attention and assistance. That is not an opinion, that is a fact from generations upon generations of experience. If you require additional medical assistance with certainty, to a greater extent than the general public, you are now a burden on the system.

Resources that could have gone towards saving a sick child with cancer, someone with real potential, are being wasted on your poor health choices. Your lazyness is costing the general population money, time, and resources that could go towards progressing as a society. You are a literal cancer on the population and through all of the additional programs and assistance you'll require over your fat life, a factual drain on society. You are a net loss, no matter what you contribute, you will always be a drain and a burden on everyone and everything around you.

Please just die.

will you please keep my mom's pictures off of here

idk what this is but i'm guess it's the fat that was in their blood.

rabble rabble

Kys fattie


How... how... how does this even happen? How can the human body be this resilient. The fact they got that big before dieing should be an achievement.

Summer Obeast


it sucks but disease risk shoots up FAST even just moderately overweight

>ultra fatties have noodle legs
>cant walk around properly
>humans are bipedal species
>not seeing that at the least
Do me a favor and run up and down some stairs. I bet i could smoke a pack of menthols and still both beat you up it, and have stressed my body less. Fat is health in small amounts, but too much is literally just wasted tissue. How many roll babies do you have?

Yea, all those skinny vegans with diabetes... oh, wait... that's all the retard Amerifats.

sure thing

Amen, user.


motorized obeast

That is what was said, yes.

"Keep your hate speech off this campus"

No, sorry OP - fat people should all be killed, not necessarily painless either.

Making children fat should be a crime.

>you can't tell how healthy people are by looking at them
I know it's bait but I'm biting anyway

my girlfriend works in a hospital and claims thats real.... i only showed her the picture and she said yeah in really fat people without knowing what this thread is about



Top fucking keke


>my girlfriend



OP is fat, and subsequently, probably, dying.


>diet coke

beached obeast

Mirin those 50 inch calves bro

But you are wrong. This isn't about cancers with their nazi hairstyles


She's saying, " bring back the mcrib"

Wow, shes actually pretty hot for a chubby checker. Got her kik?


You wut m8?

just because you fuck your hand everynight doesnt mean we all do

no. every generation lost because of underlying weakness in our humanity's hard earned past has ingrained in us a basic primal ability to look at a person and derive some statistics on them.

denying what can be seen and felt by instinct because it hurts your feels is funny and sad.




though, she did get laid...

>sand in places most dont have.

as in most people neither have those spaces or sand in them.

if we siphon fat from landwhales we could probably feed africa and sell the rest as fertilizer

the things that would grow would be high cholesterol maybe. you would have to cut that fertilizer.




paint me like one...


food coloring

just a prank bro


got any cheez-its?

your blood sugar level is "strawberry cheesecake"

Watch someone run up a flight of stairs. then your eyes will be able to tell if someone's healthy or not by how fast they can do it, and how hard they are breathing and sweating afterwards.

That blueberry ain't making no sense.

Who the fuck would want her blood.

"I'm Literally Dying! Haha, My Sides!"

10/10 Would treat like lady.