What is the least painfull way to suicide?

What is the least painfull way to suicide?

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Feet first into woodchipper

Somebody post that helium pic please

I dont have

set yourself on fire

Hot air balloon ride into space

Thermonuclear device at 10 meters.

by letting yourself age til you die.


Jump off a very very high structure

masturbate untill you die

Get one fag and if like 16 you shouldn't be on here anyway


Youngfag detected.

Middle-agedfag here. The pains accrue as you age, and I'm not a fat slob.

>use boolit

Bullet in the head, something .40 cal or bigger.

if i tell you and you do it, i would earn a bad karma.

Triple nigger

I would say not doing it at all is the most painless way to do it. Be a hero, endure and look after the ones who need looking after.

exit bags DO NOT WORK

trust me... just... trust me on that.

The hot air you exhale will be packed with CO2 and will not work. You will feel like you are choking and its is not pleasant!

If you are going to use gas, use Argon becuase its cheaper and you can get an a welding supply store (100% Argon for aluminium welding) and

use a mask with gas blowing into the mask noticably but not blasting in and MAKE SURE your exhaled air is removed via the normal vents on the mask.

Paint yourself black and go into a police station, they'll shoot you instantly.

Quadruple nigger

Fuck that.
What's the most painfull way?

Suicide by cop, go crazy

Blowing your top with a shotgun has to be the most painless way. You instantly destroy your brain and consciousness ends immediately.

You can always be an asshole and jump infront of a train.
You will at least make the day of people waiting a living hell.



I heartily recommend carving one's own heart out with a Taco Bell spork. I do that about once a month when I'm feeling depressed. Just kidding, I don't have feelings. I do it for the keks.

dude Im in pain every day. Whats the point if I cant even feel a little joy in looking after other people

paracetmol overdose
your liver will shut down
if you're in the hospital, the doc would tell you you have a day or two to say your goodbyes, because there's nothing they can do
then your body poisons itself with its own refuse

helium suicide look it up

Gas yourself with a car. either in a small garage or with the use of a hose from the exhaust int the window.

Death by rape

Die in your sleep by carbon monoxide poisoning.

join the army become a riflemen and yolo overseas

u know u got the green light if u get in n deployed


shoot yourself in the chest

>Impying sucide isn't the result of immense pain.


by far the most painful way


isn't a garbage with pull ties the same thing?

I can't join the army, Im diagnosed with bipolar otherwise its a good idea

Get a hobby an stop being a B/tard ok

top kek

I can guarantee that you're going to do more harm than good during your life time whether you realize it or not, in fact anyone born in a first world country based on recourse consumption alone does. You're not a hero or virtuous you're ignorant. So grow up.

>resource consumption

top zozz

Go to a primary school with a shotgun, go into one of the classrooms, and then blow your brains out in front of everyone

Yeah because becoming decrepit and watching everyone you love die is completely painless

Dubs don't lie. Also: relatable

i would tell you, but i've never done it before

bernie glowsticks

and a penis


Grenade in mouth, blast will travel faster then the pain.

Actually the slow death ones ain't that bad, pain for a few seconds, then euphoria for 2 minutes before death. (Hanging, low oxygen environment, but not drowning)
Also freezing to death is great, far most painless, feels warm and happy, I'd recommend that.

I don't trust drugs, might not work and you end up a autistic fuck.

If you planing on making a mess, leave a letter and go into a deep forest or something. Think about other people.