State your ELO and your main

State your ELO and your main

We then bash others for there choice, and tell them what champ they should play to rank up.

I'll start: Bronze 2 - Teemo

Silver 4 - Braum & Soraka (Depending if we need Tank or Heal)

Diamond 2, teemo jungle

Bronze 1 - Evelyn / Rengar / Kha.
Can also play Thresh, Zilean, and Wukon very well ( i guess lol)

Unranked, Rek'Sai. SL 18

Probably around Silver 3 - 4

Bronze 4, udyr main
>Inb4 trock4h
Lost every single one of my promos, I was gold 3 last season...

Fucking cancer.

Just like Trick2g. He's been on tilt since S2

Plat 4

I play every champion.

Yes, even Aatrox.

Master - Thresh

Gold 2 Olaf main

Plat 4 support main
Can honestly play any supports there is, even off-meta champs

Ended last season Silver 4, Support(Braum, Shaco, Fiddle, few others ) Jungle()Depends tank or damage). Havnt played this season tho

Challenger 1- I bring cancer as Annie.

S1 Teemo, Rammus, Diana, Malphite, Sona

Kill yourselves for playing this trash


Bronze 4 - Draven/Fizz

Gold 4 - Jhin.
tell me why Aatrox is a bad champ?

How the fuck do you go to brons 4 from gold 3

plat iv basketball cansur

Gold 3
Blitz main
Sometimes garden but can fill
Used to play a lot of Ryde in se3 but have been playing blitz since se2

also olaf

Not bad, just not used.

When a season rolls over you fucktard

>Gold V

right click a lot?



I've tried to get bronze and never could. If you're in bronze you fucking deserve it

beat me to it

There's not a single thing Aatrox does better than any other champ

Like sure, you can make him work if you're good. But that applies for anything. You can still Jinx jg fine.

On top of that his Q really fucks up the flow of your kit and later on you actually lose damage in brawls if you make bad use of your Q/use it at all. It needs less cast time.

With Scripts Dia 1
Without Plat 1
Mains Vayne / Yasuo / Zed

unranked but I reckon bronze 5
Jungle: Nunu, Warwick
Mid: Azir/Veigar/Twisted Fate/Heimerdinger
Top: Mundo/Heimerdinger/Cho'gath
Sup: Alistair/Soraka/Thresh/Braum/Heimerdinger
ADC: Sivir/Ashe/Twisted Fate

My specialties are Nunu jungle, Azir mid and all the support champions I listed as well as Heimerdinger in top mid or sup.

Alistair, Soraka, Heimerdonger and Nunu are the only ones I'm comfortable playing with gold and plat friends though.

Yeah he's good at laning thats about it. Sure as fuck rapes a ryze

Silver 2 Lucian and Gangplank

Kill yourself

There, you got your (you).

actual cancer

Silver II - Blitzcrank Alistar and Taric. But I also play gnar ryze and jax

same here, I was joking with wife I was going to fail and get bronze. Got silver lol. I cant see any way to get bronze unless. You belong there.

if you want a lane bully try renekton. If you get ahead you just faceroll the entire enemy team and he's very similar to aatrox.

>sometimes garden

1st 2 seasons gold 4 then 3
Didnt play last year
This season started out b4 back up to s3.
>Morgana main as mid, sup, or top


master tier - zed, twisted fate, yasuo

what are scripts?

Even then

I'm sure you could have just played like, Irelia or something and actually be useful later (later on Aatrox is literally just Damage and a damage soak. Like I said, a lot of times that can be okay, but....)

Silver 5

bronze 4, fizz or heim

global elite - anime tiddie cunt ;D

Its a third party program, which allows the user to be a fuck boi

plat IV

>zed, twisted fate, yasuo
fuck you

no I mean what does it do?

remember that time when soraka can give mana


i see perma ban, difficult champ and perma ban

Gold 5 - Leona - Oce so more like bronze 2 NA

dodge abilities mostly, quick reactions to flashy plays, ability combos.

Gold IV
Shen Top

I don't play only draven but if I get adc I'm 100% draven

Plat 3 - Any meta golem champion gotta love them malphites and ekko tops :^)

Alistar is god tier supp

Diamond 5
urf for life

Who do you guys normally ban in rank?

that was a dark time. She's actually still quite op in current meta if played right though. As a bronze 5 scrub I find nothing more hilarious to play her full ap support and just snowball and start roaming and people get so confused as to how in a 12-18 game 20min in they are losing to a soraka with 17-0-1 and a fully stacked mejais.

Dia 5 - garen/yasuo/darius aka spinboys

gold 5, thresh

Lucian. I hate playing vs him as a support. Or, when my ADC is first pick and wants Lucian, I ban Zyra.

zed, yasou, sometimes gecko, now malzahar and tailyah for now.

D5 Katarina

no kys

Can't forget the rock, malph

since the mage update i just no-brain ban brand every game

No. Kys

what you need is alistair, braum, heimerdinger or soraka as your support. Or even just a thresh who can land hooks.

Challenger here (with scripts)
Twisted Fate and Syndra main

Silver II, right now playing Maokai because he's fucking busted until they get around to nerfing him. Only really interested in getting to GV because I don't think I can hack it all the way to Platinum.

Ali is love
Ali is life

Plat 4
Fizz (AP,1-hit,Tank), Leblanc, Talon

gold 1 - nocturne

meh malphite doesn't feel like a top tier threat. He's definitely meta but a strong cc counterpick usually neuters him. on that note I forgot kogmaw. Ban him sometimes because when he's on the enemy team he'll be god and when on yours he'll die to gromp 3 times.

Challenger - ADC

Wooow main temmo such a dificultades champ,and still un bronze 2? Stop playing rankeds dude the other people will be hapier

diamond 4 vlad and renekton

Zed kindred malz and lucian

S5 Braum/Blitz

Busted? ehhh like strong maybe but there a definitely champs that do the same thing better what makes him op to you?

I've kinda been forced to become an alistair main which is infuriating because any mistake is yours and everyone expects you to be a god at alistair and make faker level plays and then when you do get good people get pissed that you are the only one with less than 6 deaths and demands you tower execute yourself when nobody is there.

Who do you play top and why do they get BTFO by Renekton?

diamond 4,


Spiked at Diamond 1 then decided this game was turning into a flaming pile of shit and jumped ship.

playing teemo well is kinda hard but the bare basics is easy but you'll never get out of bronze without some indepth understanding. It's like shaco but shaco takes mechanical skill.

Plat 2 - Azir/Zed/Lee

Used to be bronze 5 or 4 (I was rising but then stopped) and I played cringe champs like zed and yasuo

Gold V
Singed main

renekton top = pray for ganks... or play some cheesy ass panth ign top

I would not say does the same thing better. Maokai does his role the best but he's not exactly that strong in the meta without the right team comp.


Gold 2 - Voilbear or blitzcrank