Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Yasuo?

Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Yasuo?

My main is bacchus but i do also play dragonknight a lot

Shen top 65% win rate

Because I'm not full of myself and I'm not bronze

it is yasuo


I main ezreal

>still maining a champion
>not mastering multiple champions and roles

Piece of shit.

>not mastering multiple champions and roles
You don't play this game, do you?

I main yasuo

kek this fag finally showed up

Gnar, cute as fuck, range champ turns into tank. great escape , great chase. good lane substain. just a good champ

I main Malzahar cause mid should always be AP


I'd take you seriously if you didn't often post another thread with the same topic and a different champion after the previous thread 404's.

because i have enough brain and i can play champs that dont kill you by rightclicking or smashing your dick on the keyboard

Why do you hate AD carries?


Because I spent too long grinding IP

Neat. How many of his skins do you have?

Can you jump reset?

vayne, because fuck tanks

Why do you hate your support?

All except super and panda.

Because Yasuo does not work bot lane

i dont flame supports haha. i dont flame anyone because im not very good at the game myself, i play for fun.


Because I have self-respect and am not a cuckhold


chase me
mm gaaaaaaaaaas

how could I not?

Singed is really boring for me. Instead of attacking and chasing other people you have to get them to chase you. It's jut not any fun.