I don't understand bullying. I always hear about people being bullied in high school...

I don't understand bullying. I always hear about people being bullied in high school, but I can't for the life of me relate to them and their joy when they hear of something bad happening to their bully (death).

Is the problem with bullying that the person being bullied is mentally weak, or is disliked by others and sees himself as the victim? If you're being bullied, why not just stand up against the bully? It's not always going to be like in the movies where it's a skinny/fat kid being bullied by a chad-type guy, so why not just stand up for yourself?

In highschool I was pretty quiet, shy, kinda fat and couldn't even talk to girls properly yet I always had a group of friends who were nice to me (they weren't the nerdy/autistic type, they kept to themselves). I was even very good friends with a girl in the last two years of high school.

Is it just because my school didn't have any bullies, or I was just lucky to not be disliked by people?

Have you been bullied in the past, Sup Forums? How'd you deal with it?

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its like euthenization sometimes other people know whats better for you then you do

we can quickly jump to axioms of strength, fortitude, conviction, size, intelligence, speed, masculinity after this.

do the gene pool a favour and just kill yourself

think of it like this it takes me 20 years to educate you specifically or format discent in your removal in 2 seconds.

what benefits me most?
what benefits the most most?

do you cunts have no concept of mortality?? did you forget?


the world has become passified through chemical indoctrination, a lack of focus, loss of intent, the burdens of a generation before doing more work then it should have. malcontent. complacent.

once upon a time you'd require a hitler to rally mass populations into action but in this day and age (nuclear, bombs+) its easier to just kill and make more room for people willing to lift...

brzezinski grand chess board
mckenna food of the gods

What does this have to do with bullying though?

ur pathetic and a victim and i hope u r raped/murdered in the street

>Is the problem with bullying that the person being bullied is mentally weak, -...?
In my case, yes. Problems with my home life messed my shit up (9 yrs at the time) and the kids at school made things worse
>why not just stand up against the bully?
I've tried. Standing up against half a class is hard, and things just got harder afterwards. Nothing works like in the movies
Honestly, I don't know why they chose me aside from being an easy target

I don't get bullying in high-school either, sure in elementary school there were a bunch of bullies, including me to some degree but in high-school everyone was bigger than that.

>Standing up against half a class is hard
Damn, that's got to suck.

I didn't think about things being shit with the person's homelife, I'm sorry to hear that.

Guys, I think OP is having a stroke while posting. Someone call 911 and get him some help.
And in response to his downsyndrome.
I was bullied from kindergarten to grade 10. I was the smallest, weakest, I talked with a speech impediment and was just a weird kid.
I got my ass handed to me more times than I can imagine. Did I wish my bullies died? At the time, maybe.
But most people who have been bullied just want justice. The ones who go and shoot up the whole school are mentally fucked up.
You however are just a god damn retard who should have been aborted.
Like holy fuck. Kill yourself OP.

>but in high-school everyone was bigger than that.

Yeah, that's what I thought so to. People talked behind each other's backs here and there, but they never faced each other.

Why are you so angry at me? I was also small and weak, and even had a lisp. People joked about it with me but never made fun of me for it. Maybe I just grew up surrounded by good people.

To the user that wanted kill everyone and suicide at school because of the bullies

That is weak af, how you gonna be some bitch ass suicide, it's better to live and feel young vagina... Girls are only looking that much better their pussies are so tight and sweet, fuck dying.

Better strategy my man, do as any brother would do and treat it as jihad, as hazreti isa would do, stand to them and declare that if they desire to beat you they must beat you to death and you will remain unprovoked.

These boys will not be capable of snatching a motherfucker birthday, and they will have fear that a pure brother with the will of Allah is before them.

İf they strike, fight to the death and have your wish granted. İf they do not, you will have shown them as weak fools.

This way at least, you will be in the righteous side of life instead of being yet another pathetic school shooting evil piece of virgin garbage.

Just think about pussy and be the success that attracts it

İ love pussy so much, i will never lick it though, i only love to feel it around my hard cock, especially when young and tight and juicy

Maybe you grew up sheltered like a cunt.
Your parents should have beat the fuck out of you because they raised a little faggot.
Like holy fucking drink bleach.

It did. Thanks, things are better now

Well, this is a C+ bait. I'll give it that because it got me to reply. Too well written for a sand nigger. Try again.

İ refuse to be called a sand nigger

What, just because İ am muslim and love pussy i cannot be capable of writing?

Accept a modern middle eastern man

most are

I stood up to my bully. I went to Juvenile for stabbing him. No regrets.

That's a bit much, don't you think, user?

When you get your hair lit on fire and get punched in the ear after dealing with abuse for so long, you tend to overlook rational details.

You are a sand nigger. Any "Muslim" or "Islamist" or "salami" or whatever the fuck you call yourselves are all the same. Terrorist goat fucking pedophiles who should be nuked till their entire shit and sand filled home is turned into glass, so we can Atleast have something beautiful over there for once instead of fuckin ragheads shitting in their hand and beheading people for shaking Hands with their left hand on a Friday or something stupid like that.
Fuck sand niggers.
You know why hitler targeted the Jews and not any Sand Niggers?
You every try getting a sand nigger in the shower?

Shit, that's a bit fucked up. I can see your reasoning now.

Most are...sheltered cunts? Yes.
I grew up in a "multicultural" area of my city.
I had to go to school with durpinder and aljazeera who couldn't speak fuckin English, so of course everything is slowed down for them. Then they form gangs and started bringing weapons to elementary school.
Goes to show any fucking age sandniggers are dangerous.

I think this user behave great

i grew up in a nest of schizophrenic psychologically manipulated puppets turned such by likewise ive had to deal with it my entire life if it wasnt for the internet giving access to freedom of research and some chance encounters with the use of the cannabis plant id be dead.

What'd ya stab him with/where?
Bully at my school got stabbed in the stomach with a pencil.
punctured his intestines.
Kid deserved it though. He was a cunt to everyone, dropped a metal pipe on my head, gave me concussion and brain damage.
Killed the class pet once "on accident", said his dog got it but I heard he put it in the microwave.
Shame the kids still alive

İ dont fuck goats and i am not a terorist

İ will however gladly terorize some tight young pussy

İt doesnt make sense what you are saying, muslims wash at least 5 times a day as a requisite for prayer, yahudi are filthy yes but we are different

Yahudi are boy penis suckers, muslims are the friend of all righteous men

Or do you like to bow to woman

You know you want to embrace Allah secretly, and have a happy life like all muslims

İ will soon insha3allah feel some pussy in the coming days and it will feel so good, like a mug cake that is moist with good fatty cheese, just flavor

Whatcha like to research?
I always used to love looking shit up online. Idk why I stopped.

All people who are bullied are asking for it and deserving. Same thing with women who have a string of abusive boyfriends

You are pathetic, you cannot accept to be a man you weak boy

They dont know english because they speak with dignity

They are skilled at fighting and using weapons and influencing men, as they are growing to be real men

You are weak you have no gang no weapon knowledge and only speaking weak loose anus english

Live a week as a brother and tell me you dont appreciate being a man for once

Someone's gotta save this shit. It's pretty original.
On the off chance you are a goat fucker, I'm so glad your shitty religion will be destroyed soon enough.
Literally, the Quran and Mohammed do/did nothing but promote violence and hatred, pedophilia and murder.
I can't wait for Muslims to be open range. Consider them pests, shoot them in the back of the head with a .22 that way there's no exit wound and it bounces around lots to cause maximum damage.
Bury the body in a shallow grave(4ft deep) after removing teeth, hands, feet, eyes, and shaving the body. Douse in lye and water, cover with dirt.
Better than any sand nigger deserves.

All sand niggers have done is make the world worse.
I really do hope you are a muzzie cunt or whatever you call yourself.
Please, go blow yourself and your family up.

İslam will never die

İ welcome jihad, İ dont think you would be ready for the situation you described

Accept islam you know it is the true path to happiness

İf all Muhammed (peace be upon him) did is spread violence and you are so much better, why is your message only violence and nothing else?

His was not a message of violence, it was a message of love of self and nature

probably because you're a retarded cunt waiting to die.

Because I'm not some sheep, everyone red pulled knows Muslims need to be wiped out for any semblance of peace to begin.

I used to bully kids in middle school and in return I had high self esteem and was confident all throughout highschool

Honestly if you can't stand up for yourself your a big vagina

You see the message of the kuffar brothers, i have given no provocation and they would like my death

They cannot handle a brother with the love of Allah in his heart

They are like a beggar womans vagina, crusty and hate the great and successful muslims due to their great poverty of self and jealousy

İ plan to cook a can of sliced beans in butter and enjoy with spicy eggs as a celebration, brothers i advise you also enjoy the finest foods and youngest vaginas in celebration as i am

Naw, wouldn't say waiting to die.
I mean, I've accepted it, I know one day I will, but it's not anytime soon. I think I've just been too busy that I forgot how enjoyable it is.

>why not just stand up for yourself?
You're under the false impression that the world is fair and that they will not be punished worse than a bully.
Generally a bully is very cowardly, picks on a target they see as weak, attacks in groups, and most of all is dishonest. Generally add all these up and you get a pack of dishonest cowardly people targeting one person that gets in trouble for standing up for their self where as people that target them do not get in trouble and if they do it is not to any significant degree to do anything other than make them double down on bullying the person.

As i have said do not die, be a successful brother

Let the will of Allah guide you to being the best you can be

A natural consequence of the success will be young pussy. Moist and tight, so pure and tasty

İmagine also the tasty sliced beans and feeling of a morning prayer

Follow the path of a great man

Nigga fuck off m8 it was amusing at first, but you're not a sand nigger, we all know it. Go be gay elsewhere

well i am

Look at how they cannot accept the true words of a brother

You are a gay man it is clear as day, accept allah and move forward

İ will say again, i am not offended by being called a sand nigger, your words are worthless as your ears do not hear the purity of the quran

How can i explain sound to a deaf man

>post yfw middle and high school wasnt the stereotypical 80's Nerds and Jocks experience

Everyone was so much shorter. And uglier.

Have you tried getting crazy stoned and looking up Conspiracy Theories and read up on MKULtra and shit?
It's fun sober, but holy shit it gets better stoned.
Just ask the Sand nigger, I'm sure he stoned lots of people and can attest to how fun it is.

White faggots cant accept that muslims know how to write their shitty pig language

How stupid do you think muslims are transexual

Your fingers on both hands smell like they are regularly used to pleasure yourself through your anus

İ smell like good food and pleasant vagina

The world is mine

bullyes are usualy overrated. the reason people dislike bullies is because the bully bullied them for something they cant do anything about, used violence while being superior in strength or he is just an asshole who cant behave. nobody likes any of these people unless you're carol from archer

>How'd you deal with it?
I ignored them.

Worst part is, this fits perfect.
I moved to a small town to finish high school and we had like 20% downy population in my home room. It was bad.

Türkiye neredesin

Aq şu gavurlara bak ya

Herşey sandniqqa

The ones who are punished by Allah are filthy, stay far from them

Those families are garbage people and that has manifested in their offspring being unworthy of a pure brother

Take control

You can't stand up against the bully, because they will hit you, and It hurt

The point of being bullied is that people are constantly looking for your weak spots. If someone is being bullied, it isnt just by 1 person in most of the situations. It looks or sounds plain and simple (the sollutions), but the fact that these bullies are trying to break you down mentally, which 9/10 times actually works, makes you afraid of these bullies.
I was bullied in my youth. It was 1v15, so I knew that if I acted back, that I was fucked in any way. It just isnt as easy as you think.
Its comparable to cage animals. A lion is way stronger than any human, but the fact that humans act back and force them to do shit because otherwise they will hurt the lion, it simply obeys to avoid the pain it will receive.
You would do it all the same. We all prefer comfort over discomfort. You would do shit you preferably dont do, to prevent getting beaten up.
Thats the entire point of bullying. You feel weak, even if you actually are strong. You'll feel small, even if you are the biggest guy in that area. You'll feel dumb even when you're smart af.
So, thats bullying, my friend.

Give your life if you must

Bullies arent ready for a brother with Allah

Rally the brothers if you must, see their face when confronted with a group of brothers dedicated to their din

Afterwards you can slick your hair and attract the finest young pussy for enjoyment

Only people are capable of being bullied are bullied

İ have never been bullied and cannot be as you can see from even this conversation thread

>1437 AH
>not a muslim
>doesnt fuck young tight pussy
>eats pussy
>is a transexual
>no sliced beans fried in butter
>eggs got no spice

>nobody appreciating these digits

>format discent

tard detected ABORT TIRADE

Elhamdülillah brother yes you can see the numbers i have been blessed as i speak the truth

the baby boomers ruined the world and the millenials are expected to sacrifice to save it

was bullied a a little is school. this rich daddy boy with anger problems disliked me so he beat the shit out of me. he was a year older than me and therefore had an advantage.
>be in 4th grade
>faggots in 5th
>the faggot is being an asshole so i hit him over the head with a stick
>he gets mad as fuck and attacks me
>runs me over in a second and beat the shit out of me
>happens so fast i dont get time to evaluate the situasjon
>gets "traumatized" if you want and dont dare to fight him again
>being an asshole to me until 7th grade
>new guy starts in my class
>new best friend
>3 moths later or something its Christmas
>we are jokingly dancing around the Christmas tree cause were bored
>faggot gets mad and attacks new guy
>hits new guy 5 times in the stomach and hit the air out of his lungs
>i'm in shock
>he stops and runs of after he realized he over reacted
>then it all started, how i delt with him
>me and friend goes to the meanest cruellest teacher and tells what happens
>she gets furious and is getting in trouble
>at this moment we were only 4 boys in my class and we were all losers at this point
>until 8th grade it starts two mor guys
>this one guy knows everybody in our town and is very popular and so happens to be my cousin. instantly my friend off course. the other one is a fat Arab who is really good with money. so good i think he secretly is a Jew.
>in 9th grade we stop being faggots most of us at least
>arab jew gets shitload of cash by online betting and he is getting fit
>new kid is starting with boxing with his pro step father. he gets so good he could KO him when he turned 17
>i get smart. know how to manipulate and doing it as a pro
> cousin is not ugly any more but rather attractive (same with me, thx genes)
> faggot gets fat
>we fuck him over at every opportunity that we get in any way
>making his life a living hell
cont on how we fucked him over stories?

No brother the world is better than it used to be, there are now much more muslims everywhere and the pure word is being spread

The countries where there is most sujud are doing better than ever as a result it is clear

Baby boomers and millenials dont exist

Only there is muslims and kuffar, straight and gay, which are you? Muslim and straight or gay infidel?

When i was 9 i went to a different school. Literally all the boys from my class bullied me. It's not easy to stand up for myself when lots of peeps are bullying you. After some years there i went to another school (this one was in a different city, i even had to change of city) and i was marginalized. I only had 1 "friend" she used to treat me like shit, insult my family, etc. After moving to that school, some friends from the school where i was getting bullied started to cyber bully me. The teachers from the school where i was getting marginalized knew it, and they always used to yell at me, they used to say i got an F in front of the class when i would have gotten a C, they used to say i couldn't do lots of things, etc. After 1year there we moved back to my city. I got some contact with some friends of the school where i was bullied. This girls were my best friends, every weekend i used to hang out with them. One day, one manipulated my words, and all of them started to insult me, call me all the time, etc etc. I've never insulted them, yet they insulted me all the time. After that, in the high school where i was, there was this group of girls who bullied me and i was marginalized by the most part of that class. People always ignored me.

Arabs are not yahudi you transexual slut

He is good with money because he has the will of Allah on his side

İt doesnt surprise me you were bullied

Transexuals deserve to be bullied

yes, continue

No stop and turn to Allah

Will you shut the fuck up any time soon, please?

arabs are shit with money. just look at isis driving around in toyotas

Now that I think of it, wouldn't it be ironic if we bullied this sand nigger now?

he is not good with money now though. he buys expensive shit that gets ruined cause he weres them everywhere. like expencive suites and clocks and shoos and stuff. he used to were them at school. and he stopped being a muslim when in 8th grade then he got fit and THEN got cash. his life got 10 times better without your retarded bacon hating religion

You cannot silence pure words from a brother, you can only be unable to understand them due to your wicked gavur heart

>tries to talk shit about arabs
>example is isis, bottom 1% of all arabs

Why dont you travel to detroit monkey or to your transexual gay cities and tell me you think its better than any "arab" nation

İ cannot be bullied, i told you before i have Allah on my side

Look at these faggots they are so weak my arab brothers will laugh when seeing this thread

White women are fat and ugly, they dont need to wear covering because noone will ever be jealous of expired milk skin

How would you know if he "stopped being a muslim" he probably is just practicing some form of taqiya around you

İslam doesnt hate

İslam is clear that you should not degrade your body by ingesting harmful or garbage things, one example being meat of an animal fed on excrement

>eating meat with a taste of indian man shit
>still no sliced beans fried in butter
>eggs not spiced

What's up Muzziebro? Peace be upon you. I myself am a Christian, but that doesn't mean that I wish to harm you in any way. Unless, of course, you intend to harm me or my family, (which I have yet to see any indication that you do,) to which I would respond in Full Redneck Fashion.

(we went to a private school in norway)
>this one time, we were going on a class trip to Poland (craziest place i have ben to. got chazed by nazies)
>the whole trip i acted lice i was a Satanist and that i worshipped satan because he was a Christian
>we are in a chocolate store in Krakow and we got to make our own chocolate in there.
>i made a pentagram and it was delicious
>he started insulting me
>"you are going to rot in hell"
>i smile this really anoying "i dont giver a fuck smile". all my friends hate it and faggot did to
>he lost his mind and stared fighting me
>grabbed his balls like in clockwork orange and squeezed until he was screaming for mercy and his face was red
>teachers threw him out cause the didn't see where i was squeezing
>win for me
cont more stories?

>"Please dont harm me"
>will respond in redneck fashion

See the weakness of a gavur its pathetic

Why not just tell me peace and you are another man of the book

The way you write was degrading

he said he didt want to be a muslim anymore cause religion in his self is retarded. he is a atheist or agnostic. dont remember. but he eats pig sometimes but he prefers not to. he is becoming a norwegian. he talks perfect norwegian and is getting into our culture as he is a norwegian himself

You are correct, and I apologize. I wasn't quite sure yet, at that point, whether you were trolling or not, so I hedged my bets just in case. Now I know. Peace be yours.

not one of them Somalian people that rape people and are not educated at all like you but he is a proper Norwegian. the difference is that he has a smal cock and is a arab in his skin

hahahahahaha his taqiya is very strong that or he is a loser, he can enjoy stinky expired milk pussy, faggots, transexuals and being ordered around BY A WOMAN AHAHAHAH

Nothing compares to a woman who has accepted Allah and definitely not a north african or gulf or central asian or west asian

>norwegian values
Black cock in ass and mouth? Being a transexual? Being a pussy? Being a weak who doesnt like to be agressive? Ahahahahahaha

>>I myself am a Christian
>>I wish to harm you in any way. Unless, of course, you intend to harm me or my family
you sound like a bad christian. you are supposed to turn the other cheek. if you want vengeance you are closer to being a satanist
this sounds like you^

Europens are gay losers

Look at how proud this gay loser is that even a brother has so easily become norway ahahahahaaha your ass leaks

Try moving to anywhere that has accepted islam and see how easy to become us, your gavur heart wont be able to transexual ahahaha

norway is the only oil rich country that is not controlled by heretics end terrorists
rip middle east. you wont belive how slutty arab women are i have fucked at least 5 this year so far

asians love whit cock

white cock*

I had a shitty family, my mother and father were extremely abusive drug addicts who fought for custody of me. Neither of them actually wanted me though. My father would hit me all the time and my mother just sat on her ass abd collected welfare money. She would scream at me and shout obscenities whenever I asked her to lift a finger around the house. Thus I would have to walk across town in dirty clothes with an empty stomach to school every day, I was tired, hungry and stunk at school every single day. People picked up on this and bullied me, I dealt with it by doing fucking nothing about it. I was miserable, depressed and had no self esteem. I dropped out of school in grade six and ran away at age 16. My dad overdosed on heroin and my mom got cancer and died. I was genuinely happy to hear about both of those things. They deserved it.

>that doesn't mean I wish to harm you in any way
>Translation: I am a Christian, but don't interpret that fact to imply that I wish harm upon YOU, a MUSLIM.

İ dont care how slutty infidels are

Enjoy the lousiest pussy on earth

İ am too busy having best vagina

Ahahaha gay men bragging about shit sex faggots enjoy being ordered around by women ahahahaha

even if you fight back doesn't mean that you're not suffering. I did fight back when bullied but I still felt like shit in the end of the day. When you're alone and don't really have friends (which is probably why you get chosen as a victim by bullies), it's even worse. You keep wondering why this is happening to you, especially if you're a peaceful and quiet lad as I was. And when it goes on for months if not years, you start questionning yourself, even getting to think that maybe you deserve it, maybe you're an awful person and that's why everyone hate you. Obviously, this course of thought isn't very rational, but hey : teen age is a tough and trouble time for kids, it's the period of time in which you grow from a child to an adult, and you're way of seeing and understanding the world is still a work in progress. If you can't get this, that's too bad... Maybe you're heartless, or just plain stupid.

Ive always been tall, hit 6' in grade 10 and 6'2" in grade 11
Im 6'4" now, hopefully I don't get any taller, I like this height

Everyone has always been shorter, so ive never really been bullied despite being skinny

I'm guessing the dude being bullied is afraid the Chad type dude has other Chad type friends and will get literally beat to death, which is pretty fuckin fair considering it happens quite a lot.
Sometimes its not as simple as, "hey you, bully, leave me alone"

Especially in Australia, you'd be unconscious and have a concussion if you tried to do that. Abo's usually have no life and will do anything because theyre bored

Sad, because this is relatable.
Difference is my bully was myself.

Depression, or whatever it might have been was a real bitch. I nearly killed myself a couple times.
No idea where it came from and with no real reason for it to happen I really did struggle, I'm still wearing the scars to this day.

I've got a younger brother who's in year 10 right now, and I'm hoping he doesn't get bullied by any africans.

He usually doesn't let people bully him, so if he were to be bullied by them he'd fight back and with the Apex gang growing here in Melbourne, he could get badly hurt.

I've got a friend of mine who works at a bar and has to kick out members of the gang when they get too drunk and shit, and if it wasn't for a co-worker of his who told him that they were coming back to "beat him to death", he'd probably be in the hospital right now.

Fucking gangs man, I never thought I'd see something like this in Melbourne.

oh, I get it now. That's a contest thing. Lots of depressed people need to compare how miserable they're are because you need your suffering to get acknowledged. Well, i'm sorry to tell you that it won't get you anywhere. Better try helping others, that's the only real cure for inner emptiness, rather than desperately expecting others to cry over you, which only will bring you endless disappointment. Anyway, take care of yourself.

Mate, everybody is capable of being bullied. Wether prettyface or not. Fat or skinny, tall or short, strong or weak. Bullying doesnt just involve that. When someone's mom is dead, he is an easy target. When someone's dog has died, little sister has been raped or whatever, it is a potential victim.

It is actually worse than in any movie I ever saw. It's not 2 or 3 guys insulting you when you pass by, it's the whole class and even more.

It start with 1 guy who don't like you for no apparent reason, but too bad for you he is popular in the school and have a lot of friends. So after a while its all his group then all the class then the whole school.

And it's not only insult, it's rumor like I have a small dick and even your friends you had before tries not to be seen with you.
When you say something to the teacher like I don't want to come in class anymore they don't fucking care and tell you you'll have 0 to the test. At a moment like this you truly think about suicide,very sad thing to think about when you're 13yo


I'm more or less past that user, its just dealing with what happened that it the hard part.
You know how ex heroin/meth/coke/crack addicts on rehab are told to talk about their past, understand why they did it and why they stopped? This is my rehab.

Its very easy to relapse and sit there and cut yourself for an hour because 1. It relieves emptiness and 2. It gives you something other than suicide to focus on.


İts funny you dont even understand

Gangs are fucked.
Tell your brother to keep under the radar, avoid a fight and don't diss anyone for no reason.

Even if that means being humble and "looking like a bitch"
Your life is worth more than a little self respect and a little respect from others.

At the end of the day, he's the good man for having a life and not going around and picking fights.

Make sure he knows that.