This guy is literally autistic and a living meme. Dubs decide what i say

This guy is literally autistic and a living meme. Dubs decide what i say.

"My favorite anime is Naruto"

"want to see my tits?"

Im diagnosed with severe autism

My favourite anime is Corey in the house


His twitter for reference

Looking to get married?


Start some gay action

"Don't play games with me, faggot. I was born at night, but it wasn't last night"



My favorite anime is Corey in The House


Signed, sealed, and delivered.


Give us some chat pics

Heu heubhue huebhubuuebhurb he hue hue hu

wud u like 2 yiff
ill show u how if u dont no~ :3

2 winrars, stop jacking off OP and post screenshots