Feels thread

Feels thread.

Get in here Sup Forumsros.
What's on your mind.

Other urls found in this thread:


dumping what I have






end of dump.

Anyone lurking?

>emotional shit pops up
>everyone sees weakness
>acts like a little bitch
>starts to act like a bigger asshole to compensate

bipolar is a really shitty thing to have

one day you might feel great, greater than ever, and the next you feel empty and at rock bottom.

it never stops switching from wanting kill yourself and not wanting to in the slightest sense

i dunno, i may not even be bipolar, i have never been diagnosed, but shit mayn, thats how i feel all the time

Been through that, too.
If you still have the chance, try to not be so aggressive.
If they see your weakness, who gives a fuck.

The less you care about what they see the happier you'll be.

Its strange, user. But I feel like that all the time.
My life is a constant roller coaster of emotions.
Every day is either really good, or really bad. Its a gamble, really.
And I feel like it can switch at a moments notice.

i'm just scared that I might lose my gf one day because she cant handle being with me anymore

i dont want that to happen, because shes the only person i have loved not blindly, but with reason and substance.

i just hope that i wont lose her



We're all given an opportunity to make our lives better.
For some, it may be a new job or a new pet.
For you, it might be Her.
user, she is delicate and if you love her too much, or too little; you'll lose your only opportunity.
Stay Focused. Make sure you arent ignoring her
but that you aren't in her face all the time.
Its cliche, but love is really like a drug user.
Don't OD. Do it in small doses.

Gotta get up and try and try and try.

thanks user, i'll keep that in mind.

No problem.
I know we're all supposed to be hating each other and everything, but I care about you user.
Don't fuck up. I've done my time fucking up the only girl I had.
If you have any questions, i'd be more than happy to answer if I can.


whats the best way to avoid feeling depressed or angered, if anything bad happens, such as if my gf broke up with me with no warning?

i have temper issues, last time a girl did that, i went downtown, drank till i couldnt walk and broke windows, cars and screaming out of frustration on the street while i was getting drunk?

btw thx user

Yeah, when that happened to me I couldn't remember how many times I blacked out with my fist in a wall or in a cell.
The best thing to do is if you feel angry, say she broke up with you.
Go to the club. PUSH YOURSELF to do things you dont want to do.
Have a strong feeling of being a hermit in your room and wallowing in self pity? Go out and party.
Do something you would never do normally. Something exciting.

For depression, you can also do that or you can
find something to be a hobby. A connection away from reality.
For me, for example its CS:GO. For others its
painting or boxing. Dancing, even.

If not, its pretty much you sitting in your room
for countless hours until the day you finally decide to kill yourself.

the best way to not feel that feel anymore, is to make your emotions your bitch.

Feels threads are bad for you. Cry if you need to and move on.

Its okay user, Not everyone can cope by just crying.
Having a shoulder to cry on and someone to talk to isn't so bad, is it?