Republic of Australia

>Republic of Australia


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Begone with your Africa-tier flag fag.

uhh it's actually a wallaby

shut up maple branch

if liz ever kicks the bucket
but she's immortal, so never

>yellow and blue in a flag
name 1 (one) country that has this and isn't a shithole

And you're a leaf, so make like one and fuck off.


Why? I mean, how much money does having a monarchy actually cost the taxpayers these days?

Curious about this for Britain too.

Just to make sure it seems that i care for the topic: Is this about setting free from the queen of england?? Go lads!

Anyways.. what's some good shit to do.. basically anywhere on the eastcoast in the next 5 weeks? Festivals??

>how much money does having a monarchy actually cost the taxpayers these days?
less than a president would cost, since she doesn't live here :^)

>Go lads!
he said while gurgling on refugee cock


>inb4 memes
im sure there are some nice islands. are the bahamas nice?

Ahahahah, there's one of them here actually...
You can't complain about setting off from the idea to have a World Government now can you?

>malcolm prepbull.jpg

>>Republic of Australia

do republics HAVE to have republic in the name? just call is oz

Australia is officially 'the commonwealth of australia', I don't think they would have to change it

Idea: Peoples Cantonese Republic of Southern Hemisphere China

>inb4 memes
your whole country is a meme

They would, it'd become Republic of Australia or some shit. Loads of little things like that would have to change, since it'd take a lot of effort without any meaningful gain there's not much public or political will behind a republican movement.

If Australia removes its cuck stamp New Zealand will officially be the most cucked nation in the southern hemisphere

It's a wizard hat

Nah, they don't have to change it. 4 of our states are technically Commonwealths, as it Puerto Rico.

no need to make it official mate

no, it actually is a kangaroo

fucking Never

We still want to believe in a British empire

The monarchy makes money for the country you mong

Never hopefully
For example, whenever a member of the royal family visits Australia - any member, not just the Queen - the Australian taxpayer picks up the tab. For example, it cost us almost $400,000 for a five day tour by Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall in 2005 and $1.8 million for a visit by the Queen to Melbourne in 2006. Not paying for royal tours in future will be an ongoing benefit for Australian taxpayers for the rest of the life of the Australian nation.

The Australian taxpayer will also be excluded from the cost of providing needless baubles for the royal family. In 2006-07 the Australian Government paid almost $400,000 for a gaudy royal coach that was built by an Australian monarchist, Jim Frecklington, as a private gift to the Queen for her 80th birthday.

>be republican
>be unassimilated chinese immigrant
pick two


NEVER. This land and its people belong to the Crown and Queen Elizabeth and there is NOTHING you can EVER do about it!

if the royals came we would still pay for it, the host nation always pays for diplomatic visits regardless of where they are from, they would probably come less often but shes been to France and USA as many times as Australia
plus we have to pay to redesign all coins and the $5 note that was just done, reprint and mint all that shit, redo the flag and replace every flag we have, remove the word 'royal' from everything and reprint signs etc

Jesus fucking christ get maccas ya picky cunt

you are unironically arguing with a republican, what exactly are you hoping to achieve? I've genuinely never met one who wasn't autistic, a recent chinese immigrant or a literal communist

I posted the link to say there are costs with being in a monarchy and also becoming a republic if you actually read the link you would've known that.

Republicans in Monarchist countries should be hanged for treason imo

sorry m8, it's just I've wasted too much of my life arguing with republiteenagers

>having a flag that is africa tier

t. republican that doesn't mind the cuckstamp

She loves you

You love her back, don't you?

She's a nice lady but she's not necessarily a perfect fit for a head of state
That and her son's a hippy gobshite


me on the left

When Charles is gone, you'll have William and Kate, and it'll be plain sailing from then on.

papua new gunia better goes into the indonesia sphere, we can uncuck them hopefully.

Fuck off ya chink bastard Papua will be ours again

Tbh I'd bet anything on it skipping Charlie and going straight to king Willie. Charles seems like an alight guy but public relations wise he'll never get over the mess that was his marriage to Di. And literally everyone loves Will and Kate.

But the queen will probably out live Charles anyhow so we'll never know.

>papua new gunia better goes into the indonesia sphere, we can uncuck them hopefully.

Given your chimpy muslim behaviour lately teman, they're better off staying in the stone age as spear chucking nig nogs.

CGP Grey video explaining it

>mfw it means UK kingdom family still owns aussie land

>This is the power of Sup Forums intellectuals

But it's a China land now.
>People's Republic of Chinestrine

No no don't say that. Britannia rule the waves

Serious question here.

How likely is it for Australia to become a republic after QEII dies?
Canada will probably never sever ties, but I hear this more coming from Australia?
Also how about New Zealand?

Republican movements don't get any attention. No one really cares or pays attention to who is the head of state only who the PM is.

I'm fairly certain republicanism is bigger in Australia than it is in Canada or New Zealand. The Labor Party is officially republican, The liberals have no official position but a lot of the party are republicans.

Elizabeth II has been on the back of our coins for as long as practically anyone can remember, so I think everyone become rather accustomed to her. When Charles secedes her I think it is likely republican sentiment will grow. Since the republican referendum in 1999 failed theres sort of been an unsaid understanding among republicans that they won't make another push for it until the queen dies or abdicates.

No one can really be bothered as they'd just waste billions arguing about flags, how to do it, the abos will want their 1.5% say and most people are just sick of the shit.
It'd be cheaper and less painful to just invade and annex the UK

Lads, the Americans gave up on the monarchy. Do you really want to end up like them?

>wanting to become a republic

You didn't learn from America, Brazil, Germany and basically every single republic in the world?
Republicanism is cancer.

>implying strayans would ever abandon the queen

>It'd be cheaper and less painful to just invade and annex the UK
Why has no one proposed this yet, brilliant.

i can only speak for NZ but here republicanism is a joke, a meme movement.

Why try fix it when it's not broken.

The most powerful country in the world?

I believe my statement speaks for itself.

aus and canada have continents to themselves too, they'll be the next US
make the commonwealth great again lads

this tbqh

No, Commonwealth and Republic both have similar enough meanings, the latter (res publica, of the public's concern) has somewhat more of a political implication, the former more of an economic one
