Just found out that the girl I'm seeing has been on medication and therapy since like highschool...

Just found out that the girl I'm seeing has been on medication and therapy since like highschool. Is there no such thing as a mentally stable woman? I can't even remember the last time i dated someone who wasn't on antidepressants. I fucking hate mental meds. I've had relationships collapse because someone forgot to refill their prescription and went off the deep end. It's a dependency on chemicals and I hate it. Can't even trust that anything she says or feels is even real.

Pic unrelated

Any of you nerds on meds?

only self medication


sounds like you're the unsupportive asshole. but whatever

Alright, I'll take the bait. Grow up and realize that some people need extra help with their mental state. You wouldn't blame someone with cancer for staying on meds, so how is something like depression, bipolar, or schizophrenia any different? And your past relationships didn't fail because of missed pills, there are always other factors

When someone is ill he/she need medication, it's not like drugs or alcohol, u dumb ass

Meaning what? Alcohol?

Supported my last ex through 2 years of bullshit including two extended visits to a mental hospital. So fuck you buddy. I only have a finite capacity to support other people before I lose myself.

>on Sup Forums

>implying you're mentally stable

always alcohol user, it helps

>And your past relationships didn't fail because of missed pills, there are always other factors

No, she changed up her meds and it pretty much killed her emotions and she just stopped caring about everything. She pretty much just dropped me and walked away.

I ran out :/

Idk man I've seen it change people in weird ways and it scares me.

>I have trust issues with people on meds because a girl betrayed me

you cannot be more underaged than this.

I'm with you OP. A lot, not all, but a lot of people who are on behavioral meds are fucked up from it. Same boat as you, my girl had been on some shit for her anger and it just couldn't work. She was too disturbed for me and caused fights all the time. These fucks dont understand cause they've never been there, but we have and it blows. I hope you find a stable girl for yourself.

Several relationships and friendships in a row. More than "boo hoo my fuckbuddy don't like me no more".

ur body is naturally producing these substances(or doing that particular action in your boy which the AD activates), if your body can't produce it naturally, it won't function properly, so you are a complete dumbass for noz researching. get rekt

>these fucks don't understand because they've never been there

Hello hello, I'm a girl with bipolar, currently on seroquel in a loving long term relationship with a guy with depression and ASPD. It's worked out for years because we both are patient with each other, listen, and are accommodating. Maybe if OP wasn't being such a child over it things would work out. He's judged the poor girl without even giving her a chance

someone actually knows whats up.


Instead of asking "are there sane girls", why don't you ask yourself why you kept picking up girls with mental issues. Maybe you might try going to a different spot to meet different kinds of girl. Maybe it's a kink that was causing you a problem, like for example you like shy girls, but most shy girls are probably on anxiety meds. this is just probably a matter of exposure to your environment, OP. if all girls in your area is on meds, then you might try moving places.

this, medication doesnt add anything new, it replaces whats missing

If I had no patience I would've jumped a lot earlier than two years in don't you think? Maybe the first breakdown that put her in hospital would've been a great time to jump?

Just because you worked it out doesn't mean everyone can

yeah i already said that
thanks, but remember to not trust any1 on the internet

You americunts all seem to have some sort of mental disorder diagnosed by some quack.. adhd=stupid, bipolar/depressed=bored from not having to struggle for survival.. enjoy being cucked by pharma companies..

Every girl I have ever been involved with has been or was in therapy, taking psych meds, cutting, or whoring around out or self loathing at some stage of their existence.
The only ones i've encountered who don't are usually ultra nerd asians or complete social rejects.

Women are inherently mentally unstable man

>it balances the already present chemicals

> Mfw straya

Trips dont lie


get the fuck out im australian like this faggot

keep telling yourself that lol

Personal anecdotes are the best arguments :^)