Is today's generation absolute fucking garbage?

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3.bp.blogspot.com/-f-HPyK3jeJE/UJJMtBaDb4I/AAAAAAAB6HM/4AmeZwvknuA/s640/11.Crowd of unemployed men reading newspapers, standing on the sidewalk in front of the Chicago Daily News building, boy in the foreground.jpg

Yes, absolutely. People can't fucking put their phones down for anything, even when driving.

Yes but there still hope for those of us who were born in the early 90's and remember what life was like without technology. Difference is I had to beg for a shitty flip phone in 6th grade kids these days get iphones before even signing up for school.

Every generation thinks the next generation is shit.

In this case we might be right.

>ITT: Baby boomer faggot scum who betrayed raped and pillaged the country bad mouthing decent human beings
It's like a sadist assbag shit talking that person who's always chipper and helpful.


Nope, were far better off then other generations. Most educated etc


Generation Z is what everyone complains about.
But they try to stick it to generation Y for some reason.
I also love how they try to call generation Y the ME generation, when that's the Boomers. Generation Y is the lease selfish of all the generations and the only generation willing to save and wait instead of get into massive debt.

the baby boomers are where things started going off the rails

their money dumbfuckery is the greatest of their fuckups, followed by their hippie bullshit, and many other things that are still-existing problems

most of congress are boomers

boomers created a generation they bitched about, even though the problems facing GEN X were created by the boomers who didn't fix their fuck ups, and did nothing to help the generation they created

GEN X was where family became single moms, and those single moms created GEN Y (now called millennials), which is a generation full of faggots and cunts that were over validated their entire lives by single mothers, yet know nearly nothing about everything.

now we have GEN Z, who being the product of the over validated GEN Y (millennials) dumbfucks, are insanely over validated, thus GEN Z think they are the most awesome generation every because of technology (that was created by GEN X), even though GEN Z are the dumbest fucks of all the generations, and they can't navigate life without their phones to tell them what to do - google is their brain

thanks baby boomers!


Generation Y and Z were born onto a fast dying planet because of previous generations and most of Gen Z and a little of gen Y will see the end of this planet or the end of the human race which is pretty cool but also extremely shitty

Bullshit. Well, yes, there are smart and intelligent individuals, but they are seemingly few, because the most part of society consists of retarded tumblrettes, PC's and others with mental health issues.

mobile phone zombies

feminists, mgtow and other anti-traditionalists disagree


Of course we think the next gen. is shit since we dont "understand" them, its pretty much what our parents thought about our generation too. But with technology and such progressing just wait for the next few gens to pop up. Once we get to be around 70+ we will look at those gens. like all old people look at our gen right now

>Subjective opinions
You utter pleb, you think your life on the internet accurately reflects the real world? Jesus fucking Christ, user. Go the fuck outside. This generation is the most productive, successful, intelligent, open minded and educated out of any living generation.

Generation Z is a product of generation X so far. We're too early into Z for a significant portion of them to be the product of the still young Y.

truth, we are the least intelegent generation with scientific breakthroughs nobody cares about and an education sistem that teaches an marxist ideology

Everyone I knew in school got pregnant almost instantly after school

no qeustion fuck yes



The silent generation is the awful generation that glorfies diners and red white and chrome color schemes.
They're the generation that really built the McMansion.
They're also extremely self centered.
But not like the boomers.
The silent geners at least save some wealth for their children.
The Boomers blow everything they get as soon as they get it.
Generation X and Y will get little to no inheritance. And with the foreseeable economic climate that's a damn shame.
The boomers are working through retirement out of necessity to make up for their bad decisions and impulses.
The following generations will because of the previous mistakes.
You're handed so much from the people before you, it don't maintain it you ruin nations.
Look at south africa.


>all generations are garbage

Holy shit, either upload the picture or don't. Drop the newfaggotry. You don't "link" here.

Disloyal, no respect, no commitment, easily misled, half brain dead

hispanic mostly school? i swear they treat having multiple baby daddies as a right of passage.

Jesus Christ, it's all just subjective. We're obviously going to hate other generations, just like every other generation will hate every other generation. Everyone, including whichever generation you belong to, is shit.

Fuck being open minded and liberal. In my opinion, the most progressive and most productive human race was by the 19.th century and 20.th. This what's happening now, with media and globalisation, will lead mankind (not counting orangutans) to it's grave.
Yes, you are right in some way, but by being this open minded, you will let others, who are not that open minded, take control over your life.


This bait ain't even good dude

Lol, nice!

3.bp.blogspot.com/-f-HPyK3jeJE/UJJMtBaDb4I/AAAAAAAB6HM/4AmeZwvknuA/s640/11.Crowd of unemployed men reading newspapers, standing on the sidewalk in front of the Chicago Daily News building, boy in the foreground.jpg

For fucks sake, stop being reasonable!

I can name a group of people that care about an education system that teaches marxist ideology... whisperjewswhisper.

Yup... sort of that,

>Gen W: Fuck it who cares fucking spend it all. Fuck everything up we're fiiiiiiiiiine.
>Gen X: Uh... we're running out of resources fast what do we do!? Uh... uh.... uh...... I don't know man shits all fucked up.. we can fix this. I'm pretty sure we can fix this... Shit! What the fuck do we do!?
>Gen Y: Thanks MOM you ruined everything! God! I really need that new phone! I don't care if it's 500 dollars OMG! You're such a fucking bitch!
>Gen Z: Phoooooooooooone. Instagraaam. Tu... Tumblr.. I have so many followers! Everything is bad because of the old people! Oh my god, my black boyfriend definitely din do nuffin'! Don't call me her! My tumblr clear states I only accept being called a Unicorn!

>born in the early 90's

Fucking newfag, your generation are the problem too

>Whither are the manly vigor and athletic appearance of our forefathers flown? Can these be their legitimate heirs? Surely, no; a race of effeminate, self-admiring, emaciated fribbles...
Town and Country Magazine, 1771

You'd think the only people ignorant enough of history to parrot this line would be children, since you can see literally every generation ever saying this same shit over and over.

Why everyone born in the 90s thinks we are so great? Just cause you didn't had an iPhone? "Hur dur I used to play outside like real kids were meant to". I'm pretty sure your parents said the same shit about you. "Hur dur our generation was best with no Nintendo"


This is not Generation Z...


What you are calling Y and Z are actually milenials.

>most of Gen Z and a little of gen Y will see the end of this planet or the end of the human race
no, they won't

It will be gen z's kids that see society crumble
If thing keep going the way they are going

That's the point they're all the fucking same. Y demanded the new phones and felt they deserves them. Z 'knows' they deserve them and can't live with out them. If a global emp went off right now, Y and Z would cease to exist because they'd straight up kill them selves. They'd have zero purpose. No shitty youtube personality to blindly follow? No more new followers on your 15 different social media accounts? What's the point of living?

Are you joking?
It's not going to take that long
Look around shit, this is all I see everyday.

You need to speficy what age ranges you referencing,because you're bouncing all over the groups.

It's certainly a generation of entitlement, I wouldn't call it complete garbage however

There's a difference between being open minded and passive, the world isn't that black and white. They were progressive and productive for their times, but they also did some of the most heinous shit in makind's history. What's the point in industrial revolution if it comes at the expense of your own species? What's happening now will save mankind from destroying itself. We're currently going through a societal backlash due to our secretive history and it's now pushing in the opposite direction for complete transparency and political correctness. That'll calm down and balance in time, but our species will be better off for it with people being accountable for their actions regardless of station or wealth. Those who aren't open minded are inflexible, inflexible people break.

It's the triggered generation.

It's a generation of people defined by what upsets them.

I think you mean most intelligent, though due to our population explosion it seems like there are more stupid people around. Your English ability provides a good example. You know the U.S. isn't the only place in the world, right? There are plenty of places with phenomenal education systems, like Norway, Denmark, Finland and Sweden.

Please tell me more about how little people care about our world view changing scientific breakthroughs in recent years. Just because you're ignorant, doesn't mean others are.

As is every generation, you're just more aware of it because of the internet.

this generation isnt garbage u bitch its the last generation that fucked us. this generation is the best because we have better tochnology and are more open and stuff

I think it's more of a problem centered on poor genetics rather than simply external factors.

If you were born naturally intelligent and wise then you'd use the internet solely for education and money-making reasons rather than fake socializing.
You'd read a book instead of reading twitter and reddit.
It's an active decision which can easily be self-controlled if you weren't born stupid and lazy to the point of handicapped.

Certainly the most entitled. I thought my generation was bad but holy shit.

This is the true helicopter parenting generation. It's no wonder they can't deal with criticism and problems

gr8 b8

Are you a leftist?
Anyway, that somehow does make a sense, but how can you be so sure, that after we have taken several years of crap from others, everything will come in balance? It won't. It's like in a lions pack or whatever, where one animal is the dominant one, and when he gets old and passive, he gets taken over. Everyone wants to be that leader. The dominant one. Like mudslimes in EU, slavs in Post-Soviet states and etc.


As if the enviorment an individual grew up in has nothing to do with who they are or how they turn out. Sounds like you need to read a book friend.

Yes Fuck all the Sjw types Cucks and Feminists

Well technology is better... But holy shit society has lost its balls. Kids coming up today have to be protected by everything and basically are defaulting to what the weakest position they can take is.

No one stands up for anything... but they will stand against everything. Self esteem has been stripped down to who can complain the loudest - and who is the biggest victim.

Yea this generation so far is the worst... But there is hope. Its fucking fading though.

All generations are complete shit but at least today we can watch porn literally anywhere

Gen Z girls seems like theyre easy to fuck though but other than that, Gen Z is the worst.

Actually the naming convention for those born 95-2025 (due to the large range of years) is going towards the Alpha Cohort option rather than continuing with the x-y-z format

Yes they are shit fucks, they may be less malicious than millenials but thats exactly the point they are all faggots and literally the coolest are still socially crippled and dont seem to on average have the same intellectual grasp as millenials

My brother turned 14 the other day and all these 12-15 year olds were at his party and literally theyre like the cool kids ob campus and shit but all they do is talk to eachother through kik even when theyre in the same room and meme at eachother

I'm apart of this generation and well I don't understand the fucks. I'm not like the stereotyped 'teen' or millenial since I have manners, can live without my phone, don't need a safe space, don't whine (this post is not whining), and I like to learn. I credit this to excluding myself from the 'zombies' and do whatever I want to

Edgy teens getting mad at their "generation".

Only thing bad about the generation is the SJWs and Feminist faggots.

True, user, true. And that constant lack of will for doing something themselves. They just expect that everything will be done for them by others. And whlist they are waiting, they will take selfies to please their selfishness. Ridiculous.

My generation was shitty but this one is by far the worst

hopefully Trump can give the whine-asses some reality and tough love

the only gens that were even semi good was the ones that had niggers in the fields but they had to go and fuck that up with the god damn civil war and all that shit

This so much at my youngest brothers bday party there were two kids literally trying to oust eachother in a self depreciation match
Shits backwards as fuck

For another example I took them to the park yesterday with my daughter and another kids dad started yelling at my brother and his friends like they werr his kids or something and they were just cringing in fear
Mind you these kids are starting highschool soon
So I scooped up my daughter and gave her to my brother and they were all feaeful telling me to apologize and shit and they were like in awe that someone could stick up forthemselves and others thought getting back in someones face was like so fucking cool

I tried getting through to them when someone confronts you you fight back

Millenials are bad, but 90s kids are worse.

You fucking dunce 90s kids ARE millenials why do people think the kids in hs and shit right now are millenials
The last millenials graduated in 2012 the kids born thereafter are called alpha cohort or gen z
Dumb fuck

ur a poor social reject stop pretending ur better than anyone

Future fedora fag spotted

if you never seen, or can't remember what 9/11 is or was, then you are part of the worse generation imaginable.

Simple as.

Gen X, the gen that got fucked by the collapse of the family unit and the rise of the boomers into power. The first gen to find rising prices and stagnating wages meant they had little upward momentum and the generation before them offered no help, since they couldn't understand why Gen X couldnt just work their way through college on a part time minimum wage job.

Gen X gave birth to Gen Z, and were so focused on giving their kids all the support Gen X never had that Gen Z became entitled little shits who think they are OWED everything

Gen Y, those who want to be part of the societal and pop cultural powerhouse that Gen Xers became but didnt have the same struggle and character building background to do it. Focused too hard on making and fitting in to the clique of the moment that they dont see the wider, more important, world around them. Gen Y responsible for shit like making the Kardashians famous. The absolute degeneration into pop culture zealots and followers of whatever media says they should be


All people younger than me, should be put down.

Every generation shits on the younger generation, this time they're actually right.

This (my) generation is SHIT. We're overwhelmed with whiny, irresponsible shitheads who are obsessed with meaningless shit and pointless ego-stroking/popularity. These fucking retards pay for followers on instagram and twitter, obsess over facebook, etc. It's awful. Then there's the whining, EVERYTHING is an affront, EVERYTHING is an offense. If you disagree you're automatically evil, if you offend you're automatically a something-ist or something-phobe (racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe, trannyphobe etc.). And the worst thing is now we're trying to normalize mental illness, trying to shape the entire planet around accommodating people who are so fucking CRAZY they think that they're not male or female, they're "fluid" and change gender and sexual orientation randomly.

I want off this ride.

This so fucking much
>Gavin McInnes detected

What a comeback

> Born in the 90s
Which means what? You didn't smoke weed and drink Mickey's malt liquor while watching mtv when it was still on channel 25? Which means you don't remember when 90% of girls didn't dress like street walkers and you actually had to work to get in their pants? You don't remember when being bullied meant getting your ass beat by a jock and not just called names on social media? Gtf out faggot.

This guy knows whats up (his ass)

i remember beating off jocks in the 90s.

I swear i'm not gay

I'm technically gen y. But yes gen z is absolute fucking garbage.

They both are. I'm glad I decided a long time ago to stay the fuck away from social media cancer.

Gave me a chuckle.

Born in 93 but I still remember doing that shit except instead of MTV it was vice or my dads old space ghost coast to coast tapes

In fact I still do that

Every older generation thinks the younger generations suck....now get off my lawn!!

Agreed. Now my grandpa (born in 1924, still living like a badass), THAT'S a great generation. Whenever he talks about life when he was in his late teens and early twenties I'm always amazed by the strength, critical thinking and grit those guys have. Truly the greatest generation.

If Sup Forums existed in 1674 and you asked this question you'd the same answer, yes

Whining pussies who need a safe place. Thinks bullying is bad. Always offended.
Living at home past 20 years old.

Would you like a tissue for your tears?

Yeah but it started with those faggy silent genners and their greaser gangs and oversized cars and motorcycles

It's this kind of shit right here that makes me wish real bullying was still a thing. Little pussy faggots that aren't even old enough to *earn* respect, but are being pandered to. It's false respect because nobody actually respects a whiny, insignificant person who at 22 years old still needs a place to hide and cry when they get offended.

All generations are garbage. I was born in 84 so I'm not really a Gen Xer or a millennial. That being said, some of the worst and most whiny and entitled people I've ever met are fucking baby boomers. They whine as much as any group of people, then complain about other people whining. Boomers just want to sit on their ass and collect social security money and millennials and gen z just want to sit on YouTube and twitch and make money that way. Either way, no problem, everyone my age will just do all the actual work. Do thanks boomers for destroying this country and thanks everyone else for not doing anything to help.

>todays generation
>implying any generation isnt fucking garbo including ours, yours, old peoples.

humans are all garb.

your dad watched space ghost? rad.