Dubs decide how I kill myself, I have a knife and a rope be creative

dubs decide how I kill myself, I have a knife and a rope be creative

Cut your dick of and throw it out of the window. The end.

his head seems to double as his head

you dont


Every year he learnt something new.

His head seems to double as his dick*
Well, I'm retarded af


Hang yourself with a knife

Stab the rope



or, hang yourself by your cock and balls (with a knife?) and do it out a high rise window.

Jump off a skyscraper, while masturbating.

Death by rope-burn

Cut your balls

check dem trips


First, same a pict of yoy + rope + knife

*share, sorry

Op you stole this picture i have seen this one before FuckFace.

put knife on rope, spin rope other head in school

Dress like this to the bank. Death by cop.

Cut yourself into tiny slices with the knife (start from the lesser required parts, like legs and left arm, unless youre left-handed). use the rope to stop the bleeding (by puting it around your limbs to stop the blood from flowing). Eat yorself. after you have consumed about 500 ml of yor own blood you will become unconscious. Then you will probably bleed to death, since you are no pro at stoping a bleeding with a wounded arm and a rope.

also, here is a pic I took randomly from my pic folder

Go to Germany, get some explosives, meet Merkel, scream ALLAHU ACKBAR and take her with you.