Walk into shower

walk into shower

see this

wat do???

take a shower

But there's a guy in the way

hand him a towel and ask when he's gonna be done

Take out my baseball bat and close the door behind me

"Oh sorry bro" then leave

make him my pet

More guys like this?

Realize I'm drunk and at the wrong house.

what do you mean?

sex slave

oh well here is a picture of him with a bunny tail if that's in your interests

Do a 360 and moonwalk away

Quality post

It's 2016 and you're still taking showers? God you men are bigoted. Don't you even know about #NoEqualityNoShower


Slam the door in his face.

I thought it was Danny from nsp at first

Duck bin

Fucking kick it out of my fucking shower

Rape him with a hunting knife

>my baseball ball bat
is that what you call your erect homo-penis?

Is nobody gonna ask why he is showering in his underwear?

get a boner, feel awkward.

Ask him what's his time in the gym and meal plan then , excuse myself out.