Well done, Croatia

Well done, Croatia.

Megumin approves of your explosion magic against the Czech Republic.

Other urls found in this thread:


why are germs such weeb faggots

>complains about weebs
>posts on an anime image board

we wuz megumin and shiet

a new thread for Croatia.
I never understood why Germans dislike Croatia so much.

At least they're not pro-Muslim like UK

...Wait, goddamn it Western Europe get your predominant race back in order, or else they'll start popping up here, what the fuck

>sports board
>weeb shit
ishiggy shiggy kek


i love croatia and explosion magic (the latter only in anime though)

i've been to croatia a lot of times a kid, the beach is great. the cevapcici as well

Unlike Germany? I watched that movie Race about Jesse Owens and that shot when he enters the stadium and sees thousands of white people standing up and saluting to their leader with joy made me feel proud. They belonged somewhere where they could loudly cherish their home, their race, who they are, what their dreams for their country are and nobody could look wrongly at them for having that absolute right on that sunny day. That was not evil, it was ultimate peak of prosperity, goodness of hearts and minds that comes out of such state of nation.

They have you believing THAT is indotrication and that listening about how evil not bringing up equality on every occasion is, how little will you matter if you don't give your best to compete in ever lasting competition of coming off as the most righteous person based on how many feminist pages you like and follow or how many women you treat properly and they have you believe that what your nation is and what it can be is already predefined by the evil of the past and this non-progress that they think is future. We have never been more systematically indoctrinated in the history of humankind than we are today and Germany is the single most absurd national experiment on the European soil. Once Reich of united people and now post-occupation Western cesspool which sent each and every one of healthy minded people into historical and academic oblivion of insiginificance and completely obliterated profile of people who see the error of this. Germany is absolute non-democratic shit even compared to Croatia, let alone the greatest nation this planet has ever known that is the United States of America.

>complaining about anime on an anime imageboard

oh crap, this is animu faggots thread
I'm out

I feel you are very insecure.
Might you be from Rijeka?

is there something wrong user

There is literally nothing wrong with liking anime.

holy shit calm down, nobody cares

>On March 15, 2013 he was arrested after verbal attack on Croatian Minister of Sports, Science and Education Željko Jovanović on a radio show.

>Go to Croatia
>Arrested for Verbal Attack
>Show US Passport
>Go back to USA and tell dirty Croat kikes to fuck off

You guys having fun emulating the German model rather than being God-Tier like Americans with out 1st and 2nd Amendments?

>Time to team up with our mountain Jew bros and sort these clowns out once and for all

Reminder that anime is haram and only mussies don't save anime pics

You can't handle even handle Montenegro/Kosovo how are you going to deal with Croats?

So, Bosnians? Makes sense.

Sup Forums has always been anime-friendly


Daj budalo dođi mi ovdi da načakijam tebe i tvoje nebuloze.

megu a shit

>weeb shit
not compatible

ppl like you exist

fuck off cuck

You a shit.

Eto mene u Puli ove godine da oprobam lokalne devojke :^)

Can't we all just get along?

Ma onda slobodno! Ako mos pobij malo tih Istrana usput, podsjecaju me previse na Šveđane.

ironija je u tome sto se srbija konstantno smanjuje.
mali ljudi u sve manjoj zemlji hehe.

I wonder why did you write such insignificant uncreative comment that undermines reason and thinking I presented? This is precisely the sort of thing that prevents progress and I saw it during my education in a public school for the first 8 years. It makes me burn torches in public during a football game.

Hvala za blagoslov, sad mi je mnogo lakse.

Dogodine :^)

oprobat ćeš ih nema šta
u puli ćeš jedino naić na neku gay plažu

Bože mili, odkad su pedercine postale dozvoljene u Lijepoj Našoj?

Kad je Merkelica pocela vladat Europom I kad smo ko budale ušli u EU.

pederi su još najmanji problem

Samo ce postat veći problem ako ih ostavimo da paradiraju.
Iako se slažem da imamo većih problema.

why is megumin so fuckable? unf

Orka pipa što si eđi.
