So B, recently I had a fight. I'm not a fighter generally, because I'm pretty down to earth. However...

So B, recently I had a fight. I'm not a fighter generally, because I'm pretty down to earth. However, I found myself in a fight with a man my age yelling he was going to beat my ass for being in the wrong area. Like I said I don't fight very much, only got into a few fights in my life, but his comments after the fight had me question whether or not I fought correctly.

Let me tell you how the fight went.

>He came up began yelling and moving his hands erratically and said that he would kick my ass, etc.
>During his screaming that I leave or I get my ass kicked I punched him in the face
>I swept my leg behind his
>I continued to push his face down with my fist and used the other fist to grab his neck
>He fell to the ground with me on top
>I pulled my fist back and punched him again while pulling his neck upward and down into the ground
>I continued this motion a few more times
>I then kicked him in the ribs as I left

He said I didn't fight fair and I was a bitch as I continued my walk.

I don't understand what he means by that, as I don't think fighting has rules. What do you say, B?

Well normally you square off face to face before the fistycuffs

And countdown from 3 to 1 like 3 2 1 and then you shout GO and start figthing .

If he was looking for a fight, you did the right thing. Fuck his face up, GG

No rules in fighting. user did good

He challenged you, you beat his ass.
Fuck whatever he says, just trying to make up for losing.

I think the only real rule is no kicking the balls, otherwise everything is fair game

GG done well mate

Really? I mean, if someone is yelling at me and threatening me, I would think the consensus is to try and destroy him.

I've read enough to know that "playing war" leads you to no results.

I've always just played for keeps. The Romans would kill, rape, enslave, raze then salt the earth, why not I?

right. he said he was going to beat you up.
he never said "Oh hey user, let's have a fair fight regulated by the rules of X and Y and Z. Alright let me just put on gloves and a helmet. shake hands!"

you did the right thing.

Okay, good. I didn't want to be the dick in the situation.

It's a street fight not pro. There are no rules. He's just having a cry because he got his ass kicked.

You've seen what people are willing to do to unconscious opponents. Every single street fight can leave you with life altering injuries and possibly dead. You need to treat every street fight as if your opponent is going to kill you.

Only rely on yourself not to go too far. You have control over your actions. Don't trust your life that they do.

Their is no fair. Only winning and death.

You've seen hundreds of street fights on Sup Forums so you know how many brain injuries occur. Some of those people probably deal with memory loss for the rest of their lives. Careers could be ruined, memories of friends and family erased, personality permanently changed.

There is no fair. Fight to end the confrontation, or don't get into it.

If you both agree you want to solve your problem with a fight, you shouldn't throw sucker punch or any other tricky shot to gain an upper hand.

If some asshole threatens you, because he thinks he is tough - wreck his shit in any way. If he is around your height just headbutt him. forehead beats nose in 100/100 situations.

you absolutely aren't.
I've been on both, martial arts-tournaments and in Street fights.

it's a whole different world mate.
In a tournament, you can and should think about startegy and all that stuff.
but on the street, there is one rule for you:
Hit first, Hit hard, Run.

That's just what little faggots say when they get their asses beat after talking big. you good. the goal in a fight is to win without getting hit. next time just kick him in his junk and move on.

>on the street, there is one rule for you:
>Hit first, Hit hard, Run.


wouldn't recommend headbutt. sure you knock him out if you hit, but if he isn't enitrely drunk or stoned, he can simply back up a bit and give you an uppercut and then you're fucked. seen it twice. one time direct knockout, the other time, the person just went to ground a was left there with a bleeding nose

Yoi did good. Thats him being a pussy whinger

You want enough advice to help you the next time you square off with him? Fighting fair is how you lose a fight. Get in enough bar fights, you know the first punch is everything. Once you get on the ground its anyone's guess who wins. Let him know if you come within a certain distance with that attitude you'll fight back. Second he steps in there smash him in the face. If you let someone get right up in your face youre asking for a haymaker

I've only ever been in one fight before, and that was when I was a kid. This kid in the neighborhood was stealing shit from the other kids, and he had a knife so no one stood up to him.

I used a bicycle chain when he was talking to someone. A lot like that scene in there will be blood really.

I liked the ideas of Caesar, his opinion of war, total warfare. So that's what I fought.

My wife thought I was too violent, and he said I didn't fight fair. I'm glad you guys think that I was right.

Every thesis has it's antithesis, the conflict provides synthesis removing the flaws in each and leaving behind common cores and values. So just like the Romans I fought for keeps, but as in Christian Dogma and modern reality I didn't kill.

But, the bestially fury really wished to.