Thread 2 lets go

Thread 2 lets go

red to orange!

purple to blue

so close, red to orange again!

Green to red

orange to red!!

orange to red. fuck you.

From old thread

Orange invade purpl

red to orange!

Orange to red!!!

red to orange, again!

Green had dubs before


Green > red

i think we're ignoring the old thread now
purple to blue

green to blue

fuck green, red to green!

>be orange
>have genius scientist robert orangeheimer
>develop nukes
>destroy the living shit out of red

all is well in the world

Orange to red!!!!!!

Red is being attacked heavily
Red attackes orange

red to orange


rerolling nuke strike against red

Purple to blue

Red orange

purple celts reclaim orange land

red to orange again

Blue master race into orange

Red retaliate to green

green takes red

red to orange

Purple to blue!


blue takes green

Green >> red

red to orange!!

why aren't you focusing on the blue threat instead? blue is the only one that's invaded purple. Orange has no hostilities towards purple. Make the right decision and maybe there'll even be place for your purple kind in the new orange world.

orange -> red

Blue into purple

Purple to orange

green takes red.

purple takes orange from behind

another red to orange!

Blue launches paratroopers into the back of green


Red on green

orange to red!!!!!!!

Blue to orange

fuck you. orange to purple.

You ingored the 0

red to orange!

orange to red.

gren on blue

ah so sorry. purple to blue
purple makes alliance with range

green, takes blue


red to orange

Noooooo purple to blue!!!
Truce orange!



You didn't learn from purple's absolute annihilation? Alright then, orange -> red.

Blue shanks green

Green to red

So paratroopers didn't work, maybe xcoms will.
Blue launches xcom squads into the back of green

red on orange


>be green
>take red

Blue drops Hella onto orange

red to orange, your almost trips don't scare us!

i tried to make a truce and you attacked them again you fool!

orange to red. It's too late. The age of red is over. We should start focusing on bringing down the rising blue threat. Let's ally with green.

Purple is kill

i was gonna say you missed this but

with this it would've been over anyway

Green to orange

orange to red!

Green to red
Fucking commies

Red to greenn


red to orange!

Green on blue

Orange to red

red on orange again!



mate red are the commies XD
orange to red


red to orange

Green > red

Checked op

The orange might shines supremely.
Orange -> red

green to red bitch


Green attacks red


I know mate ahahah so green has to attack the commies!


red to green!

nuclear war has broken out
only one thing to do...
green to red

Orange -> red

Blue into oranegga