Walk into you're room

>walk into you're room
>see this
What do?

we had this thread already many times before

Take a picture and make a thread about it for the gorillionth time on Sup Forums.

Hope it has a feminine penis

Fuck in the arse

Call the police :DDD

Call the cops she's probably drugged up and passed out. Who knows what she's broken and what she's used as a toilet.

>Ops, I stepped on Argentina again.

It might be beastiality but hey, it's female, naked, in my room and I'm not related to it

Kill it with fire


notify the nearest Croatian

She's hot. I'd do her. It's weird cause I normally don't find non whites attractive because I really am into super pale skin. But it seems my only exception to that is super dark skin. Anything in between makes me gag.

>This thread
>Every week


Cover her up with a blanket so she wouldn't catch a cold

>go to Sup Forums
>see this same fucking thread again by the SAME TUFC,KING NOREAGEIAN
what dp?????????????

just stop giving this guy (You)'s, so simple


Prepare octopus

Nothing, I don't want AIDS.


disgusting desu

Call the cops immediately so they can kill it for me.

Shoot it in self defense



true bro right here lads


>and I'm not related to it

Important in Israel?


Toppest of keks

Checked and kekd


Eat her ass