This is Canada's top athlete. A 186cm 16yo girl who swims fast

This is Canada's top athlete. A 186cm 16yo girl who swims fast.

Who is the top athlete of your cunt?

This guy
He humiliates Egyptians


I'm 1m81 so she is taller than me ? that's why say ?
Fuck the Giraffes women, nobody wnat to fuck them

>Tfw only gf I ever had was taller than me

It's kind of weird but fucking amazing

>Not liking taller women

Do you hate legs?

literally looks like she's on stilts. needs some meat on those bones

>imagine how it's like to lift fuck her

He is very short

Andy Murray, I think

Michael "Mutant hands" Phelps

He plays Tennis

One of the best golfers in the world

Currently? this gal


He jumps high, kicks balls and blames his team mates if he loses.

Where is he from? I know Sweden, but before that?
His name doesn't sound very Swedish.

She's a big girl.

Some yugo country.

Yo this chick came to one of our frat parties and one of our brothers fucked her. Nice girl/10

Unbeaten at fencing, not only by other paralympic athletes but even with normal athletes

>Canada's top athlete

Yeah, I guess if you leave out like half the players in the NHL

A Kenyan who trains in America.

>That flag
>A nigger
Definitely English

Mo is also short for Mohammed.

I call BS, fraternity men would never touch her, she's just a highschool kid. If she showed up to a fraternity event, especially one where alcohol was being served, the upstanding young men would escort her outside, contact her parents, and wait with her until they arrived to bring her home.

English^2 then

Ah shit dude I got her mixed up with some other olympian girl. Could have sworn it was Penny but I guess not. The girl I'm thinking of is at UBC and was rushing Gamma Phi Beta iirc but I'm not sure if she joined.
>If she showed up to a fraternity event, especially one where alcohol was being served, the upstanding young men would escort her outside, contact her parents, and wait with her until they arrived to bring her home
We unironically do this for girls without post-secondary ID or who are too drunk.

I'd imagine you'd need a staircase just to reach her vagina.

still in peak performance


Another Michael

He haven't even reached his full potential

But he mexicunt

Okay, no peepee here


You neglected to mention she participates in the paralympics.

It was impliyed

Her probably