how does one obtain a pretty girlfriend ?
pic related. it's what i want gf to do with me.

have vast wealth or a larger than average penis


You would probably need to be a different person if ur asking this question on Sup Forums. Maybe settle for like a middle of the road foreign chick or something? Idk

Become ripped to fuck or become rich as fuck

Is this already a get thread?

Oh ;(


I have average penis and wealth and very hot girlfriend who I will wife soon. Be confident and eat good box

people who unironically think having a large penis helps you GET girls just haven't thought it through.

maybe it helps you KEEP girls, but how would you display the size of your penis to her beforehand? inb4 some meme answer like "just pull it out xd"

Lord Elliot has spoken.

have a nigger dick

show her your memes

First you get the money, them you get the power, THEN you get the pussy

Not be into gay shit like my little pony, be in decent shape, don't look ugly, don't care or wear a fedora, keep your place clean, same with your car. Don't be a stereotypical loser.even if your shits not nice, if you keep things neat and orderly its alright. I've been super poor, and now I'm doing real well, settled down, and have two kids with a hot girl. I've been with around a hundred girls, all attractive, none fat. Go places you would go that fit your interests and look for girls there. You'll still have to follow my advice. If you're really ugly or wearing some anime shirt or a dress shirt with flames on it, pants hiked up, good luck, you'll have to settle for a desperate cow if you can't get your shit together.


Actually it's like boobs, few girls are obsessed about dick size, and don't want it too big or too small. It's a misconception. I have an average dick and have had many girls crawl back to me for sex because they say I'm the best. It's about giving them attention rather than enjoying yourself most times. A big dick doesn't please them more.

If you have to ask, you will never have a hot GF

>be confident
>be athletic
>be somewhat smart
upon approaching girl, Is the girl:
1. flirtatious 2.friendly 3.oblivious 4.resilient 5.annoyed

>find desired prey
feminists tend to be 5 to any guy who approaches them openly. girls 4 and below are win able.
>4 persistently try to get her number
>never give up until she reaches 5
>3 be friendly and repeat previous
>2 simply assert dominance, ask her out
>1 flirt back

>walk away with pretty gf

Follow up, conversation skills can't just be told, and this requires some practice if you don't talk to girls. If you have an adrenaline surge approaching a girl (I used to, was a virgin til 17) then immerse yourself, talk to every hot girl, about anything, so you don't get that fight or flight. Don't do the dumb shit like telling a girl she's pretty, she hears that ten times a day. Ask questions about her, and don't be afraid to ask for her number. Getting a conversation going is the hardest part.


Best ways to come onto girls? I fucked up last time

holy triple dubs

pick one up on the internet man just go to prettygirl.com and point and click

go Nofap