Is it possible, what would it take...

Is it possible, what would it take? I've heard a large explosion could kick up enough dust and elements to bolster the atmosphere to near liveable conditions within 100 years. Fan fiction? Probably, but what makes it improbable, if not impossible?

Sorry, new phone. Is it possible to terraform the moon with our current technology?


Unless you can somehow get a magnetic field to deflect the solar wind and increase gravity so the atmosphere you create doesn't escape, then no.

You'd have a better chance of this on Mars than the moon.

the main problem with living on alien planets is that different gravities fuck us up real hard. i read somehwere that basically every other problem (terraforming, atmosphere, water) is expensive but doable with time

That crack me up when humans say that, it's not like money grows on trees or anything.... Oh no wait a minute, IT DOES.

well if we really needed to of course its not expensive, but id like to see your sorry ass funding this project

It's not really the expenditure. It's getting everyone to work together because it would definitely take a global effort to do this. We're too self centered to really make this happen

money is made of a type of linen or plastic depending on where you come from you dumb fuck


Capitalism got to the point that when faced with a cataclysm that threatens humanity we'll go with the company that will save us from peril for less. Oh and there will be special "save the earth" tax imposed.

>not having a basic understanding of economics and trade

There's a good show that was on science channel called evacuate earth that dealt with this specifically. A neutron star is slated to hit earth and we all basically can't work together to get off the planet, except for 250,000

Or kill everyone who disagrees

Maybe cos money is totally unnecessary and you humans are weak as fuck and nothing but pathetic mindless sheep.

And without capitalism we wouldnt be able to save anyone at all

If we all had to leave earth because of an impending cosmic catastrophe, only a fraction of a percent of the people of earth would be able to go. You really think the 99.5 percent of the remaining population is going to let them go without raising a stink?

sad but true

>you humans
ET, is that you?

its not funny when non-humans say that?

You do realize that we dont need capitalism in order to think and produce right? We would still be just as able to harvest materials and build the necessary machines without the motivation of paper money.


No. At habitable temperatures, the gases we would need to breath would escape from the moon's gravity due the velocity of the individual molecules. It's called Jeans Escape.

Plus atmospheres are pretty big, we don't have the technology to do chemistry on such a large scale as converting moon rock to an atmosphere.

Hit the nail on the head