New card

New card.

What do you think?


cerillian braile

Eggshell white.

replying to my own comment

i fucked up the quote, you can all burn me at the stake if you want


Full. Metal. Jacket.

that's ok i fucked up my own quote, so you win this one

brb going on a killing spree

Very nice.

That's Bone. And the lettering is something called "Cilian Rail."

That's real cool Bateman, but that's nothing.


Look at this.

Wow, that's really somethin'. How's a nitwit like you become so tasteful!?

tl;dr, faggots watching american psycho because they browse /r/hearthstone

stop being redditfags, faggots

Michael Hawk

Make sure the phone number ends in dubs fag.

>>I can't believe that Bryce prefers Van Patten's card to MINE...

>look at this thumbnail

But wait. You guys ain't see nothin' yet.

Nice trips on the phone number

fuck youre right

if this is gonna be a dubs thread can we just get this show on the road already and stop pussy footing around?

replacement image

Raised lettering. Pale Nimbus, White.





stop with your cancerous thumbnails

>>Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. OH my God... It even has a water mark.

>yfw entire thread is build up to a legendary get

>dubs bred confirmed