Ask a sociopathic Satanist and devil worshipper anything

Ask a sociopathic Satanist and devil worshipper anything

> No fucking christians or atheist trolls allowed

grow up faggot

how are you doing today?

how did you get so edgy

How's middle school?

i just reported this, have fun in the pokey, faggot.

I like that he's a Satanist and also a Devil Worshipper. Both things. Which are clearly not at all identical.

What's your favorite kind of dick to suck?

How was your shift swamping at the local Denny's?

Fuck you man, I am not only an atheist, but I dont believe in God.

So how's 8th grade going?

>that old serpent called the devil and Satan
Nice meme, faggot.

You seem to suffer of your insignificance

>Ask a faggot anything
Fixed it for you, no need to thank me

cringe thread?

1 why are you such an edgy faggot
2 why are you reposting this shit thread idea
3 why aren't you in /soc/

Why would you worship the Devil if he clearly didn't do anything for you?

You should get your money and soul back, because you got hosed..


Goddamn, nigger - you couldn't wait an hour?


Cue "Heeeey - which one of you found my facebook?" in 3...2....1....


That explains a lot. OP is a welfare sucking bogan edgemeister

this is a serious question.

I have often seen Devil worshipers and they are all doing it for earthly gain with no thought to the torment of the afterlife. Yet they are all ugly and cringeworthy assholes.

You'd think they would get something for their trouble.

Can you refine "sociopathic"?

Why do you keep making the same thread, tom?

when will you get a life and stop being an insecure little attention whore? Must suck to be you

can you define some fucking english you stupid inbred

Okay so I'm a christian and I listen to death, slam, really any kind of metal (core included)

But by your picture and your post altogether your basically begging to get roasted, like chill the fuck out dude. You look about 50 or close to it at least. If this is pasta, its a surely 10/10 one hands down, if not, grow the fuck up. You look like your having a midlife crisis while also looking to be a grandfather (God forbid you ever have or had kids)


have you managed to grow to your full potential and improve your self in every way like the Satan told to his followers?

Did your uncle go balls deep?

Again with this bullshit?
You know by being a satinist it pretty much makes you a christian. You are just proving Christs existence. Another dumbass.

Mommy hurt you bad didn't she?

I think satanists might agree

what went wrong?

>Two different names for the same entity
Thank you for proving my point.

Do you give blumpkins for money? Or cause you just enjoy it?

yeah satanist =! luciferian.

you have to be christian to be a luciferian.


op is bait, just making sure you understand the difference between laveyan satanism and theistic satanism.

Whats it like knowing a woman will never touch your penis?


Is real estate the only thing I can do being an ex convict? Nobody will hire me, not even fast food places once they see my record (beat someone to inch of their lives)
Im sick of being a leech, thinking of going homeless to un burden my family.
Only reason i consider real estate is because there is a free work shop at the college. Cause i xannot afford college, nor any grants.

>self proclaimed sociopath

You fag?