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You can't stop me


stop what



From doing this

posting pictures

from making you look at shitty MEMES



oh i get it
mr meme heh

It's memelord to you pleb

Sorry I'm not up to date on the latest memes

bye you guys thanks for posting all that sexy furry stuff


Can't stop me now~, I'm having such a good time. I'm having a ball.

You can't fucking stop me NOW







ey you got your name

I'm rejuvenated!

oh nice

Did milky actually fix it or did it just kinda fix itself

You guys played Battleboring yet?

It's worse than Overbotch

Not sure what game that is.



Also Overwatch

I like the art direction of battleborn, but that's pretty much it. The rest of the game is a fucking yawnfest. It's as if the devs tried to mash heroes of the storm together with borderlands and it just doesn't work imo

ain't even heard of that shit, knew about overwatch ofc


Trying to find a gameplay video that's less than 10 minutes long


the bright colors annoy me more than is reasonable

Sorry I was throwing up, what's up?


Save the fags!


The cutscenes are cool, they have a kind of Infamous-esque comic book style format, but the actual gameplay gets stale after about 10 minutes, just like Bored-erlands

borderlands is one of the weakest fps I've ever had the displeasure to play

Why were you throwing up?

Too much alcohol tonight.

glad I'm not the only one who dislikes it

It's abhorrent, shallow, floaty bullshit and that's just the goddamn movement and gunplay. Then you actually shoot at an enemy and enjoy the next 15 minutes of watching health bars deplete because everything's a sponge and a half.

I feel the same way. Basically forced myself to play it through with my friend because he gifted me a season pass and I felt obligated. Mr. Torgue was the only decent character IMO
>I wuz throwin up
>On a toozdey
>I think it's cos I drank too much booze eh

I totally agree, the gunplay was dull and the loot system didn't sit too well with me either

I have no idea who that is, I didn't finish it.

It was a terrible FPS with a hamster wheel mmo painted on top. Someone should be shot for that game.

Don't forget all the DANK MEMES they throw in your face


don't forget the stolen art style

dank memes are fine with a decent game

where'd they steal it from?

they hired some guy to design the graphics using an art style he had used for his own work, then they fired him last minute and kept his art

Wow that's not even plagiarism stealing that's just stealing.

and with 2 they siphoned Sega's funds for Aliens Colonial Marines into BL2 and outsourced Aliens to some no name developers
Gearbox are terrible people

I knew about the aliens bullshit, that was smeared all over the vidya press like period blood in a woman's restroom.

But they didn't even execute them well, or use good ones

There's even a fucking literal Minecraft level. With Creepers and shit. There is no escape from the arbitrary pop culture references

I didn't play it and didn't finish the first one, but isn't that borderlands 2?

>borderlands is one of the weakest fps I've ever had the displeasure to play

>team fortress 2
>1530 hours on record

>0 hours on record

Look closer. I have 8 achievements in it. I'm not sure why exactly it says I have no hours played.

TF2 is mechanically very well executed. It has more than a reasonable share of problems but it certainly doesn't compare to borderlands' inherent mechanical failings.

Holy shit no wonder Colonial Marines sucked
Worked as "floor care" at a grocery store, can confirm women do this. Send with their shit. Granted guys are guilty too, but I've never seen anything in the men's room to the degree that I did in the women's. Holy shit, it was bad

I've never been in a women's restroom so I just parrot the myth as fact.

Yeah, 2 was the only one I finished. I couldn't bring myself to play past the second chapter of the first, I was so fucking bored

Let's suppose that you were able, every night, to dream any dream that you wanted to dream. And that you could, for example, have the power in one night to dream 75 years of time. Or any length of time you wanted to have. And you would naturally, as you began on this adventure of dreams, you would fulfill all your wishes. You would have every kind of pleasure you could perceive. And after several nights of seventy five years of total pleasure each, you'd say "Oh, well that was pretty great.But now, lets um... lets have a surprise. Lets have a dream which isn't under control. Where something is going to happen to me that I don't know what it's going to be." And you do that, and come out of that one and say "Wow that was a close shave, wasn't it?" And then you would get more and more adventurous, and you would make further and further gambles as to what you would dream. And finally, you would dream where you are now. You would dream the dream of living the life that you are actually living today.

aside from BL2 using stolen art I can't think of any more fun stuff Gearbox have done at the moment

yeah I think gearbox only developed the multiplayer themselves, the rest they just took credit for

They always smell like menstruating vag. It's this musky, coppery stench that somehow can linger for years on end

Does 2 play more or less the same as 1?

I've stopped paying attention to vidya for the most part lately.

that's nauseating to imagine.

I wouldn't consider dreaming of the life I live today to be a gamble, though. If anything I'd consider it a safe bet since I'm a huge pussy anyway

Cool concept though, kind of along the lines of Hodor



fair enough, there's very few reasons to care about vidya anymore

I bought dark souls 3, as I was condemned to do by fate, and pirated gungeon. Decent decisions both I think.

More or less, yeah. The weapons were slightly improved, they added some new mechanics and animations, but overall everything kind of felt the same. The angry Mexican was my favorite PC. I got him to the point where he literally could not be taken down, and from there I just kind of stopped caring, let my eyes glaze over and sleepwalked my way through the rest of the game

Ew mathrock

Sorry user I can't dig on this kind of music. Too hard for my simple mind to follow

That and alcohol are the only ways to get through games of this caliber.

DS3 was fantastic but I haven't touched it since I finished it, which is a shame after all the time I spent in DS1 and 2

PvP fam


It got to the point where I would practice holding my breath so I could work up the stamina to take the trash out, sweep, and replace the bags with one lungful.

The shit I've done for $8/hr

At least you recognized it as mathrock. Good enough in my book. There's simpler mathrock that's just light twinkly shit I could link but I'm far too lazy.

I'd tell you something about the virtues of hard work but even I wouldn't believe it.

I've played the pvp, I didn't enjoy it as much as the other ones

By an order of magnitude it's mechanically stronger than 2 and it edges out 1 as well in my book. What was your problem with it?

Actually, I lied, here's one
something nice and mellow that I figure you could hate mathrock and still enjoy if it came down to it.

Random user here. I totally agree. The PvP in DS3 is pretty weak. Gank squads everywhere and I only see like 5 different weapons in duels. Poise is not working in a way conducive to PvP and the spammy fast weapons make it even worse. I mat consider going back if t he Meta changes at some point or another.

I felt like the movement speed encourage running away to heal rather than actually fighting

Not much of a drinker, but I do smoke an irresponsible amount of pot. It really helped me be ok with wasting my time on that game. And world of Warcraft (back in its vanilla/TBC glory days)
Man, I fucking love Dark Souls, but I've had to restart the game twice now because I lost my save data twice. Furthest I got was cathedral of the Deep before I lost my files. Currently working on a quality build in Undead Settlement, but I'm having some major motivation issues what with the lost progress

And the ugly guys losers is ugly and has no friends

how do you keep losing your save file?

And smell like dog shit and looks ugly as shit n is ugly and smell like dog shit

That's not the movement speeds problem, that's just chugging being broken as is. DS1 was the only game where it wasn't.

Gank squads have been a problem throughout invasions in all 3 games, but 3 actually enables a higher quantity of invaders to mitigate the threat. In duels, you're playing badly if you're losing exclusively to spammy weapons; they're countered by range (pick up a halberd) and the lack of poise is mitigated by the hyper armor on almost every weapon above a certain weight. Straight swords, despite what the shitters will tell you, are not even close to broken.

unless it's fixed I have no reason to try pvp again

That problem was in ds2 as well though.

That's a nice piece, it doesn't sound like a chaotic jumble of discordant notes and erratic single-stroke rolls

Thanks for showing me something new

I didn't have it occur nearly as much as in 3

Anyone wanna kik im bored


pew pew pew

Where were you playing? I get it extremely infrequently in duels. There are punish options for it in any case.