Weird dream stories thread!

>Weird dream stories thread!

Holy shit. I just had the weirdest dream in a long a long time.

It will actually be two dreams.

This one is really funny though, as I dream of what apparently is a restaurant with a "Nazi/Hitler" theme, and I don't even care about Hitler, don't think this dream has anything to do with Sup Forums, so I can't really connect this as to why I'd dream about it.

>walk into what looks like a bar
>look around, looks really fucking weird
>Nazi flags on the walls
>fucking Hitler sitting in front of me, dining, or at least a person who is impersonating Hitler (as I have mentioned earlier, it's a themed restaurant, as in "let's make an Irish themed pub", so the guy might as well be playing to be Hitler) but doing a marvellous job of looking like him, 10/10 dream guy
>finally take the menu and start reading
>not a single normal meal, all meals are what I interpreted as "what people ate during war when they had no food"
>weirded out at this point, go to the drinks section
>don't recall exactly what it was, afaik these were drinks of blood, or some other weird retarded shit, the drinks's section title read something with a 'g', makes me think on the word gauge

Continued cuz 2 long (that's what she said xDDDDD)

go on


Now here's the one that scared me and made me not want to go back to sleeping, if you ever had a dream and felt the actual feeling of fear, I swear I could literally feel my heart contracting or what I would describe as if you've ever almost fallen down or tripped over but you didn't, and a gut feeling goes throughout your whole body.

Anyone, just to give you a bit of a "background" so you can perhaps get immersed into the dream better.

I'm 19 now and my HS ended like a year ago, I'm taking a gap year now, and during HS there was this pretty girl in class, let's call her Ann, who I BELIEVE had a crush on me, because she acted openly towards me, joking around, nudging me and shit and once even got mad over how I was always following this other girl around, saying shit like "oh you gotta go with her again because she requested it?" (that shit sounds super beta, but bare with me). Anyway I haven't hanged around with Ann during school, neither have I seen her once after school ended, so yeah, no relationship at all.

Now, the dream.
>big possibility this dream continued from the infamous "Hitler themed restaurant", as the new dream starts after me taking a piss in a dark alley and then exiting to the main city square in my city, so basically going from imaginary to real location
>me and mum waiting for the tram to come so we can head home, things seems pretty normal at this point
>I wander around, and stumble upon Ann who is with her friends
>dream feels real as fuck at this point, can remember lucidly stuff from real life
>she steps out of her friend circle, and greets me
>we hug and our cheeks touch
>we start chatting and walking toward one side of the square
>start asking her about how she's been, how's university

Continueeeeeeeeed :^(

I have a few dreams that I remember quite well.
I had this one when I was 13 or so.
>I am at home
>George Castanza from Sienfeld is there.
>The house is under attack by Critters from the movie Critters.
>I am in a panic to save the cats from the Critters.
>There are four times as many dream cats as real ones.
>Already put like 10 in the bedroom.
>Goerge is eating the Critters eggs.
>Get all of the cats in the bedroom.
>I grab a shovel and start killing Critters
>George eats more eggs.
>All of the sudden Jerry is there too.
>Wheedles on about how many of them there are.
>Kill them all
>Green guts everywhere
>Wake up.
More dreams?

Jesus fucking christ if you're going to post in dribbles just abandon the thread, type the entire thing up and start again.


No joke, %100 real dream.

>incoherent things related to media everywhere
>no real emotions except maybe fear
>nothing particularly significant happens
That's called a normal dream. You'd have them every single morning if you weren't a piece of shit with a poor sleep schedule.

I just though it was odd.
But I do have more coherant lengthy dreams if you would like to hear.
Also, I am 27 now.
That was literally 14 years ago, I just still chuckle at the absurdity of it to this day.

I have a dream that is long as hell, I had it about 8 years ago.
It was the longest feeling dream I ever had, It felt like I was in it a week.
This is gonna take a while to type so here I go.

>at this point we left the square location, which was a real location as aforementioned not that it matters, and start walking on a concrete path with grass plains to the left and right (I'm from east Europe, you can easily imagine what this would look like) towards a motherfucking abandoned hospital
>dream me doesn't give a shit, chatting with my crush, walking carelessly, not a worry on my mind, like, what could possibly go wrong
>we enter
>we start walking deeper and deeper, hospital seems to have been located in what sort of resembled woods, I will get there later
>as we go deeper, at one point I see three guys (around 25yo) checking us out, still not concerned
>we start descending down some stairs which seems to go on for like 15 meters
>at the stairs I'm basically thinking lucidly and I ask her "yo I remember someone telling me what you took up in university, let me try and remember"
>asking myself in my head should I say astronomy or astrology, since dream me didn't know which one was a science and which one was a.. you know, astrology
>decide to go with astronomy, ask if that's the right one, she laughs and gives a mixed response (btw it's not astronomy, it's like language studies)
>at this point we go past some glass doors, like the ones in hospitals you know and we walk a bit further, getting behind a narrow wall with two exits from both sides, like you can circle the wall
>behind the wall, a hospital bed, we're still chatting and at I think to myself "maybe she wants to fuck me"
>holy hell, look to the right, a dead girl's body, I can only see the back of her body, and her leg covered in blood, shit's going downhill from here
>I ask, "wait, is that a dead girl?"
>she responds pretty calmly "yeah"

I'll continue FFS

sry m8, but I didn't want to forget so I decided to do it on Sup Forums as soon as I woke up

I recently had a dream where I was playing chess with Hitler. I don't even know how to play chess though. What could that mean?

You are Mussolini's reincarnation

mine are all fucked up, why do i only dream about my exs shooting themselves police and giant black clouds of pestilence that block out the sun?

>I am a monk.
>I live in a temple with the other monks and my brother.
>The headmaster calls us to his office.
>He tells us we have been chosen to go on a pilgrimage.
>Across the plains and desert and past the city of merchants to the grand temple.
>It is time to leave.
>The grass blows smoothly in the breeze.
>I feel it on my face, warm and dry.
>I smell the air, it smells of some light spice.
>Me and my brother begin to walk the plains.
>There are no roads, no landmarks.
>A sea of grass.
>It whispers like water.
>We walk and talk.
>The sun does not get lower.
>We walk for ages and come to a gleaming marble city.
>The city lies just beyond the edge of the plains.
>Beyond it a desert.
>And beyond that a mountain.

i want weird happy dreams :(


>ask, "wait, is that a dead girl?"
>she responds pretty calmly "yeah"
>at this point look through the other opening of the wall, see those three dudes from before, and like in a fucking horror movie, they shut the glass doors I mentioned behind us
>wake me up (can't wake up).jpg
>we start going ape, genuine feeling of fear going through my body, as I have immediately connected the dead body we saw covered in blood and those three guys
> start tearing up in the dream
>she walks away from me like couple meters, think to myself "did she set me up?"
>walk to her, see her covered in tears, scared shitless, realize we're in this together
>those guys somehow appear at the other side of the glass door and start walking towards us, 30 meters dividing us apart
>hear one guy say "Which one can I inspect/examine?"
>look to the right, there is a balcony (used to jumping out of windows when something chasing me in my dreams) 10 metes high, quickly grab her hand and start yelling "follow me let's go!"
>jump from the balc
>wake up

Well, here it is. Maybe an anticlimactic ending, but can't help it, that's how the dream went.

I'm constantly having dreams about going on holiday with my friends but something always goes wrong like a plane crash or some shit. No one ever gets hurt, sometimes the girl I like is in the dream too. Probably means something but fuck knows.

>driving across bridge over some giant ocean
>dark night only light comes from moon
>car door suddenly opens
>some invisible force pulls me out
>i fly into air
>fall towards water
>faster and faster
>hit water and wake up

>We enter the city.
>There is merchandise everywhere.
>Giant gems.
>Strange birds in cages.
>Books that glow with ethereal light.
>Supplies for crossing the desert.
>We need those supplies.
>We go to the merchant.
>A large man in a bright colored cloth tunic with olive skin
>Voice as deep as a cavern
>How much we ask.
>He says 8 gold.
>We have no money.
>I ask him if he has a job we could trade him for it as we are but monks.
>He says he does, but it is not easy.
>We ask him what.
>He says we must bring him back a relic.
>We immediately refuse.
>He laughs, it is full of bass and hearty.
>He says it is not one of our relics.
>He says it is one of the snakes.

Did you ever have that sick feeling of falling down and you can feel yourself fucking sink into the pillow? That usually happens to me if I'm falling at a high speed and think I'm about to die, but the dream feeling continues into the real life waking up, feeling of having fallen fast and having sunk in my pillow, it's sick

>The snake is feared.
>It is powerful.
>Our fear must show.
>The merchant says he will compensate us greatly.
>The supplies and more.
>But we tell him the snake lies across the desert.
>He says consider the supplies a down payment.
>The desert is hot.
>We begin our journey to the mountains.

> go to sleep
> wake into low quality texture low poly world
> its just my last Civ V game but in first person and real time rather than turn based
i thought it was pretty cool

>The desert is hard.
>We press forward, the mountains seem to come no closer.
>We sit on the ground.
>Hot, debating giving up
>I drink water from my canteen.
>It is tepid and not overly refreshing.
>I grit my teeth and stand
>My brother nods and does the same
>We march onward.
>The mountains suddenly loom in front of us
>The temple at the top.
>The snake at the bottom.
>We must retrieve a relic to pay our way.
>Every pilgrim must pay his due.
>We come to the bottom.
>There is a door.
>Large and made of metal.
>With intertwined red lines resembling snakes.
>We enter.

I hope I'll get to meet Hitlers reincarnation soon.

yeah its called a hypnic jerk

kek had this happen to me like two days ago, remember being half asleep and jumping into a hole and contracting and releasing my entire body in the bed. shit was $

reminds me of harry potter and chamber of secrets

>It is dark and cool.
>We creep forward quietly.
>The cave grows almost too dark to see farther down.
>See faint glimmer of gems.
>Snatch a large one and begin to run back to exit.
>Kick a coin and in jingles.
>Hear a sound like sandpaper on chimes.
>The snake.
>Begin sprinting.
>Hot fetid breath on my back my brother a running shadow to the front.
>We burst from the door and turn to close it behind us.
>As we turn we see the snake.
>Red scales.
>Emerald eyes.
>A mouth like Barraka.
>We slam the door shut.
>The door thuds like a hit pan.
>A screech comes from within the door.
>We shiver and leave.
>Glancing at the door until it is out of sight.

>One we are safe I check my treasure.
>It is a Sapphire the size of a large egg with an emerald set in the middle.
>Worth a great fortune to alone never mind the golf ball sized emerald worth a smaller one.
>Begin to climb the mountain.
>Get about halfway.
>There are no more trails.
>Only jagged rocks and sheer cliffs.
>We rest and think of a way at the end of the trail.
>A man comes from the distance.
>A blue man
>On a cloud.
>He is dressed like the samuri of old.
>But all of his things and he himself are various shades of blue.
>Except for his cloud.
>He asks us what we are doing in such a desolate place.
>We say we came to see the temple, but are stuck.
>He says he can get us there
>For a fee.
>He wants the sapphire.
>Go figure.
But the next is the last.



>He takes the sapphire and leaves us the emerald.
>He tells us to hop on his cloud.
>We do and he flys us up to the temple.
>We arrive.
>Doors as tall as trees guard the entrance.
>As we approach they open.
>They make barely a whisper.
>We enter and are faced with a garden of Babylonian proportions.
>A spring in the middle.
>A man sits at it.
>It is a man of many years.
>He has a smile on his face.
>He motions for us to sit.
>We do so
>He looks at me and my brother warmly.
>He tells us we have earned our rest.
>He tells us to have what we have earned.
>He takes his wooden cup and scoops me water
>I drink it and hand it back
>He does the same for my brother.
>He then leads us to an exit.
>It is a secret path down the mountain.
>As we walk I do not tire.
>I do not thirst.
>We reach the bottom.
>The desert awaits.
>We march across.
>But we do not tire
>We do not thirst.
>We come back to the city and give the merchant the emerald.
>He gives us many gold and a horse and cart in return.
>We enjoy the ride back.
>We are now home.
>So a journeys reward is preperation for another journey.
>Such is the life of Monk.

Well, that's it.
I know it's not exactly a thrilling ending but there you go.

>have sex with gf
>fall asleep
>dream about having sex with gf (although it may have been real, I don't know)
>fall asleep in dream
>"wake up" have sex with gf, she suddenly has a clit piercing
>I go what the fuck, realize that I'm dreaming
>"wake up" have sex with gf, she suddenly has another clit piercing
>realize I dream
>"wake up"
>look through the window, garden is on fire
>finally wake up for real

I don't know what the fuck was wrong with me. It looked like I was stuck in some false awakening loop. Also got no idea why I dreamed about my girlfriend having a clitpiercing

I'm watching an episode of Seinfeld right now, just open Sup Forums and this is the first thread I saw.
Also mentioned George Costanza in my therapy session today, where I always talk about dreams.

Gotta love a good coincidence.

I often have dreams that involve me doing all day stuff but with a zombie apocalypse happening. It's really weird because nobody around realizes it and most of them get bitten and turn.
Then I just run from house to house and interact with my normal friends, talk, smoke some weed etc. and it's as if there are no zombies around.
Then I walk around the city and there are zombies again.

I had a dream that aliens visited earth :) except instead of your stereo typical aliens being humanoids arriving in a spaceship these aliens were gigantic motherfucking elephants... And they just flew here through space with no ship... I guess they didn't need to breathe... Oh and the reason they came here was our water, they floated down above our oceans and used their trunks to drain our oceans dry before flying off. Needless to say I refrain from taking drugs before bed now


Seriously thought, it was inception irl.

When I get into situations as these in my dreams I tend to fight instead of running away.

Mild kek.

>take abilify for depression
>have intense vivid dreams/nightmares for the first month
>tell doctor
>Dr wants to stop
>mfw I actually enjoy them


I know well enough they'd have ripped us apart or some shit. I'm well familiar with heavy legs and running on my knees. Even though I recently had a period of beating with my fists to death whoever I was aggravated by in a dream. Weird af fam

In my dreams I'm really not good at running away. Most of the time I get stuck in place while running. Though I can keep up a good fight in my dreams.

I guess it has to do a lot with our subconscious and how you feel during the day. I know when I get a surge of confidence and be confident through a period that's when I can kill anything in my dreams. Other times I'm sad and I get fucked up.

>be ~10
>dream takes place at the primary school i was going to at the time
>was pretty new there
>can't find the class I'm meant to be in
>end up wandering around the school looking for the class
>i think the school had this octagonal pagoda type thing somewhere in it
>but in the dream world this thing was massive
>like 100+ steps & bigger than normal
>see 2 kids sitting on the top of the set of stairs next to the one I came up
>wander over to them and see them playing with their double jointed thumbs
>try to play with them but can't because no double jointed thumb
>like bending my thumb like they were but it wasnt working
>get upset I cant play with them
>wake up
>now I have a double jointed thumb

not sure if my thumb was actually double jointed beforehand but afaik it was only after that dream

>be me 4 days ago
>Dream i signed a contract with West Ham United
>Played in my first game ever against Southampton
>we go down 2-0 in 30 minutes
>Payet sends in corner I head it in after i missed it the first time
>I celebrate uncontrollably

>Go to halftime, i call my friends to tell them im on live TV and i have scored a goal
>Woke up thinking it was all real =*(

> in a long corridor
> toilet at the end of corridor
> approach toilet
> toilet door swings open
> it's the dad of the chick i was bangin
> an expression of undiluted rage on his face
> suddenly is arms are crosssed
>he's doing a cossack dance
> everytime he kicke up his legs, the flipflops
he was wearing came flying and hit my face
with marksman precision
> get clobbered by flip flops
> decide enough is enough
> try to rush the guy and taclke him
> but the speed of his shots increase
> i am covered in flipflops
> wake up
> really pissed about the whole experience
for some reason
> next day go over to his daughter's place
> channel all the built up anger
> bruise her beef curtains

Here here fam

We ll get em next year =*)