Is blood donation an easy way to test if one has AIDS...

Is blood donation an easy way to test if one has AIDS? I recently talk to someone who has a lot of money and basically fucks prostitutes multiple times a week. He says that he is donating blood every month or so to recycle blood, to do good, but also he believes its a great "AIDS test". He says that hospitals would call you when your blood turns out infected. Is that true?

Yes, that's actually true

I think they do in the netherlands, i would never do it myself cuz those needles are scary af

They need to test your blood to make sure it's not infected with some disease first before using it for transfusions, so yeah, should work just fine.

why not just get tested normal way?

first of all, you can only donate once every 3 months for males and once every 6 for females, second point is AIDS is untraceable until 4 months after you got it, short story long say you got aids today, only after 4 months the blood tests will be able to tell you that you have it

Why do it in a moronically roundabout way when you can just go get a free HIV test in most civilized places?

Or do you Americans need to pay for it?

Sounds like that mofo likes the idea of getting AIDS soon

They test it, but virus wont Show in test on early stage.

Most states you can get a normal test done for free.

They test for lots of diseases but some like BSE they can't detect, that's why you are banned from donating blood if you've already had a transfusion since 1980. At least in the uk anyway.

yeah they screen blood for hiv, syphilis an hep C when you donate.

Cheaper and more discrete than going to your doctor and faster than going to a public STD clinic and waiting with all the weirdos

you fucking buzzkill

This is true for the netherlands. This is how I found out i'm tired alot because of a vitamin deficiency.

kek, i donate blood since i'm 18 so i kinda know some things

Protip: prostitutes are aware of the risk and actually check themselves regularly unlike dumb random sluts who lol YOLO every weekend.

Sounds like a great way to give pasients AIDS

Sex with prostitues bans you from donating blood permanently. The chance of getting AIDS is a LOT higher, and its a huge risk for patiens. I work in a blood bank.

you have to absolutely pay for it. i dont even think insurance will cover it.

I live in The Netherlands and donate blood, a man can donate about 6/8 times a year.

When something is wrong you will get a letter

Well do you have AIDS, cunt?
If yes; kill yourself.
If no; still kill yourself for being an annoying faggot,

You can get free STD tests and blood tests in America, you dumb fuck. Google it.

I'm Australian, and I donate plasma fortnightly. They have to test each time, so every two weeks I basically get a free check that none of the uni girls were dirty.

Fuck man I'd do that too if I didn't take so many drugs, it's a good idea really

Depends what you're taking, man. They only really question about drugs that have been injected. I smoke, just not before the appointment.

If you think you may even possibly have AIDS for fuck's sake don't donate blood!

Young people's blood donations have a lot of T cells and they use those on sick infants. One pint of bad blood could kill a dozen infants. Any local health department can test you for free and I think you can even purchase a test kit online that only requires a mouth swab.

If you need money then go to a plasma center, they pasteurize your plasma before they send it to the makeup factory so that the bitches smearing paint over their zits don't get your diseases.

Source: 100+ unit US donor

Smoke pot quite alot but mdma or xtc every month or so.

I just thought drugs = big no no if you give blood

Because you make money by donating your blood/plasma. You don't make money getting pricked at the doc's office. Unless it is a free clinic, you are paying for the test.

God damn I sound jewish

And how exactly do they check for sex with prostitutes?

Ask and expect you to tell the truth?

No, they just keep giving your infected blood to people. And keep it secret from you because they think it's a pretty good prank.

>100+ unit
Damn, how old are you?
Is the US unit also 450 ml?

In the Czech republic there's a special piece of paper you get matching the number on the bag of your donated blood.
You can then anonymously choose if you want the blood to be given to patients or not (in case you suspect you have AIDS).
As said, it's because they can't detect HIV in your blood - they can only detect antibodies which your body creates after a couple of months. So yeah, don't do it.

Thought it was four weeks not four months?
Wondering bc I had unprotected sex recently w someone I didn't know and have been waiting to get tested