Have fun

Have fun

I'm protocol

I'm BingoBongo :^)

Im GasTheJews

Wait no, I am GasTheJews, at least that's what I wanted to be, but it says protocol

I am ILoveNiggerCock

well you can always be GasTheNiggas

how does this work?

yea wat is this

Here ; ^ )))()

how to get out of instructions page?


Me too. Stuck on instructions

Wait, the teacher needs to do something. It's not really interactive for you guys, you only get the knowledge your name can be seen on the board in a class room somewhere. (Not OP)

AussieMuncher here

Thanks user. :^)

so would a generic name get me in?


Any picture of the screen with our cool nicknames :^) ?

卐iHaterNiggers卐 here lets do this shit


Pringletits here

Pingas here

more pics of that hot grill OP??

This thread had potential...

OP left

underage b&