Why is it wrong to hate fat people Sup Forums?

Why is it wrong to hate fat people Sup Forums?
So this was just in the news
don't know if you heard of it, basically FB deleted a photo of this plussize model because it would violate their views on health

but seriously Sup Forums,
Be body positive all you want, but you can't seriously tell me that it's healthy...

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Of all the places, what made you think that Sup Forums is the place that needs to hear this the most?

Facebook didn't do that

Posting images that are created with the purpose to promote harmful activities, health and eating disorders is against Facebook policies.

they put the photo back online after the shitstorm afaik
just wanted to talk about it dood

It was an accident

I don't think so

Being fat is not a crime and its not really unhealthy wait her if you just eat a lot of vegetables and w.e

Fat MEN are chill as fuck or just mind their own business.

>Being fat is not a crime
no, but telling fat people that they are unhealthy (which they usually are) is considered a crime nowadays

No you're wrong

Would love to gut her and listen to her squeal

You can't do anything to a fat person without 200 SJWs shitting on you...

That's not a crime they're sharing their opinions.

You can hate anyone you want to, user.

Fatties, feminists, gays, jews, muslims, lefties, britfags and all other kinds of faggot.

Go ahead and hate. Its good for you to let it all out.

>sharing their opinions
cmon dude you know damn well that's not what they're doing

I hate OP. Because OP is a faggot.

It's not about fat acceptance. If you give these women a magic lamp every one of them would wish to be thin. If it were about fat acceptance they wouldn't have tried hundreds of diets. This is about female entitlement. They think they're entitled to be admired and sought after. So they want to move the goalposts to where they are so that they can receive all the accolades they think they deserve without actually changing anything about themselves.

that's the point user
on Sup Forums you can call me a faggot wether it's true or not
but do that on fb/ twitter/ socialbullshit and a horde of tumblr warriors will shit on you, put your house on fire and threaten your children

and that's what bugs me. you are forced to accept everyones bullshit. you are not free to hate anymore

Smoking ain't healthy either, but I don't see half the hate for smokers as there is for fat people.

Sounds like you're angry because someone has a different opinion.

>you're a smoker
yeah dude whatever

>you're fat
omg you're hurting me better bring that shit online

read I'm mad angry that being against fat/gay/religious/whatever people is considered a bad thing

Sure you are. Its just that they can hate you too.

And they do, user. They really, really hate you. They hate you with the heated passion of 1000 suns. They want to destroy you.

They are masters of hate because they have so much practice. They have been hating you since before you were born and they have become exceedingly skilled at it. They feel no remorse when they destroy an opponent because they believe they are always in the right.

Beware the internet hate machine, OP.

You aren't forced to accept it, people have different opinions.. They have just as much right to hate as you do.. It's just they hate you and not fat people. Don't like how it feels huh?

Meh, some smokers also throw a tantrum when you talk about it.

>smoking is bad for your health

This is how women think now days (pic related)

That's because most smokers still get off their ass and do shit with their life.
Fats are fat and all they do is fat.


>women of all shapesand sizes need to accepted

>but this bitch is hideous

its not wrong to hate fat people :/

>They have just as much right to hate as you do
no. you have no right to hate anyone when you're cis/white/male

it not wrong to hate per se
but putting that hate to words or expressing it in other ways is considered wrong

Sounds like you don't know the difference between fact and opinion. Thinking being fat is as healthy as being skinny is not a fact.
Fat causes bad circulation and bad arteries is a fact.

Nah fam, im angry I have to pay the healthcare of these fat monumental fucks because carla here cant keep her fucking fatass away from eating to much.

Say whatever you want, i will ALWAYS shit on a fat person. The only, and i mean only time i will support said fat person is if they are in a gym

>used to be a fatass, now im fucking great and i pitty these sad fat fucks that weave themselves thinking fat is good.

now that's a crime user

Sure you do, you're hating fat people right now.. Most people in this thread are.. But you're getting upset because other people can dislike or disagree or hate you for your opinion.. You could go on fb and say you hate fat people right now. Or that being fat is unhealthy go ahead..

On that point we can agree, though I don't feel the need to go talk shit to some random disgracious stranger I saw a picture of on the Internet.

But then, you're admitting that the
>we don't like fat people cuz they're not healthy
is outright bullshit.

Are you autistic? Or are you just stupid? Maybe you are maybe you arent but the fact remains that if you think that fat is in any shape or form healthy and you cant accept it, that you are just delusional as hell

You already support them by paying for their healthcare. Chances are fat people pay for part of your life too..

I only like fat girls, ~300lbs+.

Fat usually means unhealthy but not always. It also doesn't necessarily mean a waste of life, my woman does tons of physical stuff but stays fat due to some combination of genetics and diet.

i would never employ fat people, they are always late, theyre lazy, they stink, they have a bad attitude, they get in the way, they never smile, they dont stop eating and i hate watching them eat, fucking fat cunts

I think Facebook is being a dick about the whole picture thing, they shouldn't have delete it, it wasn't offensive. I mean these tards will delete a paintings of women who have nipples on it. How fucking ridiculous is that ? Bunch of dumbshit prude assholes. Learn culture for fuck's sake, nudity =/= erotism.

Now as for this campaign i agree with you it's complete bullshit, Human bodies aren't supposed to be that fat, there are bigger bodies and some of them are bigger but this ? Come on we can see the fat wanting to explode from her shoulders (or is that part of her arm?).
If you're proud of your body good for you, i don't give a shit, but don't go and promote obesity, this is not a normal size for a body, tell your kids it's not okay to three fucking pounds of chocolate god damn it !

You must feel to much if you think about the feelings of a picture on b.
Check your logic privilege back at tumblr.

And yea. All fat people are unhealthy when compared to fit people. You denying that is like an alcoholic denying their have an addiction.

Isn't it weird that poor people are now becoming the fat ones?

All the shitty bad food is now cheap.

Back in the days only the rich could Afford Sugar, meat n salts. And the poor were usually farmers who only ate what they could grew and raised which were mostly vegetables and a few farm animals they only ate on special occasions or holidays.

It's really fucked up if you think about it.

Yet have you ever heard a smoker tell you that what they are doing is healthy?
The hatred of fat people stems from the ones who won't admit that they are unhealthy, or try to claim that it isn't their bone idle laziness that made them the same weight-class as a hippopotamus, but rather their genetics...
smokers aren't as hated because we don't try to spread bullshit...

Exactly this.
If you're happy being fat then do you.
But the second you attempt to force me to accept it as beautiful is when I straight up tell you you're an unhealthy pig.

Just like with traps. I don't care what you do, just don't force acceptance on me, and we won't have a problem.


and does your woman think that being fat is healthy? or that being body positive is more important that health?
don't get this wrong. I really want to know


America is imploding on itself.


>Due to the fact that after she got up to make me a sandwich, she made one for herself, then took a nap and woke up tomorrow.


Mexico is the most obese country in the world actually.

>Why is it wrong to hate fat people Sup Forums?
Because they are sick and need help, not hate. Why is it wrong to hate anyone? Because hate only creates more pain.

I was referring to the backwards slide in poor becoming fat and rich becoming fit.

But that's because if you live in Mexico and don't live in a city, you're farming to provide food to that city.

weed smokers will tell you it's not only healthy, but it's a cure for cancer.

Self delusion isn't the sole property/coping tool of fatties. People will accept anything that justifies or condones their self-destructive behaviour.

I don't imagine many fat people are attempting to force people to see them as beautiful.. Sometimes people campaign on their behalf sure.. But I've met many fat people and they don't claim to be healthy nor do they want you to treat them like supermodels.. Rather they just don't want to be treated like garbage for their weight.


pic from worldatlas 2015
Mexico isn't even on the list

True. This thread issue is a brainwash in itself because it uses the words "fat hate" instead of "people tell the truth about fat being unhealthy".


But shouldn't I be free to hate and dislike whoever I want?
Even if fat people need help, why should I be obligated to help and accept them?

Lol you listen to kids that don't understand what smoking weed and cancer have to do with each other.
Smoking weed does nothing besides get rid of the symptoms of cancer. But using hash oil to rub into your skin daily helps minimize the cancer and can even kill it off in some cases.

You already are free to do that.. Other people are also free to dislike you for it or disagree with you or even hate you..I don't understand what you're not getting.

This whole issue is over the fact that a fat girl in a bikini got deleted off Facebook because people didn't find it attractive. Hence they were trying to force feed fat acceptance via advertisement.

Well it worked out okay for Japan, they fat shame like crazy and as a result a lot of the women there are pretty qt.

Plus it's just sad to see a potentially hot girl be happy with being fat

Haha, Amerifags are fatter than arabs.

No jews on that list, i see.

Thanks for demonstrating my point with that hilariously disjointed string of retarded drivel.

Everyone's fit there because they're forced to take karate in school and 90% of them walk to anywhere they need to.

>if I think it, then it's a fact!


I hope you and people like you get cancer, then just get depressed because you think there's no cure, and slowly and painfully rot away to a skeleton.

>I don't understand what you're not getting
Ever seen someone on social media hatig on fat people and others agreeing him? No? That's because you can't do that on social media.You have to fear the consequences.
If you do, you are immediately the bad guy, you are the scum of society. All because you were talking bad about a person or group of people.

and there lies the problem. you don't have to fear others disagreeing or hating you. you are socially rejected for sharing your opinion

> stays fat due to some combination of genetics and diet.

I fucking hate reading this so much, everywhere I come across this sentence "muh genetics" something inside of me just wants to spit in your face for being such a ignorant cunt.

This isn't how genetics work.

Just because she stuffs her fat mouth-cunt with 6 bottles of MTN DEW pops (XXL of course) and all-you-can-eat buckets of lard then of course she's going to stay fat.

I don't mind fat people one bit; as long as they're honest about their shortcomings and don't try to play their inability to control themselves as some sort of mechanism that society has built and perpetuated for them to stay fat.


I don't care that eating is the only thing that makes you happy in life.

You don't have to be constantly happy; life isn't a fucking carnival.

Shape up you fat cunts or chase your cupcakes down a flight of stairs (probably wont even hurt because fat = shield that absorbs pain)

This is also why it is OK to stab fat people and laugh at them when they you see them wagging across the street-- they won't feel a thing!

You're wrong. I only eat sallad and i excercise for hours every day!

I'm still fat because of my genetics.

where's canada oh wait nvm

You were doing so well up until those last 2 wannabe edgy paragraphs.

Playing video games and masturbating isn't excersise.

Pic or it never happened

What did you just start this diet yesterday?



you've seem to have misspelled mayonaisse

Dubs confirm the truth

So you want to be free to say hateful things to or about people, as you are free to as is, but you also want to have them treat you kindly or as if you're a good person in their eyes?

It's probably frowned upon because somebody's life choices, however unhealthy they may be, are none of your damn business.

consuming X calories a day from salad

using X² calories a day for exercising

>still fat
literally not possible

I dont think anyone has been arrested for such allegations my good sir. Bitches always be trippin doe

fat=unhealthy. thats'all.

Top kek.

And now I owe you 200 for 50 minutes.


thanks for the bait, perhaps eating that would make you thinner?

Salad so buy a dictionary, only eating salad won't give you the macros you need so you're full of shit, if you burn off more than you consume you will lose weight so you're either fucking stupid when it comes to reading a scale or just a fucking liar.

She does look like a gross 12 year old boy.

Be swol or be trap!

First girl has a point, but other are just dumb. And it makes me a little angry tbh

>implying that's not the hottest thing ever

Man. Now i feel bad about not being muscular.

I'll just bend over here and spread my cheeks, shall i?

Fine by me


Middle right is packing there m8