How many niggers could a white man own if a white man could own niggers

How many niggers could a white man own if a white man could own niggers.

slavery was teh jews tbh.

a Dozen would be a fine number

Yeah slavery was a Jew thing at first before anyone spoke of it or practiced it. If you read Old Testament and Jewish texts that the hardcore Jews live word by word by it states that every non Jew is meant to become a Jews slave for all eternity when the messiah comes. Like about 2,400 slaves for every Jew given the current population. Yeah shits shady lol

not many as less than 1 percent did

none beacause they would be expensive.

Slavery is fucked up, come on. Nobody asked to be born; do your own god damn work.

All of them

Usually three so they could fuck his wife in every whole white boi

>implying I want another mouth to feed

Only the rich owned slaves. They were expensive as shit. And they weren't slaughtered by the dozens exactly because of that.
Now niggers are free but they still cost a lot (welfare) AND WE DON'T KILL DEM BECAUSE JAIL

Probably only one, any more than that they get brave and chimp full out.

a nigger is a black person

but is a black person a nigger?

not all of them. additionally, not all niggers are black

Niggers aren't people and we all know that.

Don't worry they are dumb, fearful, and idle. They have no real instinct toward freedom. That's why nigger politics is so cucked

then a nigger is not a black person
>additionally, not all niggers are black

Answer = 1299+3443342378898389

noo, it predates the romans, the greeks, alot of them. middle easterners and africans went wild with it. THAT'S where Europeans and whites in general got their niggers, bought them of the african niggers. and that was AFTER whites fought back enough that THEY stopped being taken as slaves.

>low IQ, prone to bouts of aggression, fiercely territorial, favorable of gun culture, and generally distrustful of anybody who is not them are characteristics of niggatry
>I.e. Conservatives are niggers

a conservative is not a black person

IM MEXICAN CAN I OWN SOME NIGGERS TOO ? I'm not the dark Mexican looking mf I could pass as white

So they are nigger 2.0's, about a quarter step above the average nigger in social value

As long as you're not a typical spic and can pass as a civilized white man then sure.

all niggers should be slaves
niggers were better off as slaves, they were fed and did work. they are beasts and need to be kept in chains. also the slave master can enjoy the good looking nigger gals.

a nigger is not a black person




Why not Jew slaves. Look a Egypt some pretty good primids

about one continent

Dangerous reductionism. Conservatives have good families, obey the law, and work hard to get ahead in life.
They are really some of the best people a society could want

As many as he has bullets

Black people are more physically dominant no matter what type of gun you own, 1 nigger could easily kill a whole family, ecspecially if they're white. Now I'm gonna sit back and watch you guys gang up on me because we all know you only feel empowered when there's other white people to stick up for you but when your alone, you are very weak,

a nigger is a black person with lack of human

same goes for niggers, ESPECIALLY niggers



Have you... like actually read the Old Testament. Slavery is legal in it but it doesn't mention that so much. The Jews are actually ordered to treat non-Jews that live in their camps or convert to their religion pretty decently for the historic time and place if I remember properly.

Problem is the Jews had a bad habit of not listening to God, even Moses got pissed at them at one point and essentially him and Big G made an earthquake that swallowed up half of the population of the Exodus.

They were given mana from heaven and partridge and complained about only having God-Bread and fine fowl to eat. Eventually they pissed Moses off so much he disobeyed God, and instead of whispering a stream out of a cliff face he smacked it with his rod and created a river.

The rest is largely about how God wreckt their shit when they started selling their daughters as whores and worshipping other deities.

White men own all of em you dumb shit.

It's because whites progressed beyond physical labour / using violence to solve problems.
That's a good thing!

Nice h8 b8 m8

>baby niggers to sell organs.

>IM MEXICAN CAN I OWN SOME NIGGERS TOO ? I'm not the dark Mexican looking mf I could pass as white


how much dubs could a dubs check dubs if a dubs could check dubs

check em'

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