Why do fight clubs don't exist ? I would totally be a member

Why do fight clubs don't exist ? I would totally be a member.
Also general fight thread !

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No you wouldn't, you would probably get your ass kicked and never show up again kekekekek

No you wouldn't, you would probably
get your ass kicked and never
show up again kekekekek

Because they freaking hurt, and are extremely illegal.

Hospital visits afterwards guarantee police reports being filed.

Is that your catchphrase ?

Everything exists in this world, OP, go get your ass wooped

Have you ever been in a fight ?

Lol what?

The whole message of this movie it's fucking true !

we are coming for you snitch

Take a jiu jitsu class then.

They do exist, but when you take the price for new teeth con, how fast them pearls fly in fights. -Not Fucking Worth it

im black so I guess ill outrun you

This is such a good fucking soundtrack tbh


Shit definitely isn't as fun as you think. My friends did it in high school and we had gloves and a mask. It's kind of a rush but just isn't really worth it especially because it's easy to get a concussion and those fuck you up a little. I'd rather play rugby and save real fighting for when it's absolutely necessary

They exist, but we must do not talk about em

People are pussies. Just like you, OP.

So how does it feel to be in a REAL fight ? Is it like they describe it in the movie ?
I'm a pussy never been in one.

Because MMA has been legalized in all states and in most countries.

Why join a shitty fight club when you can at least compete in amateur MMA?

You don't get it, did you even watch the movie ?

They do exist, but you know... rules 1 and 2
Speaking of which I'm halfway through the movie watching it as we speak. I've been thinking of starting one, yes I've been in more fights I can remember and no I'm not worried about needing new teeth

Anyone in the ft myers Florida area, we should meet up tonight

Get out

I've been in an actual fight club. It's shitty and you have a good chance of fighting some new guy that turns out to be an asshole who can't control himself. It's not nearly as fun or glamorous as the movie makes it. You also don't end up in a pseudo-anarchist group that does anything significant.

I've done amateur MMA too. At least there's some glory in that.

What is the best fighting technique ?

They do, it's called UFC

That was awesome

Boxing + wrestling

It's pretty incredible when yours or someone elses life is on the line, I had a fight I got into trying to steal from a liqour store against 2 guys with me thinking they were gonna grab a shotgun from under the counter. They hit the auto lock button for the door and I got trapped inside, we fought for 10 minutes till someone outside called the cops. I basically had an out of body experience watching myself fight these guys, it was like a video game, I felt things but I basically didn't feel any pain. Had a broken nose and stitches when it was all said and done, plus the store was trashed and the other guys had a few teeth knocked out plus blood and everything else

It was unlike anything else I ever experienced to be honest

fignt me op. where do you live?

Not in the USA

They do.

Typically they don't do well long, because the truth is you get fucked up constantly bare knuckle fighting. And it's not like the movies.

The guys who want to fight a lot usually fall into these groups:
A) guys who take that aggression out in boxing or mma gyms.
B) white trash types that fight occasionally on in their backyard. I love this for the amount of YouTube videos it produces of dumb kids being seriously hurt.
C) wankers who become cops or bouncers, and use excessive force
D) Sup Forumstards who want to fight, but weigh either 99 pounds soaking wet, or 300 pounds on a light day.

Watch the movie "the raid redemption", the boss's right hand man that fights crazy is pretty great. But if you're looking for formal training, I'd say your typical MMA gym that teaches a mix of all arts. After enough fights you learn that pain is an illusion, an obstruction blocking you from attaining your goal. And yes it's true, you find out who you really are and things you are capable/willing to do are in the midst of a heated fight. It takes practice and time of course, but all you need is the will to actually get up and do something

I want to fight with someone, never experienced anything like that in my life, only ripetitive chores, hobbies, people that happen all days of all weeks and it's been happening for a long fucking time, I'm tired of it.

Better ways to get an adrenaline high to break up life. Try skydiving, or an adventure vacation like zip-lining in the Amazon.

No you wouldn't, you would probably get your ass kicked and never show up again kekekekek


No you wouldn't, you would probably
get your ass kicked and never
show up again kekekekek

Since I got to old too airsoft, I spoke to some cops I know to be red force during their training. It's a great adrenaline rush to get into simulated gunfights with cops, using real guns and simunition once every other month.

I definitely recommend it, life's definitely more interesting afterwards. And to be honest it was fun as fuck for me, but most people are fearful of that mentality because to most it signifies insanity, when in truth it represents freedom, in truth it represents the idea that we can become something bigger than ourselves.

Yeah, in the Amazon... Where you're atop massive trees, and crossing immense ravines.

me either

Where ?

you're a worthless piece of shit

My first fight was a blur. The adrenaline rush makes things seem blurry and fast. Like, you forget to throw punches properly and you just swing for your life. Well, in my experience anyway. Trained or competent fighters are probably use to that adrenaline rush.

Like I said, anyone in the fort Myers area should hit me up, wanna fight someone and start something


>Why do fight clubs don't exist ?

They do exist - go join a boxing/muay thai/Judo/BJJ/MMA club.


That was years ago, then again who the fuck are you to judge? Take your smarmy little attitude and fuck off

Takes practice

I imagine so. It's just a weird feeling, knowing what to do, then completely abandoning the idea when the rush kicks in.

Join a boxing gym. The point is to minimize brain damage not maximize it you stupid faggot.

I agree it's great to let off steam, and I've never been happier since I started boxing. Relaxes me, helps me study and helps alleviate my insomnia and depression, but from the start, my goals always been to minimize damage.

It's why I got in shape before sparring, and made sure my tech and defense was good before sparring.

I couldn't understand the allure, of wanting to do something that maximizes your damage. Do it a proper gym environment, and if you really want to get nitty gritty, you can start competing. The higher level you go, the less restrictions on violence there are. Pretty simple solution.

I've been in real fights, they fucking suck. Even if you win, your wrists will kill afterwords, and your knuckles will be complete mush. Just punching a guy in the teeth means you'll be bleeding and terrified some faggot just gave your the AIDS or hep.

Street fights aren't fun, win or lose imo

Yeah sometimes you just gotta let go and go with whatever way the fight goes. Learn to think on your feet and use muscle memory reflexes

You want to minimize it actually, because the cardio dump is absolutely brutal. Doesn't matter how good shape you're in, the first ten or twenty times you spar, you'll be wheezing for breath.

I could jog 20k relatively easily, and in general have good stamina, and four back to back 3 minute rounds had me vomitting in a trash bin my first couple times lol

Blow me away to see the real fighters at my gym do 10-15 rounds with a fresh opponent each time. They operate on a completely different level

>why do fight clubs exist
Because men used to be warriors. Now, we get our warrior spirit fulfilled by vidya. For some, that's not good enough. Hence WHY we have infantry. Hence why we have fight clubs.

You get arrested after?

grab a few of your friends, establish the limits, then wait until after a big drinking night and go to town beating the shit out of eachother in someones backyard, its not hard m8

Jogging and sparring are two different kinds of endurance - the first being aerobic, the other being anaerobic.
No wonder you were wheezing.

Ironically, bareknuckle is objectively safer because you can barely punch without hand wraps and gloves. Throwing an uppercut or a hook without protection is borderline suicide for your hands, especially if you're trained and can throw with power.

Both Boxing and early days NHB/MMA show a gigantic spike in KO rates the moment they allowed protection. It's also the reason why old school boxers looked so retarded (with their hands out) and used to fight for 100rds.

Doesn't matter what type of toughness you're made out of, no human being could fight that long against the current crop of fighters

It did exist here (Canada) for a short while after the movie came out, but then we moved on to "other things".

I've been in a few and I agree. I've never "lost" a fight but have been hit. The headache that follows a shot to the temple sucks too.

No, The owners didn't press charges because they hit the auto lock button before the fight started, essentially trapping me in the store. I could have charged them with entrapment if they would have charged me, gotta love Canadian laws.

Well, and I obviously used to train at the gym lol Not like I just walked in from jogging and sparred. Being able to complete back to back classes for four hours and work a heavy bag for 10 rounds meant nothing.

Do you box? Would you disagree that no amount of preparation can prepare you for sparring?

Because that's a sentiment I've seen echoed at all the gyms I've gone to. Underdog boxing gym in Mtl, cabbage town in Toronto and Gleason's in Brooklyn. Been boxing for years now, and it's always the same. The moment a guy pops their cherry sparring, it doesnt matter how good their fitness is

Holy shit that's interesting. Talk about good luck, although I guess you paid with an ounce of flesh in your own way

Wow OK... The fact that you even had to ask this. OK, even though this IS Sup Forums afterall, I will actually answer this honestly, also because (until someone else proves otherwise, I'm probably the most qualified person to discuss this). Quite simply, real Fight Clubs don't exist because (as others have said) SERIOUS injury is highly likely - at the very least you can expect broken bones, knocked out teeth; at worst concussion, brain injury and even death. Why do I feel I'm qualified? Quite simply put, I'm a certified Krav Maga Instructor. Only an idiot or a complete maniac enjoys fighting. That is why in KM the emphasis is on ending a physical altercation ONLY IN SELF-DEFENCE as quickly and efficiently as possible, and then getting the HELL out of Dodge. I teach my students to fight only when absolutely necessary - and when necessary to end the situation, using their skills I teach them and their environment. The LAST thing you want to do is find yourself in a fight - even worse in a ground fight because trust me that saps your energy quick, I don't care how fit you are. Anyone who tells you any different has either never been in an actual fight-for-your-life situation or is an idiot who will wind up either killing someone or (more likely) getting themselves killed. In KM, if you have to fight, you use maximum aggression and force (if possible as closely appropriate to the situation) as possible to comprehensively end the situation, then you find the nearest available exit and you RUN AWAY VIA THAT EXIT, and you keep running until you are safe. People diss KM because, yes, a lot of the combinations or defences to various common attacks involve a good hard strike to the balls. However, no matter how big or strong your opponent, that will at the very least stop him momentarily and think again about pursuing his assault; at worst drop him to the floor in a curled up vomiting heap. So in short Fight Clubs are a TERRIBLE idea.


you're an idiot.
Fight clubs exist. You just don't hear about them because PEOPLE DON'T TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB.
Not joking. That movie inspired a lot of underground circles.

Perhaps, if they hadn't hit the auto lock button I would have gotten away. It was when I was homeless for a little while, shitty situation

ZeroHedge bitch...

And keep stacking mother fucker..

Well then there are a lot more retards out there. I stand by my assessment - they cannot last for the reasons I've already outlined

The movie is hypocritical af, especially with all the advertisements. The book, however...

I did box for a few years when I was younger, but I had already spent my youth fighting in tournaments for Judo and Jiu-Jitsu.

That is by no means the same, but by then I was pretty used to doing circuit training a few days of the week.

Sparring was still a bitch.

The way you said it seemed to imply that you were comparing jogging to sparring - and as stated before, that's just not the same kind of physical exertion.

Shut up dude and go get in a real fight, krav mags teaches woman 1000 different ways to punch a guy in the balls yet has no relevance to actually protecting yourself. Hell even karate is better than that shit

there was one in a famous school in my city. made after the movie came out. rich kids were too stressed out and felt like fucking their shit up in the bathroom floor was a good stress relieve. ironically a teacher knew about it and helped set the "fight club". there was blood, there were lawsuits, it was cool.

isn't that the point, to get your ass kicked?

Lol, you think that's real what they teach women.

It's actually pretty hard to knock somebody's teeth out. (experience)


No I don't think it's real, that's why krav mags is a joke

Then you don't know real k.m.

The shit they teach women is not krav mag. That's like the old women's karate class in the 80's. A few basic moves and scream fire.

They don't teach real k.m. In most places because it's designed to kill. It's not a general fighting art, but a system designed for specific combat scenarios to teach you to reverse them instantly and lethally.

It doesn't no? Sadly I have been in situations - one actually recently enough where some moron thought it a good idea to try and break into my home. Other occasions I was attacked in a Fast Food restaurant, and again a few years ago where someone tried to mug me with a knife. I've done Karate, boxing, wrestling, JKD, BJJ as well as Wing Chun and can honestly say KM is still the most effective (at least for me). Why don't you train in KM and earn yourself at least a Level 2 Belt - I'd lay a sizeable bet that you'd change your attitude.

Who cares ? Life is short you're gonna die anyways, why live if everything you do is shit and repetitive ? Why keep going with your life doing all the same things all the fucking days ? Self improvement is masturbation self destruction is the answer. Can't you see the pussyfication of the average male ? How are we becoming as people ? We no longer fear hunger or death but we're afraid that we're gonna miss the new episode of GoT or we can't afford those nice Armani Jeans. We need to change and became men again.

you're fucking stupid
a clean street fight is the most fun u can have next to fucking.
just cause you can't land a punch without hurting yourself doesn't mean you should try to discourage others.
as long as nobody brings weapons n you aren't a lil bitch be prepared for maximum fun.
also try not to fight somebody who'd kill somebody they KO'd LOL

Listen up you fucking niggers!! I live in the 805 and I want to start a fight club .come kick my ass and I'll beat the shit out of yours. Anyone up for it?

>this nigger thinks this is a correct way to think
I havent heard dumb shit like this since I went to public school in louisiana

Correct. Not that I need to answer to people here, and with the greatest of respect - I do teach "Real Krav Maga" under Krav Maga Worldwide. KMWW was founded by Darren Levine who was a student of Krav's founder Imi Lichtenfeld

fight clubs don't include nut shots you fucking pussy

Fuck unarmed fighting, join Dagorhir and fight with padded weapons, and when you are ready join SCA and fight with blunt steel

if you punch them in the face, yes
but if you try to knock teeth, no

>pansy who can't take a hit

Oh OK - there are rules? Strain yourself kicking a guy in the head? Fuck that. I always tell my students: "If you want to kick him in the head, kick him in the balls first. Then you can kick him in the head." Personally I could care less if that makes me a pussy - the result is still the one I'd prefer. He's on the ground in a World of Hurt, I'm on my feet leaving...

Also I don't know what sort of Street Fights you've seen but there is no such thing as a "Clean Street Fight". Contradiction in terms you utter imbecile.

Pay no attention to him. He's a Neanderthal who thinks that being a man entails battering someone else to a pulp and for what? I see fools like this all the time and sooner or later he'll run into someone bigger and badder than he is, he'll get his ass handed to him and that will be the end of that.

Where is the fucker from here that has the handle 4 chan on ZeroHedge?? He knows

No clue mate

You stacking bitch?

Man whenever anyone brings up the first two rules of fight club it bothers me. Those rules were made to be broken so members of fight club get used to breaking rules. The whole point of fight club in the movie was a slow "awakening" of the male population to their power in society and how they could reclaim it.

Not trying to be funny - I have no idea what you mean