If atheists are such enlightened intellectual worshippers of the scientific method, why do they deny climate change?

If atheists are such enlightened intellectual worshippers of the scientific method, why do they deny climate change?


Just ignore it, children.

Everyday. Same bait thread same bait replies.
Should i just end it now

Sup Forums is slowly going down the shitter.


If christians are such enlightened intellectual worshipers of god, how come the poop of trilbies Doritos Mountain Dew katana? If God raisin bran and of Han Solo dies then how come Hodor? I mean HOLD THE DOOR idiot everyone knows that cyka doorknob. Fucking weeaboo

Can't you put some thought and effort into creating a thread that's actually interesting?

The fuck did I just read










>why do they deny climate change?
You mean "Republicans."


