ITT: Stupid things tourists do in you're cunt

ITT: Stupid things tourists do in you're cunt

I'll start
>getting attacked by polar bears (pic related lol)
>walking off cliffs
>freezing to death
>not packing the parachute properly before base jumping

fun fact: the number of german tourists that have gotten themselves killed in the norwegian nature is higher than the number of norwegian civilians killed in the nazi invasion

Other urls found in this thread:'s-cancer-recovery-daintree/7461358 Beats up Three Roma in Bulgaria

>steal our women
>fuck our women pregnant

>come here in the first place

I didn't know you had polar bears in Norway.

How did he survive the attack? Bear spray? Gun?

>asking for child prostitute
just go to philippine or thailand you mongs

the bear ate his friend, so he didn't bother finishing this nigger off

>come here
>they all stay
>we have a good time
refugees welcome

That's some messed up shit to live with. But it must've been a brown bear? There's no polar bears in Norway?

Sounds like it was on Svalbard, which is a part of Norway.

They get eten by alligators where they shouldn't have been swimming, and they always manage to stand on ant hills.


>getting lost in the bush
>getting bitten by snakes or spiders
>getting mauled by sharks
>trying to pet kangaroos
>dying from heat stroke and/or severe dehydration
>driving on the wrong side of the road (yes this actually happens)

>leaving small children unattended in the presence of a wedge tailed eagle
>getting eaten by crocodiles
>getting stung by jellyfish

I witnessed group of asian tourists taking pictures of a dogshit on the sidewalk last summer

that's... your own countrymen

hot meme

Bat polar bear repellamy spray


>being more autistic than the inhabitants
>being german

The polar bears are only on Svalbard


>Speaking english



>mauled by sharks
>getting eaten by crocodiles
>leaving small children unattended in the presence
They get eten by alligators where they shouldn't have been swimming

Holy shit. They are not just memes?

> he can't speak God's language

Truly not first world

Climbing the Andes like it's a weekend tour in the Swiss alps, morons get lost and expensive operations are made to rescue them, in the low 15 this last months

sorry m8, I was hoping to open a new market

>falling for tourist traps

But my favourite
>They are asking for directions
>I point always in the opposing direction
>"Sir, you just need to go this way for 20 minutes"
>They say thank you

Gets me everytime

Deaths here from crocs are regularly at water bodies that are known and well signed as croc habitat's-cancer-recovery-daintree/7461358

>being unable to handle few beers
>getting robbed by gypsies
>buy faux russian/soviet souvenirs

Actually Joan of arc said god spoke french, so french is rhe so called god's language :^)

>ignores the local rules about the forest.
>relies heavily on some tv/prep shit about the forest
>lost in the forest forever
>if ever been found, high chance that only the skelly left
>mauled by crocodiles and sea creatures
>bowing like Japanese or clasping hand like Thai to locals
>speak Ind*nesian
>use "butuh" (cock) instead of perlu (need), deserved to be slapped in the face
>looks more redder as the day passed
>naked in public where in the brochure explicitly says that no nudity please
>make trunks with Malaysia flag design

>going to Rio
>going in a favela
>getting completely wasted in a favela
>then go to São Paulo dressed as he's in the fucking beach
>ignoring all the other touristic places

The last one is quite good tho, but still.

>>getting bitten by snakes or spiders
haven't been any deaths from either of these in like 30 odd years though have there? also what makes aussies less susceptible to getting bitten than tourists

pic related looks beautiful

try and talk to strangers
make eye contact on public transport

biggest mistake is people come here thinking it will be fun & a party 24/7 like a movie

Jumping from balconies

Ouro Preto, São Paulo.

don't worry about snake bites, you're more likely to get bitten by an abo than a snake

Damn, never heard of it, that makes me kinda happy tho, knowing every country has a lot of nice and unknown places.

I've seen those two pics posted here at least 15-20 times

>submerging their cars under the North Atlantic and stranding themselves on islands

Happens a few times every summer


checked and keked

Self reminder to never trust a German

Well they constantly get lost in the mountains and ignore avalanche warnings.

>yodeling accidents

>jumping from the balcony to the swimming pool
we get several guiris ded or severely injured evert summer
just sucking several cocks in a row in exchange for a free bottle of liquor
>paying 8€/liter for a mixture of 0.75€ wine with fanta and some banana and kiwi slices
literally retarded
>eating "paella" not even Murcian pigs would dare tasting
just command Arros al forn, negre, a banda o del senyoret, at least they'll know you know some shit about dry rices

attacking random people Beats up Three Roma in Bulgaria

i see this kind of articles every now and then about tourists randomly sperging out and attacking/stabbing people. a few years ago there was that british bodybuilder/boxer guy who got high and started sperging out and it took 5 cops to subdue him and he injured one of the cops so bad he was sent to the hospital

i'm starting to theorize that there's some underground drug that makes people go bat shit crazy.
either that or the the cheap niggers used low quality drugs mixed with all kinds of shit that caused them to go on a rampage.


>fun fact: the number of german tourists that have gotten themselves killed in the norwegian nature is higher than the number of norwegian civilians killed in the nazi invasion
Which just prooves that the invasion to protect you from the brittish invasion wasn't a big deal at all.
You just play victim to get a share of the jewish coolness.

I absolutely hate tourists coming over here.

>they usually pack their cars with food and necessities, to avoid having to spend any money
>throw trash everywhere
>let their dogs off the leash on some farmer's property, mauling his sheep

>try to hike to any of the harder areas to get nice pictures, start walking way too late in the day, wearing flip flops and no wind resistant clothing or wool. Then meet some locals on the way who tells them it's too late, and they should turn around. Refuse, keep walking, then get tired, sit down, and have to be rescued either by local volunteers, or by helicopters.

>trying to pet a muskox
>driving caravans slowly in the middle of the road, refuse to let anyone pass, then park it illegally on some private property, to save money, and throw trash everywhere.
>expecting the locals to understand and speak german, refuse to even try english.
>ask for help or directions to somewhere, but refuse to listen to those directions.

>muh paella

he was wrong. More people died during the invasion.

And it's not like the germans are the worst tourists, although they're pretty bad.

The italians, chinese, japanese and the french should never come here at all. At least a few germans are decent, although they have to come from a mountainous area.

>Dissolve themselves in boiling acid pools

Granted the last guy that did that was American.
>Go for a hike in Death Valley and get turned into skeletons

I was precisely recommending avoiding paella so you can taste other delicious traditional rice dishes that aren't pandering to tourist's tastes.

A traditional paella is perfectly good, is just more of a "family" dish so it's difficult to find good ones on restaurants, and the ones who make them good usualy are visited by the locals, not tourists.

>going to paris
>being chinese
>getting robbed

>Coming with euro money
>"But Switzerland is in Europe!"

Fuckin' brasilieros I swear..

>staying in resorts and going to the beach
>drinking alcohol like idiots specially americans cause they can't until they are 21 y.o
>going to aztec museums and shit
>going to restaurants
>trying to buy drugs

Is english widely speaked there? I didnt have problems in germany but dont know about other european countrys

You'd think the name Death Valley would put some people off, or at least serve as a warning

Why are museums and restaurants stupid shit?

>spend a lot of money on tango shows
>spend a lot of money on shitty keychains and stuff like that
>going to our beaches
I have met a few American tourists who legitimately expected spicy food and for us to be just like Mexico

There's always that question of "Hey man, where would YOU go for _". Most of the time, the difference between the real deal and the brackish tourist reserve is worth the half hour of disdain as you struggle with the occasional idiom or synonym. I've met some really cool people being places I "shouldn't".

anyone not in an elderly home can speak and understand english. Although we have a silly accent.

My friend was confronted by a guy selling cigars and shit in Mexico. Friend can't speak Spanish, so he tells the guy and the guy says "Marijuana?" so he bought some good ass weed

>coming here in the first place

I never said the opposite.

Haha not bad

There is a special group of people in Germany that are Norway and Sweden fans.
You can see them in Germany, wearing clothes of the outdoor brand that is sporting the Norwegian flag on their outfits.
You can't realy give them advice as they are thinking due to their profession to allways be right or having freetime.
It's teachers and other people in the education business.
They just suck.
Feel free to ignore them, just as every normal German person does.

>German person,
>Clothes sporting the norwegian flag,
>Car is a camper

They are teachers wayting to get eliminated. Do it faggot.

>Clog up the sidewalks and streets in places like NYC.
>Underestimating our wildlife (don't fuck with grizzlies
>Underestimating shit like cliffs, rivers, riptides, etc.
>Driving through the ghetto (kind of like underestimating our animals) and getting killed or robbed.
>Interact with people trying to sell shit on the street.

Some older people don't speak english.
Also my son is 17 , he doesn't realy speak English...except the English you need to pass the next test.
English is a pretty useless in Germany. Everybook is translated and ever movie is dubbed. And most songs use realy deformed language. No matter how good your English is, you will never understand the songs of i.e. Amon Amarth.

based germans keeping our caravan camping sites alive and well, as well as moose-related trinkets like dried moose poop in glass jars, horns or moose signs

Alligators and Cross are ambush predators that blend in. If you aren't used to them and enter your environment there is a good chance you'll have a bad day.

>german bait

>they usually pack their cars with food and necessities, to avoid having to spend any money
No shit, Switzerland is cheap compared to your country

then they should pick a cheaper country.

>making the centre of amsterdam nearly inaccessible on a busy day
>eating mushrooms or truffles, freaking out and killing themselves
>taking drugs from shady dealers and killing themselves
>getting really drunk and making a fool of themselves
>making the whole city smell like weed
>falling into the water
>asking dumb questions like "so do you use euros in amsterdam?"
>just generally being stupid people
I sure am glad I don't live in touristtrapsterdam. At least they spend money in our country.

you should start using your fugees as cheap labor so europoors like us can afford a trip there.

based Swedish Jedermanns-law keeping the Teachers out of Spain, so normal people can have good vacations

I saw a tourist barge through an empty passport control booth in the airport, probably not realising we're not in schengen. Alarms were set off and he was chased down and caught by police.

Welcome I guess

can't, as we're already using the spanish for this.

Muhamed spoke french confirmed

kys yourself

are there a lot of Spaniards there?

I don't get, it. Why don't you just work in the administraion?
Imagine how wealthy Spain would be if everyone would have a well paid job in the administration.

>ITT: Stupid things tourists do in you're cunt
Trusting the local

not that many. Poles and Swedes make up the majority of the immigrants. Great people, but we're taking in too many of them.

Even Ukrainians fall for this.

>Great people, but we're taking in too many of them.
I need this one backed with arguments so I can use it my self.


In the country as a whole: don't know, don't care.

In my city: coming here for touristic reasons is already stupid by itself. Specially when you're looking for things clearly out-of-place.

They let themselves fall for obvious scams done by Somalians, or Bangladeshi street vendors.

They make the mistake of considering these vendors like humans. They respond to them, they look at them. They should just totally ignore them, and if the vendors continues, just say "No", in a strong voice, like you would with a dog acting up. I've had to save tourists quite a few times, often Asians who just don't seem to know how to say no.

Other than that, they fall for tourist traps. But that's fine, these things should be seen at least once anyway.

Then you have tourists who assume every Parisian is a professional tourist guide, those who ask questions without even attempting to speak a few words of French, rude Chinese and Arab tourists, drunk British tourists, American walking strereotypes.

The sea claims quite a few stupid tourists here, they rent a boat or go for a long swim and do not realise how quickly the weather can change. It can be sunny, then stormy then sunny again in the space of an hour.

basically undercutting wages in service and construction business.

I don't want less of them because they're "destroying norwegian culture", or because they're some sort of untermenschen. Just because they're having a negative effect on the wealth equality.

So, the immigrants are good, but immigration is bad.

>Just because they're having a negative effect on the wealth equality.
by making you richer?

or by making the mediocre Norweigians poorer, since immigrants will work for less?

Well know one Korean girl traveled Russian intercity roads in a bicycle in winter
It got in the news

Most popular stupid thing to do here among foreigners though is probably seeking help from Russian doctors in the immediate aftermath of their first fuckup

no one cares about mediocre people you have Mexicans sleeping in tents harvesting grapes for wine in California. They're basically slaves that make opening a new business easier for you

You need money to open a business, it is tough to get that money if people are undercutting you and preventing you from moving up the ladder.

i thought it was mainly older people (i.e. not chavs) that went to bulgaria from here, and skiers?


tourists from all countries, or a certain one in particular?...