Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Fiora?

Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Fiora?

cause it's viktor fag

Fiddledicks. In my Shit elo it's top tier support. Easy poke with e, then at 6 surprise ults all the way to victory screen.

Always minimal wards and messy overstaying on enemy side allows for kek ults

How's bronze treating you?


Because Vladimir's Q lets him stay in lane until he gets enough gold to buy Rabadon's and boots without backing

i personally main tf, i fucking love him so much

Anyone wanna buy my account :) ???

I love his ult but I have the rest of his kit.

Because I normally prefer AP casters, and played a lot of support.

Lux and Orianna were my favorites for support, but lane bully Viktor was fun too, if not too supportive...

I also played a lot of Sivir. Her push too stronk!

Remember when they didn't change every one of a champion's abilities for no reason at all?

Cause Draven is actualy fun

Because Kindred is the only champ worth playing.

You gotta have the right lane for it though you want the top side of the bottom lane so you can ult and flash over that corner

Wish people would play her more often in my games. Lee Sin has never been easier.

fiora was way more fun before that pointless rework. she is now literally crap to play. her passive is fucking stupid, and so is her ult. the only reason she is relevant is true damage.

yes she is


>League of Legends

league of losers sucks, play a real game

True damage is cancer and Riot needs to remove it. I'm also not found of ults that can 1v3 and get away with it.

Fellow Kindred players ayy

I want to cum inside Ashe.

The fun police is here

I want to cum inside Blitzcrank


volibear jungling all over this bitch come at me bros

funny as hell in lvl 15 blind drafts when a kid tries to square up early and doesnt know his passive

>More or less went from Level 15 to max just training on this guy.
>Played since Season II, used to be ultra god with the silence
>suffered when he was shit during the old mastery times
>now raping again with storm raiders

Maybe Rito will grow some balls and make an AC skin for the fucker. And no, the faggy asian skinny jeans one doesn't count.

Miss Fortune is my guilty pleasure

Not maining the best girl
Same on you op


Can't gank the crank

because im not a facerolling virgin with no friends

I got Firefighter Trist from hextech crafting a few days ago. Should I unlock it? Is it wurf?

zed easy mode


vayne because im not fucking gay

nice tumblr gif faggot

Pantheon otp here #11th best euw and d3 :^)


Feels gr8 to land a barrel chain on the entire enemy team
Also cheeky ult ks

because i main riven

I want to cum inside Gnar

Get cancer

Trundle because I'd like to see you try.

that's not nice

yeah I loved playing broken champs too when I was still in bronze 5

Hey man that was pretty uncalled for.

Die from Cancer, you are Cancer

Aa canceling, animation canceling 40% cdr riven isn't Nice. For a riven Main to get cancer is.

Get Cancer, you piece of Cancer

I agree

Because I play sideboob assassin

come in man I'm a nice person i don't deserve this

Thanks for your Support! Riven mains get your nigger ass out of here.

Trundle is such a god top lane. Been playing him a lot lately. It's almost impossible to lose lane.

Fuck riven

Pick Pantheon :^)

i don't only main riven ; ^(

shame riot gave her a breast reduction

what is there to main in a champ thats literally point and click?

Because Fiora is a piece of shit

I ended up deciding i don't really want to play league anymore. I've probably played 5000 hours or something. It just got old. I'm trying to sell my account now with no luck. I spent most of my time playing vlad/ez/shaco/

I main Caitlyn because thats what based lord Martin Shkreli mains

Ohh yeah :c we still got lolhentai right?

Don't listen to them. Riven is a goddess.

It's worth

they just didnt put shadows on her sidebooby because their artists are virgins and afraid of girls

oh well atleast I can fap furiously to the new nidalee splash arts

because i dont play childrens deathmatch games

Nah. Trundle eats Pantheon too.

It's hell lot of fun tho

Shut up white knight


D5 actually
Add me :)

bloodseeker.....wrong game i know, but they are almost the same thing

Cause i main voli

watch your language young man

nice mastery 5 faggot

I guess youre Eune? thats gold-tier in EUW and NA

Shall we find out?

Monster Hunter master race!

this guy

^emotional support

havent seen an Akali in ages
nobody plays her anymore

then again, everyone just plays the same broken champs, Fizz,zed,Lucian etc

Hey one arm dump dick, i didn't cuss

someone needs to make some good hentai about poppy and tristana

lolhentai only has trash

Cause i wreked her on URF with Jinx

calling people names is not very nice

Also, I main Nami and Thresh(As my main role). In the jungle, it's Kha'Zix and Kindred. ADC is Jinx and Lucian(I'm bad at ADC because I didn't play at all in season 5).


I know enough. I've been maining Trundle since season 2. That's like 4 years. I lose to 3 man ganks only.

Xerath main. Can't beat the new emporer of Shurima bitch.

so basically all the cancerous champs, congratz

just swap that nami with braum and its ultra cancer

i always though a lot of virgins ( the main people who play this game) would main Ahri cuz muh neko cat girl xDDDD

ADC main here. Twitch is best ADC.

mid gold is nice since I got there in around 40 games. haven't even logged in in nearly 2 weeks now.

Is he Emperor now? I don't read the lore.

Twitch is more broken than Lucian

I'm glad I'm not the only one that knows. Late game Twitch is the strongest ADC in the game IMHO. Just sucks he requires so much peel.

>Knowing what the term "main" means
>Is actually the virgin

u dont even need peel when u can jump out of nowhere and 2 hit everyone

salty Ahri virgin detected