Okay you bastards, I need to know what the fuck is going on

Okay you bastards, I need to know what the fuck is going on.

There's a girl that I've been interested in, and I'm unsure how she feels about me. She always seems happy to see me and shit but she doesn't always respond to my messages.

Well on Monday I asked her if she wanted to hang out for the first time in person, and she said that she wanted to. .
So I told her that I would text her to set something up and she also agreed.
FF to today, I text her saying "Hey Anonette, we should hang out after school today" to no fucking response.
I'm so fucking confused honestly and I need your input on this. Will give more info accounting our relationship thus far. It’s essential to this narrative, so It’ll take some reading. Please help a Sup Forumsrother out...

Okay well to expound upon the day I asked her to hang out with me in person. Here's how it happened.

>She came in and I waved at her while she was in line.
>She did too
>I took a shake out to a customer, Valerie was in her own booth with her brother
>I see that she's looking directly at me
>I go over to her and begin small talk, all the while she is very happy to both see me and smiling
>I ask her if she has another job, to which she says "No"
>And that as a result she says that "It's boring, and she has nothing to do" she said this with a big smile on her face
>I just say something like "Well at least the unemployment life is easy"
>Again she says with a smile "It's no fun when you have nothing to do"
>It clicks in my head and then I ask her if she wants to hang out sometime
>She immediately says yes, and I'm just like "Alright cool okay"
>She gets up to have a conversation with me then. Talking with a smile and visually happy
>We walk to the counter (so I can go to work again)
>Because I was so sketched out on her flaking out (like most women have done to me) I ask her
>”Are you sure you're down to hang out sometime?"
>Again, she agrees
>She then invites me to her graduation and I agree

I'll account a couple of scenarios that gave me the impression that she was interested, hopefully his makes my situation a little easier to understand.

Experience #1: (In no particular order)
>I was talking to her at work when a couple of other girls that knew me came in
>They disrupted out convo and we speaking with me flirtatiously
>I also spoke somewhat flirty, but not to their extent
>I looked back at Valerie (the girl in question's name) and she was looking at me with a pretty blatant look of jealousy

Exp #2:
I work in shit tier fast food (I'm still in High school) so don't judge the work
>Working with Valerie
>She closed a completely different station than I did
>I was doing my procedures and she she calls my name
>She had brought me a mop bucket and said "Hey, I brought this for you" both in a comforting voice and with a smile
>I said thank you and smiled back at her, she returned it and went off on her way

Exp #3:
>Again at work
>There's downtime so I took the initiative to go and talk to her (this is when my interest started)
>We were just bantering on about nothing really, just talking with each other
>I then just stare into her eyes with a smile
>She does the exact same and we're just there for about 4 seconds looking at each other
>I give her a smile and she smiles too and says "Woah" in a flirty tone of voice
>We then part

Exp #4:
>I had a friend (who is a girl) that came to visit from college
>I was also working with Valerie on this day
>Well my friend and I are talking, and as she leaves we hug (we always do)
>I saw that Valerie witnessed this, and she shot a very jealous look in our direction
>My friend leaves, and I go out in lobby to stock shit
>Valerie comes up to me and says in a tone of voice that had a hint of jealously in it "Who is that? Is that your girlfriend?"
>I smile at her and say "No I don't have a girlfriend, she's just a friend of mine"
>This was about when my interest was taking root

Exp #5 (this one related back to #4)
>Closing again with Valerie
>We were next to each other doing dishes and what not
>Our managers begin a conversation about past workers here
>My friend who I hugged had recently left to go back to 2nd semester in college (she worked during Christmas break)
>I brought my friend up and was talking about how she's a good worker and all
>Valerie say "Wait who?"
>And I explain to her her physical traits to clarify who it was
>Valerie says to me in a jealous (but not overly obviously) tone of voice
"Isn't she the one that hugs you?"
>To which I tell her yes and also make a comment on why she remembers her for that
>It clicks in my head, but she didn't say anything in response
This one to me really hammers in the jealousy thing, because why would she remember her only for that? Plus the way she said the last part was kind of in a saddened tone to be honest

Exp #6: (This happens quite often but this one stood out to me)
>This happened after the texts on my screenshot where I ask he about her senior year with no response.
>This is after she quit btw
>She came into the workplace and was in line for Ice Cream
>I work in kitchen
>Busy but not enough to where I couldn't speak to her
>She is in line, and she spotted me before I did her
>And she very excitedly called out my name "user!"
>I look over at her and she has a big smile and is waving at me
>I was annoyed with her because of her not replying to my messages. So I just do a quick wave and go back into kitchen
>I saw that he smile faded when I didn't go and speak with her

Exp#7: (again after she had quit)
>She comes into the workplace
>And talks with other past co-workers
>I was in a state of mixed feelings so I didn't go up to say hi
>Another one of my female co-workers comes up to me and says "Hey, Valerie is out there"
>I turn the corner to speak to her
>She is looking a little down
>I say in a soft sort of flirty (due to mixed feelings) tone "Hey Valerie"
>She looks up and she begins so smile
>"Hey user"
>We look into each other's eyes for a second or so
>We both say at the same time "How are you doing"
>We both then laugh and try to begin a convo, but are interrupted by other co-workers
>I'm annoyed at co-workers but I say bye to Valerie, so it's all good.

Again, I know that I should not send another message, and my best bet is to wait it out, but fuck man.
I don't understand why there's so much mixed signals being sent.
It's really starting to fuck with me, why so many women just ignore the shit out of me even when I take initiative. I have not once had any success with a lady despite being all that I can be in my personal life, and most importantly to other people. I guess today's women are too fucking stupid to either know what they want, or are just too fucking stupid period.

I'd love your help Sup Forumsastards, this is fucking with me so much

Please help a faggot out...

Will be bumping my self because I need to


>Be me
>Decide to go to some restaurant with my brother
>See weird fat smelly kid from class
>Fuck. He saw me.
>Walks over and literally reeks of sweat
>He begins asking weird questions
>Give quick answers hoping he will leave
>"W-wanna hang out sometime?"
>Brother looks freaked out
>"sure OP"
>Please just leave us alone
>Somehow finds my number
>Won't stop texting me
Creep ass

This may be cringe but fuck if I care about that

Not the case my friend, I've avoided her most times she came

This did make me kek though, so thanks

Don't 404

I'm just fuckin with ya Sup Forumsrother, go ask her out, she seems kinda interested. but the texts are annoying

Shameful self bump

I did ask her out, look at my OP.
Still now no response.
How would you react to this shit?
It's so confusing, and it sucks cause I've grown very fond of her

do you think that my texts are annoying? I don't text her frequently at all.

Plz don't 404

I guess to add some interesting shit to this I'll just type random shit to keep it alive

Right now I have my Bass in my lap, typing shit up on Sup Forums

I fucked up this morning by fucking up my cover of Rush - Cowboy Bebop in AP Music Theory

If only I played without mistakes or doubt, then maybe I could've done something great

I need all the advice on earth, even if you think I'm pleeby as fuck, I need to hear this to improve myself

It's funny that all these stupid threads get attention,but I need help and nobody gives :{
Feels Bad Man

Shub-Niggurath - Yog Sothoth

Mr. Bungle - Carry Stress In The Jaw

I should post this in the morning hours so more can see

Fuck man

I'm about to off myself. I'm sure Valerie would rather have that happen than hang out with me

Omg just be a fucking man and ask her what the fuck is good next time you see her. Tell her to text you the fuck back, and if she still doesn't then stop talking to her dumbass

I love to collect records and play instruments. That's my passion

I plan on confronting her (obviously not with malice). What should i tell her though? It's not the first time shit like this has happened to me

Trust me Sup Forumsrother, she's by far the only girl that I've been manning up to. But I feel like it is in vain

404 blocker

I just don't know why she can't just text back like someone else. It's horribly fucking annoying, and I'm tired of dealing with this sort of shit.

I know I'm better than a great majority of the men in my area, most are pompous assholes. But I always get left behind

Simple, say: hey, is your phone broken or some shit cuz you haven't been texting me back. If she makes up some bs excuse, then says she'll text you, and still doesn't, then give up on it because it's pointless to waste time on girls who play these stupid fucking games

True, but I don't know why the fuck this has been so fucking common for me. I've NEVER had a girl say yes and mean it. I've been so lonely, and I feel like she will be the first GF in my life, but then this shit happens? I'm trying not to get my hopes up but this is confusing as all fucking hell.
Thanks for the input brother

It probably wasn't a good day. She's got shit going on too. Be patient. Keep asking her, but not in an annoying way and not the same day. Just chill. Give it a couple days and ask again.

Send her a pic of your dick always worked for me in highschool.

On a more serious note honestly don't txt her bro. From the sound of it she's got some thoughts of you if she ain't into another dude. So in short women like mystery give her more and she wants less give her enough to come to you but never enough to completely fill her. So when she's with you any repressed feelings will come out and she'll be all over you. Be busy or atleast pretend to be busy never always be there for her. Hope it helped you bro guessing your a senior or junior in Highschool.

Don't let her waste your time If she's playing with you then find someone new

Why would they even play these fucking games? Is it to toot their own narcissistic egos? Or are they fucking idiotic? If she is interested, I don't see how pulling this shit would do any good for either or us

She has shown more interest in me than I have to her, just recently I've made the efforts to try and reach out

Yeah, just be real with her. Beating around the bush and playing dumb isn't gonna reel her in. She doesn't seem like a dumb whore, so don't treat her like one.

Yeah, about to graduate in a week

This was the first time asking her in person. I had no doubt, and I asked her confidently.
Proud of myself to be honesy

Just ask her in person why she didn't reply to your text always works

Yeah she wwas hanging out with a coworker of mine kind of alot before quitting. Then we (I included) made jokes about them fucking. But the guy said she was into somebody else in a strange tone. Then that's when she began making more of an effort to talk to me

Trust me brother, I treat her as intellectually sound as I would anyone else. I never downplay her or make her seem dumb or whatnot

How should I do so without coming off as angry/needy/ or arrogant? Or do I need to come off as this to show assertiveness? I've never done this before

I have more feeling that she's into me than not, but now I feel like I'm deciphering ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs

Best and worst time of your life man. Save those dollars and work that ass off while you still can. Don't waste time because some crazy shit happens about your age your perception of time gets fucking faster time fucking flys by. Aging is a cruel joke time flus by faster the less time you have. Don't be a fucking dad find a girl with BC. Women like a selfish headstrong animal as a lover she wants to be the focus of your attention if she thinks she is the focus of your attention it's no longer a want and loses the magic. So make the hoes come to you it's easier than it sounds. Lots of normal desperate sexy women in the world.

Holy shit. Most autistic OP in the history of Sup Forums.

Tell me what you think or this?
Should I confront her about the message, then tell her that I really want to hang out with her because I've grown fond of her? I feel that could go either way to be quite honest.

Thank you for the input brother, now what would you do?

What do you mean by BC?

What do then?

She's my age. BTW women do thing I have the looks of a chad, but I don't act if to be honest. I've been lacking on assertiveness, but have been honing that tool to come off as myself and not just a douche

Gonna be honest man don't know what the joke was but you gotta censor your self in self on thoughts like. Use body language women make their interests obvious negative or positive but their minds change rapidly this happens even more with young women. So eye contact , smiling, playing with hair and changes in voice are little things you can use to read a woman. Because honestly they don't know what the fuck they want and you have to read them in moment and strike thoughtfully strong and at the right time when you strike at all.

She's trying to make you desperate, sounds like a manipulative cunt, if you do go through with this, she will only control and manipulate you using stupid tactics like these.

stop thinking about it so much and focus on something else until she replies. if she doesn't then move on.

Say nothing

Birth Control
(Perferably the shit women get in their arm)

It comes naturally don't force it gotta know it's ok to fuck up just do something. That's what it truly means to be assertive.

Just read any of my greentexts lol.
I'm very aware on how to read a woman, and what to look for, hence I mention how I spoke to her, and how she spoke to me. We always have unbreakable eye contact, Even if it's just for a glimpse. I find her looking at me many times, and always when she comes in to the workplace.
She sends many positive messages, more than any girl I've ever know to be honest.

Are you being honest with us we can't help you if you aren't your 100% sure she's into you.

I don't think so dude, I didn't develop feeling until recently, to be honest, I've been diverting her attempts to connect. hence her jealousy that I mentioned when the other girls came in to speak with me, or when I hugged my friend

I'm telling you the unmitigated truth of this ordeal from my perspective. There would be no need to lie about this shit

I feel like she is into me more than not, but I just can't tell when she ignores my attempts to connect with her.

I'm in this kind of situation too.. And I don't know what to think. She seems interested in me sometimes and then she ignore my text for an entire day... I'm fucking confused but I don't want to give up on her cause I kinda like her.

Hmm I see. I know it's best to abstain from child birthing. I'm smart enough to avoid those issues

Should I only confront her about the texts then? I feel like if I do I'll just say something like
"If you don't want to hang out, just say no. I'd rather you be honest than waste my time"

Yeah, what I mean by honing, is that I always want to take initiative with girls I like, but usually just bitch out. Me asking her in person was me getting over that bullshit, and I didn't feel nervous nor scared at all. It flowed naturally and she agreed immediately to hang out.

It's hard Sup Forumsrother. I've never had a companion in my life. So having her would be a blessing for me honestly. She's such a cool girl, and so nice, although that could be a face, I've never heard from my peers (or anyone else for that matter), that she's a vapid bitch, or a rude bitch either. I naturally avoid girls like that because I know it brings trouble. You think she herself could be nervous?

You should go to her gradiation and surprise her with some flowers and then take her to a date straight away. Don't give her a chance to back down and then decide if she is the one you really want to date. Because with a start of ignoring and jelousy might not be the best, she could turn into a psycho at some time. (No offence, thats my opinion, I don't know her)

Honestly I very much appreciate all the responses and similar anecdotes you Sup Forumsastards are providing. It really helps me out

True dude, but her jealously wasn't the bitch kind, more of the coquettish, coy type. Think of it as if she wished herself to be in the shoes of my friend whom I hugged or the other girls that came in with their flirty shit.

I appreciate that opinion, and I may honestly do just that.
However, I have tried bringing flowers to a girl before, and needless to say, it was tumultuously cringe for me

I really feel compelled to give her a hug dude. Next time I see her, I'll do just that. I just need to figure out when her graduation is so I can plan this shit straight away

Chocolate also works

I know for a fact, right now, that she's the only one that I would want to affiliate myself with romantically. Nobody else holds my interest, plus she's a fellow spic, so I think its better than not, so I don't taint other races with my genetics. (I firmly believe that the lowering populace of whites in the west will be fucking disastrous but this is tangential.)

Ehh. I think flowers would be the better bet

But I appreciate that reguardless

I think I will just be honest with her when I see her next, go to her grad with flowers and see where it goes from there. Hopefully I see her before the grad so I can be privy to the logistics of her ceremony

Thts nice, but with the hugging thing. I think that when hugging a girl you need to be casual but the hug must be only ment to her...if that makes any sense

Elaborate on only meant to her? As in it should feel very sincere, and or personalized? That's how i go about giving hugs, cause I don't give them often, so when I do, there's definitely great intentions, so i feel like that won't be problematic. Plus I think honestly thinking on this shit today, that she may welcome it much more than not. I'm confident with that

I know when to bail if things deffer from progression. I've been met with failure too many times to be naive about that, for I know that It'll just bring me more pain in the long run along with a heightened period of self-deprecation. I know how to avoid that shit now

Nah, remember the Denko thread? Shit made me cringe until I hemorrhaged.
Nothing's going on.
If you're about to leave high school, you literally have nothing to lose because you're probably going to interact with a bigger pool.

So I didn't have the same story, but similarly with this friend, it seemed like we were interested in each other but she didn't message a lot. Eventually, we just kept running into each other a lot that eventually we just made plans in person to meet - well, she actually brought it up, so luckily all I had to do was agree. Anyway, after that we agreed to meet again, and eventually we got a pretty constant communication flow going. Also, back then I still had the early Verizon Motorola flip phones. Not even the Razr. The old one with an antenna. And she had a Slide or some shit so I was really slow in texting back compared to her.

Tl;dr idk- your options are kinda unlimited here dude.

Yeah, personalized. And confidence is good. I really do belive in you, you can do it. Will you make another post about how it all went? Cuz I'm really interested. :D

Again, thank you for the input. Communicating this to you has improved my confidence with the situation

I know college will provide a more eclectic array of people, but I don't want to lose the only person that holds my interest right now you know? I think that it'll be better to take this chance, than not, and start over again.

It's better to be prepared and fail, than be scared and unsure of myself, then still get killed.

It could be.. I really don't know why girls do this kind of shit so often.


I've asked about this sort of shit to my college friend (mentioned in the greentext above) about why they do dumb shit a while ago, and she stated that maybe it could be due to their nervousness and or self doubt. Which would honestly make a whole load of sense (especially in my position) because I used to be like this too

what a douche edgy fuck

Of course Sup Forumsrother.
I will detail how this unfolded, but i don't know when progress will be made. It could be from tomorrow till 2 weeks from now.
I'll post the same OP pic of the message, and call the thread Valerie part 2 or some shit.
Thank you for the support man, I've never received much growing up, so hearing it from somebody, even if anonymous is such an uplifting thing. Thank you, and keep an eye out for the progress

Honestly I don't get phased by things like these, honestly it helps more than not, because it open up a new perspective, even if it is one that isn't preferable despite how dumb the scenario may be haha

I have no inhibition right now. Sharing this really did help, thank you for listening Sup Forums

Most women are just annoying like that
They think by ignoring, nor replying their feelings are being clearly transmitted. What this means is that she is not into you, and does not reply back because she is a lazy pos that does not know how to handle the situation. My sister does this all the time

>You have two options
Ignore her and move on with your life, if she confronts you about this, tell her she is sending you mixed signals and you rather avoid the drama that comes with it. If she does not say anything, fuck it and move on
Be a man, ask her plain and simple why she does not reply, is she weirded out by you hitting on her? lastly tell her you like her in your own words

She always seems very receptive when I flirt with her, in fact I find her flirting with me most of the time, even till now. She just had her eyes locked on me, then I went to speak with her, she never took her eyes off me.
I plant on straight up telling her that I like her
and maybe with a mix of "If you don't want to hang out, just say no. I'd rather you be honest than waste my time"
Also see this
I am more than confident in talking to her right now, but i don't know what will come with it.
If she doesn't reciprocate, then I know when to move on. I've failed too many times, so I'm not naive to this anymore