Thread 4

thread 4

Blue kill niggers

black on yellow

green atks yellow

Blue attack black

Continue satan's will
Y to G

Green smushes yellow

Blue > black

Y to G
They shall see the light


no resurrect

Green takes out black

black to blue

Blue attacks yellow

Blue to black apes

green to yellow

G fights Y

Broccoli stomps on corn

niggers kill blue babys

Black on green interracial.

Almost friend
Y to G

black to bluess

green to yellow.,.,

Don't believe your 'dark God' is helping you any longer bud

At least help us kill the niggers

Blue --> Black

Can't let you turn on the Pepe nation without repercussions. Green takes yellow

black is almost kill

green kill yellow

green to yellow;

Change of Plans maybe Yellow to blue

black on blue !

green to yellow```

Green takes out yellow

Blue to black

Blue to Black

Green to yellow

Grn attack yllw
Sorry my 3 is brokn

black niggers attack yellow chinks

yellow kill black

black on blue again

Yellow sends a strike force deep into the heart of the greens


Seafolk of the cerulean sea, thrust your dicks into green--


my dad used to hit me, with a green t shirt, fuck those smurf motherfuckers

Blue-eyed aryans finish the nogs

Sonic kill nigger sonic!

green to yellow`````

Blue to green

nigger use panic attack and go forr blu

Blue vs yellow again


Aliens probes a couple niggers

Cheezus to Green

Blue attacks Black. Any spillover goes into Green.


gre to yel

Nope mathurfuka chicken eater
Blue strikes again black

Y to G

I've done it. I've redeemed myself.


The green overlord absorbs yellow

Bananas to Lettuce

black is kill

blue to green

green to yellow,./

black to blu

Smurf interracial with frogs
Blue --> Green

Blue hype kill green!!

Green kills blue

Blue to green

yellow to blue

B to Y

blue to green again

Green to blue

green to yellow]';.,

Green puts an end to blue

Blue attacks Green

green to yellow,./

now that only 3 remain no more revivals allowed

Satanic chinks slaughter frogs

Pikachu to squirtle

Blue master race kill pepe

blue penetrate yellow

Black apes are dead now asian will die
BLUE TO yellow

green to blue,

Blue pushes into Green

Y to B

Green attacks blue

Green wave crashes over the yellows

Squirtle cum in bulbasaur's ass
Blue to Green

yellow to blue

green to blue

if not dubs or 0 I quit for the night...

Y to G


Aw shieet nigguh
More of this please, re

Blue to green, also

Blue kill pepe.

Green kill blue

blue on green


g -> b

Yellow takes a bite out of blue

Yelo to blu