Why is Elo Hell real? is it something im doing? any tips guys?

Why is Elo Hell real? is it something im doing? any tips guys?

How do you legitimately get placed in bronze 5? i have made accounts with the sole purpose of getting them to bronze 5 and i literally cant, i can pick literally whatever and do anything and still win more than i lose in gold and below

>bronze v


elo hell isnt real, you just suck
pic related, i started in bronze 5

shit troll, you have to be actually braindead not to be able to carry with 25 wukong and 17 galio

Looks like the other team played smarter late game. If your late game is poor doesn't matter how strong you are, also you have an afk, and they have great late scaling champs

Any help i can get on late game? i really would like to get better but i find myself lacking in lategame.

Learn that every game is situational and play to win conditions.

Elo hell is a thing, but it's not in Bronze. There is no one in Bronze that doesn't deserve to be there. Silver, pretty much the same. Gold and Plat are actual elo hell.
>Boosted accounts
>Paid accounts

You need to practice your game mechanics. You're Bronze because you suck at the game. Look up some basic mechanic videos on YouTube. Literally the most basic shit is the difference between "hurr durr elo hell" bronzies, and 50%+ winrate in silver.
Also, fuck Riot. Understand that the Elo system is literal shit, which is why literally every other game ever has used normal MMR. Matchmaking in League is insanely retarded, especially in norms.

It's not that important. Just learn to finish games early and when to dive. The best way to carry yourself is to learn how to corral the semi sentient monkeys on your team to push the right objectives at the right time. 17 kill galio and 25 kill wukong doesn't mean shit if you can't finish a game.

Simple, Dont fucking suck

Mechanics dont mean shit if bronzies are gonna make retarded decisions. Literally not being a retard is half the battle; play smart

Mother fucker you're bronze 5 with almost a 40% win percentage. Trust us when we say you deserve to be where you are.
The fact that you went 17-7-19 has no bearing. Your win percentage tells the story of the bigger picture. Sorry man. I struggle in gold but i still maintain an above 50% win rate.
You're just bronze trash homie

I don't wanna be "That Guy" but playing a carry instead of support will help you get to silver.

This is why you're Bronze.

Oh yeah. The normals are completely retarded.
It matches me with silvers and bronzes against golds and shit.
Sure it's easy to hit that S marks. But the games are so retarded it hurts.
But perhaps it's because I'm unranked.

once you get to late game, it can go either way.

some general tips:

start snowballing early, push turrets to help your other lanes snowball and rush the game.

do not farm all game, do not go for solo kills to boost your kda. just take out 1-2 players and push turrets/get drake/baron.

get deep vision, don't dive/try to solo kill without knowledge of where the enemy players are, don't trade kill for kill if your lanes aren't pushing.

learn how to cs without actually having to concentrate on it. try to get to the point where you ALWAYS have 100+ cs at 15 minutes, regardless of the matchup.

plat support main from just playing smart :^)

This is very true. I'm a Diamond support main, but I sure as hell wasn't playing that shit through Silver and Gold. Sure, supports can make huge plays, but that's a 1 in a million chance compared to playing Vayne and 1v5ing every game.

No, the Elo system is just trash. Getting ranked would barely change it. Still, get ranked, play ranked. Norms aren't worth playing competitively because the matchmaking is shit.

hard game tbh fams
this acc is bronze 3
elo hell is real right guys

Yeah lol. I got into gold 1 just by playing the old Taric.
The new one will get me further. Because you can actually hard carry games against squishies and low cc comps.

thats me btw.

my little brother is bronze and when i watch him play i can see how little control he has mechanically. its like he has difficulties clicking the mouse button.

you have to be really really bad overall to be stuck in bronze 5.

LoL is HoN for retards.

DotA 2 is a money grab that is turning into AA.

DotA 1 still ok for nostalgia factor.

your MOBA sucks son.

Yeah, but in ranked you have to play to win. Which means no late game and less fun.

I only play ranked to get to gold, so I can get free shit. But yeah, I'd rather have games where I have to sweat to win. Right now it's either stomp them like hell or get stomped because your team mates can't handle higher elo players.

the best advice i can give is to never duo queue in ranked. whenever i play with friends we get shit on but whenever i play alone i win games

anything below d5 is literally cancer. d3 is not much better tbh but seriously If you can't get out of bronze at the very least, you're just shit. There is not a nice way to put it or instruct you. You just suck.

to add to this btw, if you are on NA I will boost you hahahaha

Start playing champions that exist, seriously what the fuck is a galio?

this is fucking rich m8, a b5 faggot whining about elo hell. pro-tip: ward, play support, suck dick, repeat until gold.