I was curious so i looked up what satanism is really about

i was curious so i looked up what satanism is really about.

and apearantly its nothing more than people that don't believe in anything really.
they think that theres nothing in death that you just dissapear

i align perfectly to this but isnt this just another name for atheism it seems that everyone has a huge miss conception of satanism.

or am i missing something. Lets talk about it Sup Forums

[pic unrelated]

First, let us talk about this picture. Who is she?

being a satanist does sound cooler doesnt it

Have you heard about Mark Passio?
I've learned much from him.

Its good you took the time to learn OP. There's two kinds of satanism, the one you're talking about and the faggots with the goat blood and magic. People dont seem to get that


no i havnt heard of mark passio who is that ._.

Leanna the lovley decker

It's about as cool as wearing trenchcoats and fedoras... I imagine if you're open about it will have the same effect on your sex life as being an active brony... Which begs the question, why? What is the real, meaningful difference between you and atheists? Why would you latch on to a judeo-christian myth that is viewed by the overwhelming majority of the population as fucking evil? If you do believe death is th end what's the point of some lame pathos that you must also bother explaining?

Everything I've seen is that satanism is just edgy hedonism.

This is my Leanna Decker folder

Isnt that just nihilism?

Seriously, you do not get it that in the eyes of nayone who's not a part of your cult there is no difference between you and this guy?

dis now Leanna thread

Satanism isn't about being evil and killing for sacrifices. It's a about giving into your desires and living a life of compulsion.
See in the Tarot, the devil represents all our earthly desires we indulge in but cranked up to excessive amount. That is why they are considered sins- hedonism, lust, just to name a few. Well this is not any different; satanic worship is just that. Living life as you want with no inhibitions towards these sins.

Oh please, don't mistake these fuckers with a deep philosophical tradition... Nihilists believe all human effort is meaningless and destined to failure... Like the middle aged guys on feels thread that have come to terms with being virgins for life...

Well yeah the main premise is that we are going to live and die. All things eventually will end regardless of intervention and there is nothing afterwards.

>Implying that any religion isn't a cult

Sounds like a fat guy with a rapey vibe... Dude, lkeaving aside there are consequences to any lifestyle, why not just ditch the "sin" moniker? I genuinely don't believe there's anything morally wrong with drugs and consensual sex, and do indulge, why go with some lame branding on something that's chill?

I was actually defending Nhilists here, not the satanists...

Not at all... stating plainly you people are cringey as fuck. As an atheist I'll grant many religious people are not really that retarded, normie is a legit choice you know...

Satan is an inactive entity on earth busy fighting the war against Michael in heaven. The devil the Bible refers to is within us. All that is not of God is evil and we are easily influenced by the sinfulness of our humanity which allows that evil to manifest through our actions.

Quit giving Satan all the credit for that which we can defeat by simple decisions not to indulge in the desires of the flesh.

Well, they call themselves satanist instead of atheist to piss off mom and for the edgy aspect of that word, however that denomination is strangly accurate. From a Catholic point of view, refusing the surnatural world is indeed satanic. I'm not here to convince you by the way, only to explain the thesis so pls don't tip your fedoras at me.

In the Christian doctrines, two spheres exist and cohabit, the natural sphere and the surnatural sphere. The natural sphere is basically the human biological and intellectual fonctions, all the chimical and physical reactions. All phenomenons in the world for example react to the principle of causality. So man is, like all phenomenons around us, a natural person, the function of his bodies, his intellectual abilities etc. etc.

Based on that empirical observation, you can do two hypothesis to understand the origin of man and the world. The atheist one, who affirm that the nature originate in itself, have no divine origin, and the deist one, that affirm that the natural world is created by a God, that is himself in the natural sphere, it is the first cause, the supreme being of philosophers. Not a transcendent God, but a natural one, that created the laws of Nature and is himself in the natural sphere, as the first cause.

Now, from a Christian point of view, the natural sphere isn't sufficient in itself. That sphere indeed exist, but was a created by a God who isn't submitted to the laws of Nature, who exist independently of them, in the Surnatural sphere. More over, the man itself isn't only a natural creature, characterized by his body, by his natural intellectual and physical constitution and abilities. The love of god for humanity allows mankind to transcend the natural sphere and access to God, love, eternity through faith. The incarnation and sacrifice of Christ on earth basically sums up : The supreme being, in the surnatural sphere, who, enter the natural sphere, allowing mankind to transcend nature.

yea, satanism isnt as fucked up as people think.

ya know how crazy christians will sometimes say "satan is that thing inside you that makes you wanna do something bad", thats literally what Satanists think satan is. though its not always something bad. its more 'do what you want, and dont fuck with others'
if you wanna have tons of sex, as long as it hurts no one, its fine. while christians and other religions would have a problem with that.

True to a point, but we as Christians are supposed to hate the sin and love the sinner/non-believer.

The only time the Bible says we are to judge someone by their actions is when they assert themselves as Christians and blatantly sin outright. Even then the Bible says not to hate them but pray for them and distance yourself/don't associate with them.

Now that being said, the satanic aspect of atheism is basically evident from a christian point of view, it is refusing the surnatural sphere, refusing God, refusing his love. Living only according to nature.

It is basically what did Lucifer, by refusing to bowing in front of a God that made himself a man. He is the father of sin, the father of error. The first error is to refuse the surnatural sphere, as he did, to live entirely by himself, in nature, against god's surnatural love and sacrifice.

According to Thomas Aquinas, that is also the explanation for the original sin. Adam refusing the laws of God, the surnatural world, and wanting to equals God by eating the fruit of knoweldge. The fruit of knoweldge suppose that man want to become entirely natural, without any surnatural accept, that he want to know everything, as if everything was knoweldgable and that by his natural capabilites, he could dominate and understand the world.

So now, you agree or not with that, it's a question of faith. But refusing the surnatural sphere is indeed a sin in Christian doctrine, and more than a simple sin, the first and ultimate sin, the revolt against God and his sacrifice. I don't get why satanists call themselves like that, by doing so, they basically agree with Christian denomination.

Meaned to :

Yeah. It's acknowledgement that the Christian faith is correct and outright rejection of submission to God. An ego trip in short.

meh... You make a good point but I find it somewhat demeaning towards Christian as it implies most of them still believe in the medieval divine order... There's a distinction to be made in practice, and I've met Catholic clergy who do, between skepticism of religion, as in the case of secular humanists who don't make arguments against morality, and worship of evil, eg fucking Satanism. You would have to think that Christians are incapable of nuance to follow through on your argument. This is not so and most do not equate Satanism with atheism, generally one is considered worse than the other... Surprisingly is often atheism that is considered worse...

So basically your beleif system comes down to the devil's pep up sppech near the end in Tenacious D? Fuck...

the christian fate is indeed correct in some aspects
but not the ones you think of...

To be fair...all Christians sin since we're still human. Obviously I clicked the thread because of the hottie.

We just love God and ask for forgiveness when we indulge and try our best to resist.

I'd be happy to read a list of what you think is accurate and not and respond with my thoughts. Email me at [email protected].

Please don't fucking equate atheists with satanists... There's a difference in between not believing in fairy tales and trying for some gay emo lifestyle... It's kinda like me calling Christians retarded on the same level as Muslims...

As an atheist, you literally don't believe in anything beyond your own observation? I just don't understand..there's only so much that can be explained...

Well, of course there is a distinction between secularism and satananism, but still, there is a filliation between the two I think. At least from a Christian point of view.

Because, " My kingdom is not of this world ", because lucifer is called " the prince of this world " etc. etc. By allowing only nature to exist, you inevitably falls into a cultural relativism that slowly dissolves the concept of Good and Bad. Only the surnatural sphere can enlight reason and permit it to flourish. Otherwise, if you rely only on reason and on nature, you are slowly drive through scepticism, because you can't assert ultimate truth, you can't verify all the axioms as Pascal eloquently explain it.

It is basically the person of Pilate, he isn't bad in itself, but he refuse absolute Truth, and when the Christ tell him that he is the truth, his answer is " What's the truth ? ". Without ultimate faith in an absolute surnatural God, without faith in the truth, he ends up crucifying Christ.

Satanism will be an edgy pushover of relativism, a total submission to nihilism, that can be reprezented by Herodotus. Pilate and Herodotus, soft relativism and passionate nihilism are the two figures of Satanism, of rejection of the surnatural sphere and of God's love. ( sorry for shit english btw ).


Pirate ultimately let the people decide.

Ugh. Pilate *

Yes, that his soft relativism. There is no absolute truth, what is the truth ? If the people want to crucify him, and let them do it. In a world, Pilate is the figure of evil in passivity, in relativism, while Herodotus is the figure of evil in action.

* Yes, that is soft relativism
** then, let them do it.

Oh neat.

I believe oxygen exists and yet I've never seen it... you dumb fuck, literally?. Yes I don't "believe" like you do because other than cogito ergo sum nothing else can be actually proven... We all make asumptions, truth isn't an absolute but a reasonable aproximation to this abstract called reality...You don't know shit yet you have convinced yourself revelation provides all the answers, irrational belief (aka faith) is for the weak minded...

It can't be proven because the point of our existence is to believe in God through faith. What would be the point if there was proof. If accepting God was a logical decision, where would love come in?

"still there's a filliation" in your mind, Satanism implies acceptance of judeo-christian theology, if we are going from a historical definition of Satanism and not what some edgy kids on Sup Forums want to turn it into, it is a branch of YOUR belief system, unrelated to non belief.
"only the supernatural sphere can enlñight reason and permit it to flourish" This is unsubstantiated tripe, scientific thought is one of the most trascendental achievements of reason and it's premise is precisely to ignore the supernatural...
"... Pilate..." Man, how the fuck do you discuss reason then turn to allegory as an argument...

And what does herodotus have to do with a 19th century philosophical movement? He was the father of fucking history, yes, an intellectual requisite for the work of Kant, Nietzsche and Kierkegaard, but not directly related...

The fuck man, it may have come off as a well reasoned argument to you but what I'm reading is an incoherent rant...

"soft relativism" theology is basically solipsistic masturbation, What's the fucking difference? The problem with your passivity of evil concept is it's based on a morality system which condones genocide (read what commands Hebrews to do in the old testament) we live in the fucking 20th century, I'll take humanism, and human rights, as a basis on which to discuss evil, not the ramblings of misogynist, xenophobic and violent desert peoples...

That's circular logic, you're assuming there's a point to faith... You can't be moral or good if you don't believe in something without evidence? How the fuck do you know it's your particular denomination/belief system that's correct? If yoyu had been born in a different geographic area your "faith" would have led you to believe in different writings/deities, etc.But God just loves fucking with us because in his unending mercy the concept of unconditional love eludes him... No, he must sacrifice his child (who is himself) to apease himself... Your beliefs are ilogical and moronic...

Tattoos ruin it

It's meaningless, but we still enjoy the ride

Where is your source? That isnt straight up athiesm. If youre gonna talk shit. Provide your source. Satanism is not believing in rules. Doing whats best for you and no one else. Think of it as western societies Buddhism.

No man, it isn't like atheism, nihilism or budhism... satanists are just dumb fucks who can't tell the difference in between lyrics in shitty metal and trascendental philosophy...

Of course Satanism is "a branch of my belief system". Did you even read what I said ? I didn't at any moment intended to preach absolute truth, rather give a christian understanding of satanism to answer OP's question. Just read :
>scientific thought is one of the most trascendental achievements

Science is pure positivy and ontical explanation, it never treats of objects as objects, but only list a series of qualities. It never emancipate itself through ontological thought. I never say this was a bad thing, it's its role, but you won't answer any metaphsical questions with it, and yes, it leaves man without any form of answer in the domains of existential and metaphysical thought. Do you even Heidegger bruh.

>Man, how the fuck do you discuss reason then turn to allegory as an argument

Well, using a biblical allegory isn't that stupid to explain biblical doctrine, isn't it ?

For Herodotus, I meant Herode, english not my mother tongue, sorry.

Anyway, I don't have a sufficient english level to undergo a philosophical debate sorry. I literaly have to translate the 2/3 words I use and I don't manage to say what I want to say.

>Morality system whiches condones genocide

Not old testament biblical stories as metaphors and take them litteraly. It's your protestant literalist problem, not mine as a catholic.

>muh metaphor meme, it's the way Christiany chose to cope with modernity, nobody understand those stories as metaphors before.

In fact, everyone in the Catholic word did, you just have to read Thomas Aquinas for that. Again, your Lutherian history, not mine.