I need feminist hate you worthless fucking sons of whores

I need feminist hate you worthless fucking sons of whores.

Get posting

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hi, i'm jeff

Hi jeff, do you hate feminists too?

Nuff said.

Hating feminists means you're threatened by them.

Admitting you hate feminists is basically proclaiming that you're a frustrated powerless male.

Agree'd. You hating them gives them a cause and power to rally. Ignore and they will go away.

No it means I want to feed my misogyny like you're here to feed your whatever. Get posting you niggers

you're not allowed to hit men either shit for brains

you sound like you never got your feed of breast milk

I tipped my tea off with your mums breastmilk the other day yabtwat



seems like it


Ayy lets get this going

You can respect women without being a so called feminist

a person don't deserve respect. They have to earn it.


Quads of truth brother. Just having a cunting pussy doesn't give you the right to any special privileges


Check em, quads don't lie

>Admitting you hate feminists is basically proclaiming that you're a frustrated powerless male.
well yeah. Men have been systematically disenfranchised for decades. We are politically powerless, and therefore why shouldn't we be frustrated?

how is it that when women were powerless and oppressed, the reaction was 'omg, we need an entire movement to upend society and give them more rights', but when it's males the reaction is 'lol, what a bunch of losers'?

Because the left, especially feminists, have never given a shit about actual equality. It's just about handing out special treatment to themselves and their political allies.

And then they turn around and try to manipulate the people they're screwing over by playing on their pride. Well you know what? I don't give a shit if you call me a pussy, or a manbaby, or whatever insult to my manhood that the left pretends to think is un-PC and yet uses all the time anyway: I'm tired of living under a government and a legal system that is systemically biased against me.


Tl;dr version?

He is a retarded faggot that does not know what he is talking about.


you got an actual argument? Just calling me a retard doesn't count

really? That's too much for you?

If you dont want retards in this thread then leave and there wont be any

No one is reading your tumblr copy pasta shit you worthless fucking lonely spastic monkey troll

Smells like a Curves in here.....


First go outside for a bit and see what the real world is like.
Said the stupid 12 year old.

You made it sound like your the stupid 12 year old

lol well played dumbass

Well you did

Proof you're autistic is the reply saying "you're*"


Dude....he's totally right and you're a braying jackass. Unless you prove otherwise, the entire original post is totally right. Until you display rational thought, I will now assume you are Big Red.


You should all take the time to read this.

It's pretty well written, and makes many good points.

Then learn to read. You retard.
You may of replied to the wrong post.
So you like him you are a retard that would not know a fact if it teabag you.

ok but I'll read the end first


I think you mean, you need to learn to write lol. Don't get so mad at the internet kid

Your autism is causing you dig this hole deeper kek :' )

>well written
>more than 1 question mark
>multiple spelling errors


You have to pay me as much.

And pointless banter is part of the social structure here.

Don't even bother with that

No, I mean you you need to learn to not be a stupid faggot.

well he stated that he was drunk

Your mom is bait.

That picture is so stupid. There is no such thing as the right to be hit. Who's the retarted guy who made these stupid captions without even activating a single cell of his brain

Go shave your armpits Laci

Holy shit son you're going to make it to china at this rate.

"stupid faggot" Stop projecting buddy its not healthy

But that doesn't excuse anything. If I get drunk and crash my car, and I admit I was drunk, am I excused? No, you're still a dumbass, last time I checked.

Go shave your butt sir fagalot.



It's just pointing out the hypocrisy of these fat stampeding buffalo's

The right is the right not to be hit, which they want to apply to them more specially


Hey Anita, shouldn't you be working on this videos you promised you'd make. You know, the ones you promised to make for that charity you defrauded.



Ex feminist

It didn't mean they're threatened
But it does give power to the feminists
By showing that they're being angered by the feminists, which in turn makes the anti feminists do something to piss off the feminists
It's a fucking circle jerk
Everybody's angrily jerking each other off and it's stupid

I respect womans for sure....picture of my hero

Absolutely. Since women liberation there has been a rocket in the number of divorces which has led to a greater number of men raised without fathers.

These boys are told how to act as men by women who at best have no idea of masculinity and at worst have an open hatred of it which led to the divorces. You say I'm threatened? Absolutely I am. Men are;

-outnumbered in new recruits to stem fields two to one
-highest in suicide rates
-highest in homelessness
-constantly told that addressing any of this is being a whining manbaby
-struggling to come to terms with masculinity; masculinity is demonised by almost every mainstream media outlet, referring to masculine tropes as archaic, out-dated and Neanderthal
-constantly handed longer prison sentences for the same crimes as women
-to blame for all of their own problems, whilst simultaneously blamed for most of women issues.

Nearly every serial killer or rapist was raised by a single mother, yet every analysis of these serial killers singularly fails to mention this, instead referring to "misogyny" inherent in the media.

Men have been, for close to twenty years, denied the right to express their identity as men, and yet when a male comes across as frustrated and powerless, they are berated for it.

Threatened? Fuck off, the modern man is practically defeated, and you cunts wont be happy until they're dead.


Do you have anything to back up your big post of bs?

Everything he said is true. The only reason it's not common knowledge is because it goes against the narative.

Not from a phone. Google it over a bowl of quinoa, you absolute bit of a cunt.

If you get citations will that accomplish anything?

There is far more evidence for everything he posted than for a 30c wage gap but you won't look for it because you are afraid of what you will find and ironically you calling it BS proves more than one of his points for him.

We're you almost raped Skepchick?

So you retards have zero proof. Ok then.

I'd be my testicles he could provide 100 sources and you'd still reject them outright?


lol rekt

>being this retarded
Pretty sure you're not serious at this point

Not that user but wow, you're a cunt. No, crashing a car while under the influence is shameful, but we're talking about typos and internet speak. If you aren't capable of driving, I would expect your spelling and punctuation wouldn't be perfect.

You're just a cunt. Have a nice day.

pornsharing.com/blindfolded-girl-sucks-cock-and-lollipop_v6605 learn how to google

have a suicide citation
Murphy, George E. "Why Women are Less Likely Than Men to Commit Suicide". Comprehensive Psychiatry 39 (4): 165–175. doi:10.1016/S0010-440X(98)90057-8.

Do you have anything to refute what was said? no? Then you're just as retarded as us

I believe that you are the retarded one. He pretty much destroyed your entire argument.

My life is my proof.
I don't need to share that to know what's true.
Have you ever seen a homeless woman?

Woman says "I feel I am oppressed" and we, as men, are told to believe it.

Man says "I feel I am overlooked in society" and we, as men, are told "no".

What, specifically, do you want proof of?

NO! You go to hell. You go to hell and you die! The reject frames of a Sam and Max cartoon are too good for that. You don't get to use them to poorly defend identity politics. May your ovaries grow barren and rotten with cancer.

>Spends the first half of the thread calling anybody who disagrees with them retard without posting proof.
>Spends the second half calling anybody who won't post proof a retard.
You really are a special snowflake aren't you.

-Nearly every serial killer or rapist was raised by a >shit father

According to the Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress, 2009

61% of homeless people are male

Yeah, no.



>Since women liberation there has been a rocket in the number of divorces which has led to a greater number of men raised without fathers.

There were a lot of beta fucks (like yourself) who couldn't keep their women worth shit.

I don't think so.

I made one.

That is totally false.

No, a very disproportionate amount of serial killers and murderers in general were raised by single mothers. Often over bearing feminist types as well.

So men are so powerful that them being absent has more of an effect than a present, good mother? That is a powerful argument for not sending fathers who can't pay child support to jail but rather removing the children from mothers who prevent access. Well done you have proven that the custody laws in most western countries are literally backwards.

Have you checked on her?
Bet some lonely beta took her in just because she has a vagina.