What is this blister on my dick

What is this blister on my dick


Does it mean I'll die sooner if so good

it looks like herpes. might be syphilis, jsut get it check out at the doctors. no worries tho.

Herpes fag. Kill yourself

You've got the clap mate

Looks like a blister.
On your dick.

Herpes. almost everyone gets it and its not life threatening. don't worry about it.

Isn't herpes normally around eurethra/pink flesh/openings?

I thought herpes was a cluster. This is just a single blister with a hair sticking out of it. Any chance it's just an ingrown hair? I've only fucked one girl unprotected and last time was months ago

if it doesn't hurts, it's syphilis

I mean it stings when I touch it. Like an infection.

Try pulling the hair out if the root had a white chunk at base and root it was ingrown. I have had ingrown hair in my buttcrack on the old gummy hole. It pulled out and shot black blood.

Don't listen to them. Pull the hair and look for indicated lines of dead skin and/or puss. Having unprotected sex is dumb especially nowadays. I am 30 and have never worn a condom. I have had around 20 partners. Three girlfriends cheated. One girl I fucked- she cheated on my best friend with me has aids now. I have been tested and an fine.

Definitly aids


I love this sort of slimplicity.

Dodging bullets there. Im 29 and just started using rubbers. Aids n hiv are on a massive incline now not to mention syphilis and the herp derps. Fuck that noise

When I tug on the hair it hurts like fuck. And when I lightly press on the blister I feel slight pain from the pressure. Could it be an infection? I don't think it is is herpes or the clap but I could be wrong.


ye, its herpes. i have it on my stomach. keep it dry, and when i starts oozing, dont let it spread. have a bandage on it or something.

pic of herpes on your stomach? im still skeptical if this is herpes. im gonna get tested soon

looks like an ingrown hair

I still think it is a blister, ingrown hair, or infection. Not herpes or syphilis. I've literally only fucked one girl bare (several times) and last time was in December. I've gotten head since then but BJs are practically fool proof safe STI wise. I want to see real pics of herpes/syphilis before I 100% believe anons here.

looks like an ingrown hair user, just tread lightly with it. I usually just let it sit for a few days then pick at it after a while to get the hair to come out. Not sure if it;s the best thing to do with it but it usually works