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how much ibuprofen does it take to kill me? I want to die

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Can't you be at least a little bit fucking inventive?

I'm a coward

Thought about jumping into the river with a weight around my neck, and hanging isn't an option because my parents house has tile ceilings

can you provide a little more information about your situation?

At least 350.

Hang yourself from a tree or swing or someth?

just down a bottle, but it's really painful. Dying from falling off a bridge is way better than liver failure

Ibuprofen is a bad choice. Main side effects are gastro-intestinal. Chances are you'd just throw it up and be left with excruciating stomach ulcers.

fail at everything I've ever done, i was sexuallly abused as a child by a family friend and I tired to cover it up all these years but it left me psychologically crippled

I can't seal with this pain anymore

I've tried ODing on that OP. Very bad choice. You'll probably survive, but your stomach walls will be gone. It's a very very bad way to go out.

Why not use helium instead

Take as many ppl out as you can with will be better for the world in general...i suggest a gun but you sound poor so serial knife kills

seal it with love, let god into your life user. help those in need, in doing so you will help yourself. god bless.

Im tired of you religous nuts...if you cared about ppl you would want less ppl on earth

don't do it with ibuprofen you faggot, it will take too long and be too painful

Get help, man. talk to a psy, let it all out. He wins if you die.

Burning out your liver with ibuprofen is one of the worst ways to die. Do you want a slow, painful death that takes months? Because that's how you get a slow, painful death that takes months.

Fuck, buy some cyanide, retard, or just order and exit bag from ebay.

10G will put you in renal failure

I don't have the courage to do that, trust me o would've by now if I could

I cannot believe in a god with how much of a hell I've bee through, why any God would allow such agony upon one person doesn't make sensr

this universe is amoral and there is nothing but null and void, and I want peace

I've never been in your situation, but I've always imagined that if/when I realise I was a failure at everything, I would just pack up and start a new life in the forest or something, life on your own terms. surely that's better than finishing it al?

Over 9000

A LOT. Try acetaminophen. Takes much less to OD on and fuck up your liver.

if you're depressed you know that once you feel the slightest bit of happiness or peace, it will all come crashing down

I've tried multiple ntimes to escape my past, and no matter where I go or what I do it still feels like it happened to me just yesterday

I don't have money for that, and my family is very conservative and doesn't believe in showing emotiona

how many will it take? is expenseive? Im basically homeless right now and have almost no money

If you're at least 21. Buy a Sub Cal conversion kit for a flair gun, and some ammo. And shoot yourself.

If you're not 21. Just do the helium bag trick.

Both methods will cost less than $70.

Look, pain sucks. I know. The worst thing I could imagine happened to me, and for years afterwards things got worse.

Worse than I could imagine. I wanted to die, because that was the only way to escape the pain.

But I didn't die. I'm still not sure I wouldn't have rather died, but I am sure I am a better person, and after 7 years the pain is much diminished.

So much diminished that now I know that if I live long enough, I will be glad I lived.

From moment to moment I still find times that I wish I was dead, but it's not even most of the time anymore.

I'm not going to tell you to toughen up. I will tell you that living through horror will toughen you, and make the pain, if not go, at least be tolerable. And there's good things coming too.

Don't miss them.

Depends on a couple factors. If you're an average adult who hasn't been taken ibuprofen a whole lot recently (e.g. no tolerance) and weigh about 65 kg (143 lbs), then ingesting 50,000mg of ibuprofen would result in a 50% probability of death, but that's assuming no medical attention is administered and you don't vomit. If you're younger or older than an adult then you're probability of dying is higher. If you have a preexisting medical condition that has weakened your liver or kidney then your probability of dying is higher. The more body mass you have, the more ibuprofen you need to ingest to produce the same probability of death. Obviously, if you want your probability of death of death to be higher than 50% then you have to ingest more. You also have to find some way to stop yourself from vomiting, because most people will involuntarily vomit after ingesting a large quantity of drugs, and the probability of it killing vastly declines when that happens. You also have to do it in a location where no one will find you for a while, because ibuprofen toxicity is slow acting and it could take several days for you to die. If someone discovers you unconscious and calls an ambulance to take you to a hospital then your odds of dying are also much lower because modern hospitals have all sorts of ways of stopping the effects of an ibuprofen overdose. If you're going to attempt suicide with an OTC drug, I recommend Tylenol instead. The required dosage is smaller and hospitals can't counter its effects after a certain time period (about 24 hours) although it takes several days to a week to kill you.

I don't have that much money and no shipping address

All I have some cash, I'm currently at my towns library using wifi I'm fucking homeless and nobody cares about me

not a religious nut, just offering another option. could actually take god out of the equation and just use your life for good if you don't wish to use it for anything else.

what you have suffered many more have suffered, many more are suffering, and many more will suffer it. look at Michele Knight, trapped as a sex slave, pretty much the least favorite, and forced to have traumatic abortions with her fetus lying next to her, living in a man's basement for 10 years. She could have taken the easy road, but instead she is helping others that have been in her position as a source of inspiration.

I cannot imagine what you've been through, but you're still standing. What you've been doing up till now to cope hasn't been working, so try something else. Join a support group, online if you're afraid of face-to-face for now. Read up on shit, ie Veronica Decides to Die,, etc.

And don't half-ass this stuff. If you're willing to kill yourself at least try to do everything else before it so you can actually say 'You know what, fuck it.' Then by all means off yourself, but do it after all has been said and done.

Don't kill yourself user

Your feeble mind, like mine, is incapable of judging the world. It's not your call. Your mission, if you accept it, is to make sense in your acts.

Do only what is right, and gives you self-respect.


just swallow about 20 what an dumb you want to kill yourself or just pretending to ?

Ok dickhead, pills dont work, my younger edgy teenage self tried and failed 4 times with pills before getting help.

If you want actual fucking results
Look up this......


Jesus christ. Suck a dick or two or and get some cash so you don't suffer or survive and deal with all that urgent care personal watch bull. You at least owe it to yourself to die with dignity.

Take a ton of sleep pills and drink a bottle of wine while standing on a stool. Fuck man, I dunno. That's literally like $10.

How old are you OP?

maybe it's easy for you to say, but admitting you were abused as a child is basically impossible I have so many personal issues that led to me hurting others close to me I don't want them to know something that would permanently push them away

I want to take my past to the grave with me

checked, maybes kek wants me to live


Come on man, there must be something to do
He'll win if you kill yourself, don't do it

My guess by him being concerned with no one caring about him, id put him 14-16

LOL acetominophen is super fucking painful too, not a fast or pleasant way to go.

Just kill yourself, do it fast, use the solid gassing techniques or litterally shoot yourself in the head.
If guns arnt available you can always build a DC self electricution machine in 5 minutes and stop your heart

Is this a comic about a kangaroo employed as a garbage collector, who also happens to be a recovering addict?

take like 8 aleve

Kidney failure is a REALLY shitty way to die, and that's if the acetylsalicylic acid doesn't just burn through your stomach lining and start dissolving your organs. Not THE most painful way to die, but it's up there with most inquisition execution methods.

user, I'm the guy that just asked your age. I just completed a medical rotation in psychiatry and am about 80% done with obtaining a medical degree. Have you ever been prescribed any psychiatric medications and/or been admitted to the psychiatric unit of a hospital?

Your liver will fail before it kills you, but the end result your after is the same eventually.

Where are you user?

>I don't have money for that
Are you American? If you can't afford it, there are programs that help you with that.

do it don't do it shit has nothing to do with us you want sympathy? I'm sorry life can be awful and hard to deal with I'm sorry that happened to you I'm sorry no one took the time to notice you hurt but if you off yourself that's it you're only 19 you have like 50 years to do whatever the fuck you want remember there's 8 year old kids in africa taking care of their 3 year old brother after their mom was raped and killed by some faggot so remember 911 and shit alright kid?

Dude, listen to me. Don't kill yourself. I know you're confused, and you've been mistreated. I know how many people have hurt you, I know I might have been one of them.. But dammit, you've got so much to live for, and though it might not seem like it now, you'll more or less get over this stuff eventually, and you'll be back to enjoying life to some extent. Besides, you don't want to be like that crazy bitch who let her parents make her break up with you. She tried to kill herself, and we've both seen what road that leads a person down. And I mean heck, I might have left you too in a way, but I don't want to see you throw your life away. Live through this. I know you can do it.

If OP wanted to die it would not ask about ibuprofen.

You have the internet, shithead. NO ONE needs checkout advice from Sup Forums. Your post is B8. KYS.

> Remember 9/11
They do say humor is the best way to deal with harsh times

How fat are you?


Niggers in africa deserve all they get

you're only 19? Have you been formally diagnosed with any mental health disorder?

I'm guessing you haven't explored the alternatives. If you've sought actual help then you will eventually come to the realization that admitting past traumas isn't something that's impossible, it's just something very difficult to do. And what do you care about pushing them away if you're going to kill yourself anyways?

Sure you might have done some shit to your family, but you owe it to them and to yourself to let it be known. And all fucking aside, if you get anything from this thread it's that you need medical attention. Even bums get physical and mental health help.

Many that are easy aren't worth doing, and some things that are hard must be done.

What you say is impossible I know is only difficult. If those that learn the truth push you away, count yourself fortunate to no longer have false friends to mislead you.

When you have done the hard thing and look back on your achievement, you will both be proud of what you have done, and find you have something of great value to those who don't have it, and need it.

Do you think others are in bad sitiations that hurt them? How do you think they will feel after you have helped them?

>tile ceilings
nigger what even?

We all die eventually. The only reason to live is pleasure, be it in virtue or vice or both.

It doesn't "matter" in a cosmic sense if anyone dies from a particular choice, death is inescapable.

No I never told anyone about my issues, just kept bottling then down

they're basically office ceilings, the little foam ones

And I can't hang myself in a public place

probably a little over 200 pounds

If you try to kill yourself with ibuprofen you'll problem just fail again like with everything else. Try doing 10 fucking minutes of research before you spout off your stupid ideas, you fuck. 5 fucking seconds of googling will probably tell you how stupid of a suicide attempt that would be. 10 minutes will tell you the best ways to maximize effectiveness and minimize pain. You make me sick. I'd tell you to kill yourself but you obviously can't even do that right. Stupid fucking retard.

Okay I feel less angry now. Seriously, there are websites devoted to this with good information so that you can make informed decisions about suicide. Use them if you really have the balls necessary to kill yourself.

Anyone else watching the movie Casper in 2016? Watching it now and I completely forgot he turns back to life. Ain't that some crazy shit???

And don't get me started on Christina Ricci's blossoming breasts. Lord have mercy!

there is a lot of things wrong in life and with ourselves in general.
But it doesn't mean i can't change and nothing can be done.

Praised be kek.

So what you're saying is that you're a massive fucking pussy who would rather go out the cowards way rather than fight for what he believes in no matter how much it hurts.

Remember, you can always kill yourself in Prison.

Dude, I know 19 is even harder than 18 for a while.. But you can do it man, you just gotta put the past behind you and tough it out.

..What happened to you when you were a kid man? Is that what you've been tearing yourself apart over?

You wont die, its hard to OD from it, you will mess up your guts and brain and will feel like shit for weeks, being in the hospital under tubes.

That 'bottling' btw is the worse thing you could do user. Just like bottling anger, sadness, fears, etc. Letting shit out is the healthiest thing you could do. I used to be emotionally stunted, angry at the world for not understanding me, but it's because I never let anyone in. Now when I feel something I let people know and it's made a big impact on my life.

>tie belt around your neck
>make it tight
>sit indian style
>put head into lap

Probably because you're such a whiney bitch. People don't like that. If you want people to care then you need to have something to offer them as a person. Try cynicism instead of pessimism. At least the cynic is funny sometimes.

found the guy that got his ass kicked by niggers in school

haha what was it like getting kicked with jordans?

brb gonna find vid that inspired this

Op, don't kill yourself like that. Go down to the ghetto and sing em some johnny rebel.

is '???????????' supposed to be 'suck your dick'

Probably? Hun, when you're down on yourself you overestimate your flaws an underestimate what you're really capable of. I'm sure you're not even that heavy, and even if you are I don't think that's really that bad.

I don't have fight left in my man

my close family friend had a younger son (about 18) when I was 8 years old he would force me to masturbate in front of him, suck his penis and swallow. he also ass raped me a couple of times, often when he would drug me with copious amounts of alcohol or painkillers

the worst thing he used to do was shove very large objects into my asshole during family events, and woupd make me walk around and sit and eat totally normal, if I cries out or anything he would beat me. his friends also joined in a couple of times in the rape

yo if you ganna die why not do it in euphoria just od on roxies or heroine

maybe. maybe OP is too fat to suck his own dick

if the town library has wifi there's somewhere you can go to get help yeah it blows taking hand outs but so does sucking dick for sticky console change

here it is
kind of inspiring actually.

What about letting things go instead of bottling them? I use to bottle my emotions but now I just don't care, nothing really gets to me. Bottling them is a lot of work.

If anything you could go into erotic novels because your story just made me hard as diamonds user. And I ain't even gay.

They're super light and springy. Way better than steel toed boots, man.

Sounds to me like you're still bottling nigga, just changed the labels is all

wow not even one decent answer

what about suicide by cop? how do I provoke him to shoot me I'm not really a threatening person

do you even read, faggot?

a knife and whatever feminine motion you call running also scream it adds confusion

maybe it was hot to you, but it left me sexually debilitated

I couldn't even properly get hard when my old gf would have to sympathy to jerk me off

it's so humiliating and my family expected so much from me we are educated and relativey upper class and I failed ebrhing

>sets imaginary goals for himself
>mostly by pressure from family
>gets depressed when shit doesn't turn out to be as cool as he thought it would be
>contemplates suicide
>ultimately realizes it solves nothing
>jerks off and goes to bed

why can't you kill the person that did it?

Look user what you say is horrendous and will probably stay will you for the better part of your life, but it already happened and nobody on this earth can change that ever. I believe all life is precious no matter how small or big it is, there are places everywhere that can help you in most vulnerable moment, there are even free anonymous hotlines with people that will just listen to you and not even ask for a initial. user there will be people later in life that will care about you even if you don't know it. If end it now what then the people that hurt you will get away scott free and will not pay for the actions done to you. I may probably rambled here and there but like I said, all life is precious.

Google escape bag.. happy trails OP. Hope your nextlife is better than this one.

I wonder if I am. I can't tell. I was already bad at expressing emotions before I stopped trying. I was also bad at experiencing emotions.

On the plus side, when shit happens, I don't freak out like other people.

Man, I wonder what the fuck is wrong with my head, this just doesn't seem right. But it's not all that bad I guess.

they live in new york now, Im not even remotely close

I had an elaborate plan for a while where I would off my family and maybe take a car and hunt him down. but I'm too much of a coward to actually do it

maybe you're right, but my pain feels very real

I was simply numb for such a long time and that I could deal with, but now everything is pain

Just take ALL the pills. What difference will it make after you're dead? Better too many than too few.

Did you even try googling like I said you stupid fuck? There are websites with statistics about the effectiveness of different suicide methods as well as rankings of the amount of suffering for the different methods.

meh, you still aren't Anthony Burch

You can still get them within the law

jeebus dude. have you tried therapy? idk much about this kinda stuff but i'm here to listen, if you want

>why any God would allow such agony upon one person
If god does exist, he honestly doesn’t care about you or anyone else on this planet. The universe is too big for something with that much power to cry over spilt milk. Do you cry whenever you kill a spider or step on an ant? Yeah, I don’t think so.

Having said that. I’ll be straight with you, user. Forget god, forget your family and your friends. I don’t know your life but I can assume they’ve been pieces of shit that haven’t cared to help you but you know what? There are people out there that do care. I’ve been through some shit, suffered alone for many years and only recently decided to try and turn my life around when I talked to my doctor.

Got send to a physiatrist and go to see her every week. I’ve been going for years and she tells me that I’ve made progress, even though it’s painstakingly slow. Medications aren’t working but I’m still trying, because I want my life to be better. I know there’s something wrong, I’m sad and I hate being alive. I only live for my dog and she’s on her last legs. There’s still a chance I’ll kill myself when she’s gone but I’ve never made promises about the future.

So I have a question for you, user. Are you living for yourself or others? Because a life made towards someone else is going to drain you to the point where you currently stand. You need to be selfish and not in the stupid as fuck suicide way. Actually try to live your life for yourself. If you fail, then die knowing you did something for yourself, if only once.

Ibuprofen will leave you deaf and stupid.

>they're basically office ceilings, the little foam ones
Those are drop-ceilings, numbnuts. The real ceiling is above those tiles. Pop one out and hang yourself from the actual ceiling.