My gf wants to come over tomorrow and watch the Euros but I'm worried she'll act fucking retarded...

My gf wants to come over tomorrow and watch the Euros but I'm worried she'll act fucking retarded. How do you deal with watching sports with women? Is it as bad as I think its gonna be?

Why do you care how she acts?
Do you think so low of your own gf?

Sweden YES!

I just want to watch the game with a couple bros and not have her asking questions about the sport or commenting how hot the players are.

Doesn't she have a phone? She can text people and post crap on instagram while you actually watch the games.

Don't do it. My ex ruined the world Cup game against Belgium. My friends ended up hating her and banning me from watching sports with them.

What a fucking cuck. Just accept it.

watched the england-wales game and there was one of my friends gfs there and she talked non stop about her trip to wales and started showing pictures of it all through the game

very annoying

confirmed for never watching sports with a girl

Wow, you're acting like you have some kind of ownership over your gf or how she acts. That's pretty creepy/abusive, I hope she leaves you.

>damage control
OPs girlfriend probably is stupid already tbqh

You ll probably just end up fucking instead of watching game.

You fucking tell her you wanna watch with the boys or just sit there and take it you daft cunt. Pick one and get fucked at during match or after.

just enjoy her company you dense faggot


I agree he cares too much about what people think but mine does what I want, cuck

Shove her face over your cock for 90 minutes m9

these both.

She will most likely annoy the shit out of you, but you take it like a man to not spoil your chances of fucking afterwards. Do not let her know you are annoyed bc that means she gets annoyed and even less likeable in this situation.

hey tumblr

10 minutes into the game you look her in the eyes and say, "look, can you just leave? I can tell you aren't enjoying yourself and that's fine, women in general just don't understand sport. I won't hate you for being unable to appreciate physical competition so don't force yourself. You can go in the other room and watch a dvd or something from my collection. Oh but stay away from Master & Commander, I don't think you'd like it very much."

What a lying piece of shit you are lol

>asking Sup Forums for advice on how to contain your crippling autism

My gf fucking hates sport. I tried to have her watch the Euros but she was obviously bored out of her skull. When I told her she didn't have to watch it with me she just insisted that she wanted to. I can tell she thought it was the most boring 2 hours of her life. Now I watch it in secret because I don't want her judging me.