

that's actually pretty easy. You use spirals
Nice trips by the way

K_3,3 is not planar, therefore you need to embed it on a higher genus surface like a torus, or have lines "jump" (ie cross) each other.

I win?

ez faggot



Each product is from McDonald's it didn't say combo just give each house one product

I am autism but I can't solve it

maybe I am actually retarded :(


No line crossed

that's not how it works m8

i just realized im autistic


alright m80

i did it with now going through an item fuckery, gtfo autist

The blender/pipe method.

first time i decided to try this one, fucking easy as shit..


lel house 3 got 2 burgers.
thats almost a zozzle

I assume that 1 McDonalds is enough to provide for 3 houses - If we talk about america, then my solution doesnt work.

I clearly don't have autism, you are just amerifat that wants burgers!

Wendy's is better.

First of all, yeah you do.

Secondly, I grill my own goddamn burgers you Commie fuck.



This. Instructions just say to supply all 3. Didn't say all the houses needed all three items.


today, I am truly proud of b

as you can see here, your honor, they are all simply connected via one line.

We already solved it


i solved it without looking through this thread. saved image and drew

I made the american version

We still already solved it

mcdonalds don't deliver . solved