Why are Youtubers so popular. Why do people give a fuck? We blame fastfood chains for targeting marketing at kids...

Why are Youtubers so popular. Why do people give a fuck? We blame fastfood chains for targeting marketing at kids. But Youtubers can do it all they want, with their low tier memes. h3h3, the retard fine brothers, SJW comic book hold the door lesbians, motherfucking enzo knol. Why do I know these people? I don't watch that shit. WHY DOES THIS PISS ME OFF SO BAD! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!

Because universe hates you. (:

Fuck off Frank I knows it's you

because faggots like you call them "youtubers"

I know this is just shitty bait but I'll assume you also slightly feels this way despite baiting.

It's no different than tv though. Basically what you're arguing is the same thing you'd argue about for normal celebrities.

It's just entertainment out of the end of the day, everyone likes different entertainment. The people who are good at providing entertainment get well known for it.

Youtubers, Actors, Musicians, Porn Stars, they're all the same essentially in that broad spectrum.

I actually feel bad for them.

Most are grown ass men, some even with families, who do fucking YouTube videos for a living, with no degree or real job experience.

YouTube won't feed them forever. Google already started cutting off the money they give and getting more violent with content policies. And those grown ass men whine about this like little immature brats, as if YouTube HAS to give them free money.

So essentially you are saying, that there are a lot of kids and kids have no taste whatsoever.

It's the people that do this while only having 50k view videos that makes me laugh

Yeah but they have earned way too much money. Those numbers are ridiculous.

No shit sherlock, think about all the shit shows and music you consumed as a kid

They aren't mentally aware enough to have taste

I'd hate to trigger your autism but according to youtube analytics, a lot of adults watch youtube regularly.

Just put on a mask and draw around singing One Direction and you will channel all their goodness

Dude I watched awesome shows as a kid. I'd rather watch Medabots, Darkwing Duck and the fucking Mystic Knights of Tyr Na Nog, before watching a Youtube celebrity. The music was pretty cringy tho.

I fucking hate what YouTube has done to this planet.
>hey you, do you hate work?
>Do you want to make small amounts of money for being a narcissistic ass that thinks that your opinion is valid because you have free time and a camera
Of course, as long as I can brag about it like a badge of honor

by kids I assume you mean people. People in general don't want to think. This is not a new concept...

That frightens me

A lot of them are prepared. That's why those networks exist, at least for a lot of video game channels. Something happens to youtube, they'll just have their own website and keep existing. When there's supply, there's demand. But if that doesn't work out, that's their own fault for putting everything into Youtube and they deserve it. But it's a gamble and they earn their riches from taking that gamble, whether they "deserve it" or not.

>when there's supply, there's demand

Got that backwards. Demand first, then supply

Thinking is painful. The more you think the greater the suffering.

I think I should be dead then. Damn, I just hurt myself again, is this addictive like cutting?

I think I know what the problem is here. You don't like change. The world is changing, scheduled TV is on its way out, and user made content is becoming bigger and bigger. This is the way it should be, we don't need faggots telling us what to watch with utter trash like HIMYM.

supply then manufactured demand via social media lemmings

General Broadcasting will not go away. The content delivery is the only thing that will change. As people age they tend to want better stories than the garbage that is spit out in the mainstream you tube channels. Sure they are good for a laugh for a bit, but eventually we all yearn to make that deep human connection through great storytelling. Isn't that what network sitcoms deliver?

A lot of adults watch SNL regularly. Does that frighten you?

A lot of adults play video games and read comic books regularly. Does that frighten you too?

I could go on all day. The kind of entertainment a person consumes does not even fucking matter. You're just an elitist who pokes into peoples' pastimes and casts judgement calls on anything he deems unworthy.

Tell me more about things you don't like that people do in their free time, user. The world truly is dying because of all the people relaxing and having fun however they see fit every once in a while, am I right?

There are also a lot of adults watching shows like
"keeping up with the Kardashians"
"Honey boo boo child"
Only reason you know about youtubers is because you use the Internet every god damned day. The more you take part In something the more you notice it's flaws, there's shit everywhere in the world but you spend most of your time online rather than watching tv, so you only know the shit that exists online and not the shit on tv or another medium.

That's oddly specific.

>great storytelling. Isn't that what network sitcoms deliver?

This is baid.

I really hate that show, its so fucking cheezy.

>implying retarded faggots at home on youtube can make anything better than retarded faggots at television studios.

Have you seen the people who have YouTube channels? They are all idiots. No way it's a better alternative than broadcast TV

You sound like a elitist neckbeard.


Ive seen a lot of crap ones and a lot of good ones. It is far better than broadcast TV.

Apart from its always sunny in philli.

>supply then manufactured demand via social media lemmings

Not a real business practice

>a lot of good ones

a lot of good onesa lot of good onesa lot of good onesa lot of good onesa lot of good onesa lot of good onesa lot of good onesa lot of good onesa lot of good onesa lot of good onesa lot of good onesa lot of good ones

Sure, you're right. I'm not sure what you're getting at here though. People who spend a lot of time on the internet will find their entertainment on the internet and know a lot about it.
People who spend a lot of time sitting in front of the tv will find their entertainment on the tv channels and know a lot about shows.

A guy who watches tv could easily see a youtube video and go "This is shit" just as easily as someone who watches youtube do the same for a tv show. You know what you love and you love what you know. Anything outside your bubble, you hate.

Which is perfectly fine. That's called having preferences.

No, sometimes people are objectivly wrong, and can be fooled by sneaky jew writers who write absolute shit. The target the lowest common denominator so it appears popular, but has no real substance to it.

That's a really nice argument you got there, you really challenged my thesis.

People can't be wrong when it comes to entertainment preferences you dumb ass. You may not like a show, but just because someone else does doesn't mean they are wrong. Fucking idiot


I guess I shouldn't have taken the debate that seriously, I didn't know it was going to wind up here.

Eventually the lines of delivery will blur, and the networks will push more content in the form of you tube clips and the like. If you look at some of the popular you tube videos they are ripped from network produced content. Ideally, once the networks realize a proper revenue model for bite sized productions they will eclipse the guy in the car talking about people who don't wear their pants rights. Or the networks will buy out those people and put them to work. The problem with that is that most people really don't have enough relevant content to stay popular long enough to make a living at it. That is why most shows either die in a couple season or go through so many changes in creative contributors.

This trend lends to the fact that people have short attention spans and that is the most troubling aspect of this shift in mentality.

Didn't you get the memo, people like certain shows because of the Jews. It makes so much sense

That is true. But I still hate, that it's pushed in my face. I open Youtube. Them on the frontpage (without ever watching one). I open reddit (I know, I know) BAM first post, Youtube social justice. It's becoming just like tv. It get's shoved in your face.

If you get triggered just by seeing something representing social justice, you have issues.

Why does it even bother you that much? You don't have to read it or watch it. Are you just a sadist so once you see something you hate you can't help but look at it anyways? If you don't pay attention to it in anyway other than just seeing it enough to acknowledge its presence and that makes you angry, that's an internal problem you need help with.

You're being as sensitive to SJWs as SJWs are sensitive to everything else.

I actually didn't expect anyone to argue with this but these replies.
Holy shit the autism In this thread

You sound like a fun guy

You just lost the game

Holy shit coming with arguments in this thread. You really like those Youtube celebrities don't you? Hahaha


>I actually didn't expect anyone to argue with this but these replies.
>Holy shit the autism In this thread

You are crying like a anime fan on prom night.

The smell of 'their job is so easy a retard could do it' is terrible off this. Why don't you do it then nigga?

>ITT butthurt fags that cry because they have to work for a living

>I hate this thing, so it's a FACT that it's stupid and so are the people that like it
>"Here's why that's objectively wrong"
>Wow someone's actually arguing against me that's autistic