Is lucid dreaming the only way to get some puss for an neet full of mental illnesses like me?

Is lucid dreaming the only way to get some puss for an neet full of mental illnesses like me?

Is lucid dreaming hard to do and is it worth it?

Have any of you ever done it?

use your mental illness to your advantage, faggot. donĀ“t be a pussy

Stop making shit up to excuse your revolting behavior and why you never apply yourself.
Get a job, any job, and move out. pronto. doesn't matter what kind of flee ridden place you get, you need to feel the weight of the word. emoing it up in your parents' place isn't going to help ever.

you have two options to get actual pussy, fag
1. as already said, look for females similarly weird to you (recommended)
2. hide them and act normal (not recommended, but easier)

Never had a wet dream?

Lucid dreaming is awesome, but there are other ways to fuck in your dreams.

I'm a lucid dreamer. It took me about 3 months till I achieved the first one. It's very cool, even though it doesn't work all the time

tips, please

What's the reccomended process?

how did you do it


every time you see something weird irl look at your hands!! in your dreams your hands are blurry, and with looking at them during weird moments irl you will train yourself to do it in dream too, then in dream something weird happens as always in dreams, you look at your hands, they are blurry, and then you will gain consciousness, first few times you instantly lose it tho most likely

Lucid dream is cool, but hard to get, regardless of what a lot of smart fags saying. It's not something you can learn like a sentence or math formula, because everyone is diffrent. Also, when you will follow instructions from various guides you can easily fuck up your sleeping habits and get insomnia or sleep paralysis, which is fucked as hell. So, fuck lucid dreaming and get chick in real life man.

Not op, but i'm more in it for the experience. I don't know, it's an interesting subject.

it's good but not the same as awake sex with human. in some ways it's better, the feeling is more intense.

in more ways it's not as good. you cum very quickly, it's not as detailed or coherent. it's mpre dreamlike.

i actually ejaculate physically, and that's what wakes me from the experience.

Sleep 4 to 5 hours. Wake up. Take Choline 500mg and Galantamine 8mg. Go back to sleep.

trips speak truth

thanks based user

Ha ha ha

I tried it at some point of my life and I really prefer good, deep sleeping, instead of lucid dream from time to time, irregular sleeping habits and black figures walking toward me when I laying on my bed and feel totally paralyzed ;)

>back to 9gag

Actually, effective immediately after reading this post, you will wake up every time you're about to have sex in a dream.

Sex is not that good for lucid dreams because in lucid dreams you need your full concentration to stay lucid. With sex you loose a lot of your lucidness.

Had already a lot of lucid dreams, but it needs indeed time and efford

I started to WILD (trying to "stay awake" while you slip into a dream) then I discovered the best method for me: try to wake up and be aware of waking up. Don't move, don't do anything just lay there and wait.
