Do moms make out with their children in your country?

Do moms make out with their children in your country?

what the fuck america

I used to kiss my mom in the lips until very recently. 20? 21?

Nothing bad about it

It's just a peck on the lips, it's not making out like OP is implying.

>Florida woman gives her son some tongue


You slip her the tongue ever?



>ywn kiss a 19yo demi moore as a teenager

is she a pedo


>mfw this thread
You might say, why did you clicked then user?
To Catch a Predatorâ„¢

Nobody really kisses their parents on their lips desu.

I have one aunt who does.
>It has to be the hot aunt.
Jesus Christ.



>ITT : perverts

Unfortunately no.

Looks forced and fake

no, that's really weird,

yes, it is normal

Why do you ask? Are you pertained?


I'd like to think you're memeing but I took a "world film" class in college and we watched a few Argentine flicks all of which had some kind of contact/dialogue between family members that seemed to border on incestuous.

Didn't see anything similar in any other of the films except this one French film that made it a point.

its anglo thing, we won't understand

Aren't your mums super ugly anyway?

Not everyone is German, Hans.

thats why i bang your beautiful mom instead