Hairy guys of Sup Forums, how the fuck do you deal with it?

hairy guys of Sup Forums, how the fuck do you deal with it?

i'm extremely hair from the waist down and it's a hassle. how do you shave what grows like weeds?

I don't shave it, I just clean thoroughly.
You can get flushable wet-wipes that help clean after shitting.

You gonna have to be like a bitch and shave it everyday in the shower. Sucks but it's easier when you maintain it every day.

Nair, wolfie...nair.

should I get wax for it too? I mean, i'd have to cut it down first to wax it.

You're probably not gonna be able to wax it your self I've tried it didn't work well

fuck. should I get help from someone for it or is that too degrading? I can keep the pubic section away, but the legs

I have no problem asking for help lol or just go to a place that does waxing

Go to a massage parlour that does waxing as well, it doesn't hurt to inquire about asshole waxing. They get asked all the time, so it's nothing to be afraid of. At worst, they'll give a weird look and say they won't do pubic waxes.
If they do, then just make sure you go in after cleaning yourself really well.

Why do you want to wax your legs ? I'm hairy as fuck all over but I leave the legs

want to be a twink and i hate having hairy legs

I'm very hairy as well, op. In my experience simply trimming your pubes is enough. You can shave the pubic area bare as well but it's really not necessary.
However, i've never met a chick who wanted me to shave my fucking asshole. i question both the females you meet and your age.

Alright that's legit I ether wax or Shave my down stairs so when a guy is eating my asshole he doesn't have eat the hair too

nail a nail to your forehead the iron release will slow shit like hair growth down

might give you some lockjaw but u can pick up 13-18 age year bracket into ur 30s ez

You really should have led with that bit of important info you goddamn sissy. Since you're so intent on being a faggot, just get on craigslist, make an ad for someone to come help you "manscape", and you'll literally have dozens of dudes jacking off at the idea of assisting you. Be sure to include a photo to embarrass your mom.
For fuck's sake.

Trim, shave, or leave it alone?

only wax else it grows back faster if uve cut the hair folecule in half etc

if you want to meet a woman over the age of 20 ever in your life, leave
if you want to meet dudes, shave
You know these answers and just want to post your awful sasquatch legs

eating a fuckton of beef iron high foods, think some greens are too? would probably also work

What about hair laser hair removal? some of my hair I just want fucking gone.

Sup Forumsro

I got a hair trimmer I could just slap on a 2 and buzz it off. I don't want to wax it I'm not a women but honestly the leg hair has gotten in the way of women a couple of times.

Nice balls

i think lifting weights and shit causes you to not be so hairy, cause they move a lot and the body needs to cool down so it stops hair production. thats why you see a lot of muscular dudes with no hair on their body

i doubt it and ur full of shit kill urself instead

Please stop being stupid.

I don't know how hairy guys live day to day
the only hair i have in on my legs crotch and belly

do they over heat?
how do you not get itchy as fuck?
does it get caught on clothing?

i don't know but hair is sexy

I shave my legs arms an chest....get mad pussy. Chicks dig it, i live in socal though...common here.

Hair kinda helps sweat air out pits/crotch.

you reach a point where you just dont care anymore

unfortunately you dont care about more than just body hair

legs too skinny to be hairy

do not be hairy and skinny at the same time

keep learning, keep growing, get over urself, if u need to

Regrettably true.

how old are you OP?


does it matter? 18, btw, should've said the picture isn't me

Fucking kek

i'm on Sup Forums i thought it would be obvious

So...trim them then?

Are you retarded or 13 I honestly can't tell.

You don't talk to girls so your opinion is irrelevant to me, when you feel the warmth of a women's body instead of the cotton of your life sized anime pillow get back to me bitch.

Shave if you are a faggot

I grow a pretty full beard but I am essentially hairless on my chest and back . Personally I like being hairless. I don't have body odor issues like most people. But it also is the kind of thing people like to give you shit for since a hairy chest is considered manly.

waxing hurts so bad(i did try it on one particular part of my body for whatever reason).

I had a friend that was hairy and he would take an electric razor to it just to trim it down. i think that was a good idea.

I'm a fucking hairy beast
Real men don't shave

same it's a curse..........