Fuck Millennials.. Fucking trash

Fuck Millennials.. Fucking trash
How Millennial Are You?






you fuckers are lying.

Why? Cause my parents never got divorced and I don't care if niggers marry whites?


78 lol

sanders supporter
21 caucasian
fuck standardized religions
have worked since 16
50+ txts a day
35+ hr work weeks since graduation
i am proof this thing is accurate

pic related


got 78

Cuz you played games in the past 24 hours manchild faggot

Is this now a Boomer hate thread?

Got a 80

Been working overtime all week. Try again faggot


97 I'm fucked


Day off yesterday and took care of the things that needed to be fixed. You god damn right I'm going to watch tv and play a game or 2 with my phone off.
Don't ask me for shit!

I can't tell if this is bait or not. Both of these generations virtually think the same. However, millenials wholeheartedly embrace degeneracy and live as hiveminded cattle, ignorantly believing "we are the future".

perfect fucking pic
fuck gen x/boomer

Taking a 15 question online test to determine some arbitrary number that says nothing about you is such a millenial thing to do. This test should default to 100. I got 85 btw

>ignorantly believing "we are the future"

Gee I wonder why the future generations think of themselves as the future

You know what a manchild also does? flame people on message boards online.


millenials wholeheartedly embrace degeneracy and live as hiveminded cattle, ignorantly believing "we are the future"

pic related

67, but I'm calling major bullshit on this test.
>no text message received last 24 hours
>no tattoos
>no piercings
>disapprove of interracial marriage
>parents still married
>conservative political orientation.

People never used the term Millennial until a month or two ago.

welcome to Sup Forums
fuck you = troll has won


This was the stupidest shit. Like are you elderly or a normal person?


Were you born around the turn of the millennium?

If you answered yes, then you're a millenial

If you answered no, then you're not.

This thread is fucking retarded.

Score of 16

1. You did not watch more than an hour of television programming in the past 24 hours.

2. You did not read a daily newspaper in the past 24 hours.

3. You did not play video games in the past 24 hours.

4. You have only a landline phone.

5. You sent or received no text messages on your cell phone in the past 24 hours.

6. Being successful in a high-paying career or profession is somewhat important to you personally.

7. You think people of different races marrying each other is a doesn't make much difference for society.

8. You have contacted a government official in the past 12 months.

9. You have created your own social networking profile.

10. Living a very religious life is not important to you personally.

11. Your parents were married during most of the time you were growing up.

12. You do not have a tattoo.

13. You do not have a piercing in a place other than your earlobe.

14. You describe your political views as moderate.


Fuck you you faggots. Don't think how you are supposed to think. It's bad for you.

>wake up sheeple

It's okay, they'll be in assisted living because their kids don't give a fuck about them. Black orderly workers will punch them in their sleep, piss in their iv and steal their stuff.

16. By the way i'm almost 27


>Your Millennial score is 89
Practically nothing on political views but okay

the game

Holy shit!


in b4 you you

what if i like things that are bad for me?

then that means......INNNGGGGHHH

I got a 90.
I'm pretty sure this is based mostly off of what age group you select not your answers.
Because my answers are not very gen y.

Your Millennial score is 41


I really don't get it, but 90

No TV in the past day
No vidya
Parents not married
No tattoos
No piercings
No newspaper
Contacted government
Career one of most important things
9 text messages
No home phone
21 years old
Different race marriage doesn't matter
Not religious

Everyone likes things that are bad for them. You have to find the balance. Not saying I have. Just that I know that that is the goal. Boom ; that that.


Have to agree. Most old people are dumb as fuck. Not my dad though, he smart. So my moms is too.


But these questions are too flawed. I don't act millenial at all.

Okay.. That's just lower class...

And agreed. The questions are skewed for sure.

I mean I support Trump and unironically think Hitler was great. etc. How can I be 67% millenial?

A god amongst men.

I got 73
born in '96

dads gonna die first.
100$ on that shit

I think what that user was getting at was that millennials think "we're the new future, better than the old one" sort of thing, they go down a different path than their parents, and in spite, usually not just different, but against the old path. They strive to be different not because its necessarily to be better, but simply just to be different

im glad im not a millenial, i was born in 1997 just right before.



are you implying all millennials have the same political views?

shut up you fucking millennial.

go play with your moms ipad or something.

so u are fuckwit


cool soundcloud edit friendo

This questionnaire is just retarded, my parents have a social website presence and like black people oh they must be millenials

its an age group not a fucking lifestyle.

Same as every other generation. The difference is that globalized capitalism is now actvely undermining everyone's quality of life like never before and the older generation refuses to believe it, causing them to blame all social problems on the millennial generation.

honestly the phone things makes all the difference

i went back and changed it to see what would happened and having only a cellphone vs only a landline is a difference of like 40 points

Nice house economy fagit

Also, supporting Trump and becoming reactionary xenophobes is for the millennials who don't want to believe that globalized capitalism is undermining their quality of life.

no home phone, parents not married, no tv, and career being important, are all millenial things according to the quiz

Not sure if good or bad...hmmm


94% of the people over 70 years old have tattoos? Sure, and I'm the pope.

no games
no newspaper
no TV
ONly have cell phone
sent 50+ texts in a day
Career is important to me
I don't care about race
No gov. official
have social network
no religon
married fam
no tatoos or piercings
describe my views as liberal

Nice to meet you pope! (Kicks in ass)

Ehh, I don't think it's quite like that but even if it is, so what.


Millennials are an age group, that's all.

Most of you fuckers probably are in that age group too.

sounds about right. Seems modern and all. Like millennials.

congrats :D

Thank fucking you



I got 65.
Also widowed shouldn't even count towards not married. Its not like its divorce

fuck you gramps. Learn to die faster so we can fix the shit you broke. Nice GDP shitface. nice market crashes you stupid fuck. Nice education system you fucking piece of trash. The only shit your generation did was fear the rest of the world and pump money into military. If you hadn't spent all your time getting cucked by vietnam maybe japan wouldn't have caught us on the Industry side but now we're fucking haemorrhaging and it's on our fucking shoulders to sweep up the fucking vomit you left.


>huuurrr your generation is lazy and only works minimum wage jobs
But all of the middle class, decent paying manufacturing jobs that helped your generation was all outsourced by your generation so that your generation could make money
>huurrrrr you're generation is lazy


>Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)11:44:12 No.68656
Your Millennial score is 3
that's nice

I probably am but at least my generation wasn't cucked my the vietcong

Sure it is. Widowed just means you were cucked by the grim reaper

It's 100% real faggot, do you honestly believe that I would spend that much time on a click bait Internet quiz?



This is bullshit

They were cucked by sand monkeys in caves. At least gooks know how to fight.

Slow down. Read again.