Why should i start on xanax?

Why should i start on xanax?
also regular drug thread

Because you're white trash. No one of any value to society has ever taken Xanax.

I like a little bit. It makes me not care as much and I get a lot done during the day because of it. I've never taken a lot of it though. For example, the pill you've posted. I cut that up into 4 and even one of those is strong.

Depends on your condition/ mental problems and your ability to regulate your drug use resposibly
I have a double major and I am prescribed valium for anxiety. After 5 years of using it I have never become dependent and regularly go weeks without using it.

Just remember that it is a tool to help you deal with very specific problems, not a solution to them. My rule is that if I have a panic attack I can take one. After that I can't take one for 2 days. I f I take one after 3 days I have to wait 4 days before using again and so on. That way I make sure I save them for when I have a really bad panic attack

I have to add that sometimes I take one to get over a hangover

that sound like the best way to use it

if you start xanax enjoy watching your life go down the shit hole. perhaps enjoy epilepsy which will just rape you of all your freedoms. fucking idiot.

Yeah good for you man, don't make it a habit. I need to take 3 of them to catch a decent buzz, tolerance builds fast.

This drug was never ment to be taken longer than 2 weeks. The short half life gives you horrible rebound anxiety if you actually have an anxiety disorder. A longer acting benzo would be better. I was on them for 5 years and I am so much better off without them. You need to learn to deal with your problems on your own not pop a pill whenever you can't function. It is a vicious cycle.

Dont. For me, that were more addictive then H. I'm an extremely non social person, and they make your feel comfortable and great. Gave me quite a bit of motivation. But they grabbed ahold of me, I ended up 8mg a day. 4 bars. Luckily my doctor was very accommodating and I got off em. But id advise, try em. If you can use extremely smart, what they're for. Then take em. If you see yourself taking them everyday. Take a break. As long as you can get through the break you know you have the will power to take that drug. Just be careful. Going to fap now, just hit a line of blow, love jerkin on coke but hard to keep boner. moonshine still. ↖

Because you want to develop brain tumors when youre older

This. Very, very good for hangovers

This is what I fear. I've taken xanax before and felt great but I feel if I have a prescription I'm going to abuse the hell out of so that I don't get panicy and anxious in public and small social situations

Yeah mate. And then others get a prescription and take em every day then complain about the problems it gave them and doctors get sued for it. If you get to use them as a proper medicine please don't fuck it up for the ones who use it properly. If you get addicted blame yourself not the doctor

It works wonder Sup Forumsrother. Total hangover cure. Just as long as I only use it when I've been up all night drinking beer and cider and dancing to shitty music being a fuckwit. If I used it for every hangover as well as my panic attacks I'd be an addict.

You should help it go down by drinking a bunch of vodka

I found that Klonopin, the longest-acting benzo, is much more useful for anxiety reduction than Xanax.

But as user said, popping a pill doesn't really fix your problems, it's just a mask. Ultimately, you will have to deal with things.

You shouldn't if you value your state of mind, that stuff changes you the more you take it, and it's very addictive. Only people that I know that take that shit are white trash inbreds. Just smoke some weed or something.

Harden up faggot. Drugs are good for you. They make you who you are

was addictid to benzos (severly) for about 4 years taking between 40-50 tablets a day twoards the end, found them more addictive than any other substance iv ever taken and also when i came off them i had a couple of seziuers and nearly die , im clean since december but by god do i miss my xanax.

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you're probably hideous and boring. give up user

You poor bastard. I made sure not to get addicted to them because I knew what would happen. I was a heroin addict and quitting that cold turkey was hell on earth. I now use benzos only when I need them and sometimes even not then. I know the hell of withdrawal and I don't plan on repeating it. Good on you for getting this far user. You are a champion in a way no one who has dealt with this shit will ever understand

They serve their purpose but if you find yourself taking it on a daily basis then you're fucked