I need some real advice Sup Forums

i need some real advice Sup Forums
i am very depressed and the only thing that i have other than drugs is an "unofficial" relationship and there are SHIT TONs of evidence supporting that she is doing shit with a ton of other guys and leading people on and shit.
i honestly do not know if i should go through all the shit the until it gets better or if i should just give up



I was close to the same place you were, anonymous. Except I was a dope fiend recovering from addiction. I went through major depression. 1. If she's cheating on you, move on from her. She's just digging you a deeper hole. 2. Just remember it all gets better, eventually. 3. Stay busy

yeah but relationships are hard as hell for me
i'm scrawny as shit, smoke a shit ton of weed almost constantly and i'm virgin.
not exactly dating material, and i do really like this girl and if i found out she was cheating on me... that would fucking kill me man

If there's one thing I can tell you from experience - pussy is over rated. So don't sweat being said Virginia. There's a shit ton of women out there. I had a chick who I thought was 'the one'. Cheated on me and I let her go. I moved on and got over it. It's just that it feels like the end of the world now but it just takes time, man

Don't sweat being a virigin *. P.S. trips never lie

thanks man
that actually is good advice.
also nice tripz

One mistake most of us make is feeling that we need to be in a relationship to be happy. The only person that can love you the best is you.

You just have to find out if she's the right person for you. If she isn't, move on and don't look back

>Quit drugs
>End relationship
>become one with the void

the thing is though, i literally feel nothing all the time, except when i'm with her, that is the only time i am happy. and thinking that she might be cheating on me makes it a lot worse.
i don't want my life to go back to feeling nothing

This guy is right, too. I've been single for 2 years and I've been more content now than I've ever been. I'll eventually find the right girl but I needed time to find out who I am and what's right for me

You're in an unhealthy relationship, man

What sort of drugs?


don't give up doe. i go through periods of being alone and started partying and hooked up with girls at 17. also made a group of friends. I'm kind of low rn doe

i know, i think the problem of it is the whole "unofficial" thing. (thats what she calls it) i was going to hangout with here today and try to make it official but she ended up not being able to. for the 3rd week in a row

hangout with her*

Do mushrooms at 4pm and by the time you peak you should go outside and watch the sunset

nothing in life matters OP

i would absolutely love to do that but she doesn't like psychedelics, i do but she is against them

i know

Cut her throat, user.

The only time you'll ever feel truly alive is when you're watching the life leave the eyes of another human being.


no thanks

wow, i am really proud of Sup Forums today. nobody told this man to kill himself or called him a faggot.

i know right
OP here
i was not expecting people to be actualy helpful, i'm glad they are being helpful.
Thanks user
all of you

well i think this thread died or is dying so before it prunes i'll end it on this.
i'll see how things go with the relationship and how i feel afterwards.
i may shoot myself in the head or continue on to a hopefully happy life.


and there it is

> Wants to end life because its horrible
> Chance of it getting better in doing so is 0%
> Chance of it getting better continue living 100%

Smart move user.

do you really think putting the "official" tag on your relationship is gonna make her stop "doing shit with a ton of other guys"? you gotta make a clean break. improve yourself, learn to be happy without the approval of women. you forge your own path. you got issues, but you are strong and you are gonna make it

theres more to life than doing drugs and chasing hoes

masturbate on Sup Forums

to be honest i'm fine with both of those outcomes

the official title helping the relationship is the only bit of hope i have.

don't shoot yourself over a cheating, manipulative bitch not even worth your time. happiness stems from within you, it is the absolute basis of existence. You don't need ANYTHING to be happy. I highly recommend you read "Search inside yourself" by Chade-Meng Tan. it explains meditation techniques and the workings of the mind, its entertaining and easy to read. And scientifically proven

it is good advice though, thank you.

Then go with the latter dipshit. No point in ending it now when it will get better later.

lol that sounds gay

>scientifically proven

absolutely no problem. threads like these is why i come to Sup Forums (and YLYL. used to be porn, too, but im tryin to quit that). i like being anonimous. i may never see you again, but if i can change your mind even a little bit, this world is a better place (and if i dont i dont care, its not wasted time for me). i sincerely wish you the best. ill stay if you wanna talk some more

proven might be the wrong word now that i read it again. rephrasing: theres well researched evidence that supports the whole thing

>End relationship
>Quit drugs
>no problems

Stop taking the drugs, leave her, come up with a goal you'd like to acheive, work towards it, start doing some excercise, find what you're good at, work on what you're bad at, make friends with people who you get along with & are alot of fun, get on with life, reconnect with any1 you've lost touch with who you know gave a shit, try to be realistic eering on the side of positivity, move on with life with a fresh mindset

Also happiness is not somethign you "achieve" then you're done, it'll come and go just like any other emotion, but honestly being productive, the people you surround yourself with, & excersice can all really help your mindset & afterwards depression

10% of life is what happens to you and 90% is how you process it akin to your mindset. might even be 1% 99%. or 0% 100% if you wanna go full "life is a nothing but a simulation" which it might as well be, since all you think, see and feel is going on in your brain and your brain alone anyway. if the brain exists, who knows

Lol just kys and show us