If Sup Forums could have a genocide of any race, religion, culture, or people of a certain ideology, what would it be?

If Sup Forums could have a genocide of any race, religion, culture, or people of a certain ideology, what would it be?

>I'd probably go for SJWs or Muslims, most likely the latter (Muslims have fucked me over most in life)

religion should be wiped off the face of the earth


The Human race. All of it.

ouch, i cut myself on that edge

>wanting to kill off a bunch of people who have done nothing wrong besides indirectly cause some video game butt to be censored

you know you're not supposed to be on Sup Forums if you're not 18, right

22 yo, in college majoring in history. During finals someone saw something asking why the Crusades happened in response to Muslim conquests they started yelling about white privilege and made a huge scene to make the class cancel for the day, now i have to take finals again after being postponed because of some fat cunt who can't stand facts

pardon me when i say SJWs are fucking cancer

sandniggers n niggers. basically niggers

Jews are the only race that seriously threaten the future existence of humanity. Hitler was right.

Anyone that dyes their hair stupid colors, styles it like Hitler, and insists on there being more than 2 genders.

I'd kill anyone with brown eyes

but i can please you user :'(

>...sexually ;)


Sup Forums users.


Definitely Muslims.

The illuminati

fuk, so close to trips :[

I would vouch for you user, you can repay me later

>sexually ;)

Thanks user, I appreciate it, but maybe I can just settle it with the other user

>...sexually ;)

islam definately

It's a tough call between Indians (dots not feathers) and sjws.

Go shave your armpits Laci.


I'd like to see genocide against people who commit genocide.


me too...wait


I'd kill Jews

Europe wouldn't be flooded with Muslims and SJWs if it wasn't for them. They're too dumb to achieve what they have without aid.

Anyone who has ever told someone "kill yourself" online.

1. it's a remedial special ed junior-league insult
2. usually it accompanies actual bullying
3. usually it comes from people who have absolutely nothing to contribute

there's no reason it should continue to exist

White nationalists.

kys faggot

Butthurt minority spotted


White woman who fuck niggers. Hang every fucking one. Full time jobs and overtime for rope manufactures.

So no one will die?


I'll go for vegans. But I would not let them starve, just lock them up together and hand them some butcher knives. That way they could choose if they prefer starving or eating each other...

Libretarians? Or liberals?

I would disagree. Ain't nothing wrong with a little toddler head now and again.

both, we need authoritarianism

Liberals. Not slightly left liberals either. Like facist liberals. I'm cool with different opinions. But some are wrong.


Communism/Socialism, easily.

Surely this really happened, what kind of asshole goes on the internet and tells lies?

All "non-binaries" and their fanclub.

Muslims, I had a tough time choosing between niggers and muslims but deep down in my soul i truly despise muslims. Plus getting rid of them has the added bonus of getting rid of a shitload of niggers at the same time.

Muslims are the most immediate threat. Their values are fundamentally incompatible with our way of life.

Sooner or later, it's gonna come down to them or us?

I woud genocide anyone who posts banana memes in a YLYL thread.


I laughed.

Trump supporters

I would fucking butcher someone that believes "white genocide" is real.