Hi, I am God, talk to me

Hi, I am God, talk to me

Other urls found in this thread:


hi god

Wassup nigger

I'm god too. Don't be such a fag about it

Hey god, do you exist?

notice me senpai reeeeeeee

y u no cum to me

Hey, bitch! Where's my money?!


How come no sweet asari waifu?

Which god are you?

Why'd you make niggers

Yes, I am God.

I am the only one.

Ooh, first a time traveller now a God. Interesting. Hello God, how are you?

"all powerful" can't make a universe without suffering. k


Um, shouldn't you be giving AIDS to babies or something?

And which god is that? Thor?

I'm always fine.

Why did I have to put down my favorite dog today?

Noah was looking for you in another thread where time traveller was stopping to chat, anyway he wants to know if he succeeds in building the ark or not.

Nine years I've been visiting Sup Forums should I stop?

No, once yee entereth yee shall not leaveth.

>Claims to be god and wants to talk
>Implying he can't hear everything everyone ever thinks or says
Gr8 b8 m8 8/8

I've made universes without suffering. This universe is more free, suffering is allowed.

What, did you piss off all the other gods and now they wont talk to you anymore, so you have to entertain yourself with the imbicilic thoughts of our barely sentient soecies?

There is no fucking way you personified both posess omnisciende AND even single fuck what any stupid ape has to say about their dumbass impressions of what is important in their absurdly short lives limited to pointlessness.

Can you make a rock so heavy you can't lift it?

Well we don't want the suffering, you can take it back!

God, Does Lily like me?

Why is No Man's Sky suck a let-down already? What the fuck is Hello Games hiding?

Prove it

dub dubs deserve a reply

Look at me. I am God now.


prove you are god and not no mans sky u cant

ngiru which is ur name. for a god ur dumbasfuck

This is another form of communication. The normal one occurs inside of you ("thinking").

timestamp with sharpy in pooper

Can you please start culling? We are overdue.

OP is a faggot

>We got a sherlock over here
Nigger you gotta be the lamest OP ever claiming to be god, if you are god I must be the devil. Hows it feel knowing I won faggot? Check m8 master b8.

Tell us how this could possibly function, given the rules of the universe you established when you created it which do not provide for this type of communication.


Hey Nicolas Cage... whats it like to be an actor

if dubs, you have to jerk me off in my sleep tonight

thanks user, I am a huge fan of dubs dubs, and always knowledge a 69. Today it was meh, god is funny. So I guess its gods way of apologizing, or acknowledging me. Either way, im glad he gave me a chance with the best farm dog ever.

Humans have used a lot of names. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_of_God

Consider yourself noticed
Because i do not cum to anyone
It's been spent on weapons for afghan
God doesn't condone weebs
Without darkness, there can be no light
I gave you free will. You use it to make eachother suffer.
That's their parents jobs
Because he was dying
If you believe that drunken 600 year old man could collect 2 of every animal species (7.7 million) on the planet, and fit them all on this 440 foot long boat while the entire world was flooded with some surplus water that appeared for some reason, and kept going for 40 days with no food, you are a genius
No, i can lift everything
Deal with it
I am God, not a female dog

I was just passing on a message, apparently he was a reincarnation or something.

You are not the devil, but I am God. The "devil" doesn't have a human body.

>not god kek
it was a she not a he faggot kill yourself.
Real gods of middle earth 404 this nigger

Why did you leave me unfinished?


>I am God, not a female dog
If you were an all-knowing omniscient being you would know that thats a quote from a popular tv show which is not referring to you, but referring to a woman nagging him about his worsening junk habit.

>Claiming to be a god
>Not being the one true god emperor, President Trump

I don't use money. Money is a human thing.

Do you have the power to create a sandwich so great you yourself could not eat it?

How can a god which is singular and have no peers have a sex at all?

For you to say you are male, implies there is an opposite, or at least one alternate, to that male sex as well. If there is one god, and you are the only one, then you must be sexless.

Fine, genderless, for the fucking college kiddies that have to sjw it up in here.

will i ever be loved

What's up with Trump? You pissed?

You are evolving like everybody else.

You are loved by me. I love everybody. I am God.

Why did you make disease you asshole?

Why do you always pick on me :(

>will i find love
thats not love user

>omniscience vs omnipotence?
>, simple 2500 year old question from socrates too hard for the creator of the universe

Your conversation is on par with an old jewish fortune teller, god.

I desire the best for you.
I didn't make any of that (disease). They are made by "bad aliens", "bad spirits", bad humans or "abnormal" mutations.

Youre a fuckin bozo.