How do I fix a severely messed up sleeping schedule?

How do I fix a severely messed up sleeping schedule?

For the past week I have been going to sleep at 8:00 AM and waking up at 4:00 PM. How do I fix this? Some people tell me to stay up all night and day but I don't think that is the best solution.


It actually is a good solution. Stay awake through your normal sleeping hours and fall asleep at a "normal" time. I do the same for myself

its currently sunday 6am for me.. to fix sleeping schedule take a 2 hour nap in the afternoon and then go to sleep in the night, the two hours will make you feel not tired so just dont stay all night again... thats what im doing each weekend

either you move to a country where the time zone indicates you're going to sleep at 10pm and waking up at 6am...


lay off the fucking video games and late night bong hits, faggot...

In a little bit of the same boat OP.

I sleep about 5 a.m. and wake up usually 3-4pm. Only reason why is my lack of narcotic meds now, withdrawals and general shit feeling, etc. What messed up your sleep schedule?

It is not healthy to 'delay' sleep like that just set your alarm to go off around lunch so all you got was a brief nap than take a swig of NyQuil after dinner I guarantee you'll get a full nights rest

its 5am for me, i woke up saturday at 5pm you can say im awake 12 hours , so i'll need to stay awake till 2pm sunday and sleep for 2 hours and then sleep at night isnt it?

past week? ive been going to bed at 6am waking up at 4pm then working till 12am every day since i graduated highschool in 2012, fuck you op

same boat here. need rescue too.
go to sleep at 8.00 am wake up at 6pm

you know it :'(

CSGO, Rust, LOL all days & night?

In your case, I would pull an allnighter and then fall asleep on the time I want to start waking up on. I'd make sure to have energy drinks to keep me up and occupy myself with games or something. Make sure that you have an alarm clock or someone to wake you up at the right time or else you'll oversleep.

For example: I wake up at 4pm, stay up until 9pm the next day, then have my gf wake me up at 7am

Yeah if your body is sedentary all the time it's gonna be hard as fuck to fall asleep. Get up and do some shit, it doesn't even matter what. Just be goddamned standing up.

bro a good trick is to fast for 24+ hours and the first time you eat is at breakfast time and your bodys metabolism/body clock is going to reset and it will help you change your sleeping patterns really easy

i tried that once and you know what i woke up after 2 hours of sleeping imagine that! from 9pm to 11pm

If you do this, only do it once.
You don't want to go down dependence avenue.

Keep trying then. It takes a few tries but it works for me. I can't think of any other way that has worked for me.

oh yeah, and when you do manage to get up at the right time, drop a vitamin d or 2 and a glass of water, should help your timing.

Same thing here, it's 7:17 AM here and I'm still not in my bed.

I have that problem, I've tried all the tricks to reset, the only one to ever work was 40 hours a week physically intensive job. Thinking at this point it's psychological because I hate people and particularly hate when they're in my way.


Spend time outside.

Just continue to gradually push further and further past 8 AM until you're back to w/e time you want to be normal.

Damn lol, aside from the narcotics that was my issue years ago. Too much league, didn't want to get off until about 3, then I had to wake up for school, I was 16. Surprisingly I made it through the day okay, partly because of taking Oxycodone. That shit of course made me feel great, not sedating to me. Now I'm an addict tho, don't resort to drugs OP. Even prescribed stimulants. Take the normal route, slowly shift your schedule by sleeping an hour earlier and setting your alarm an hour earlier. Or do it by 30 mins, you'll still make good progress. Good luck.

Play rust, You'll rage so hard that you go into a coma.

i used to do that all the time, the main problem is you have no control over your life, do stuff to get that back and youll never have that problem again


staying up a whole day is unfortunatly the only way to fix it. its hard but you gotta do it. ive done it like 8 times so i know

good luck

Honestly? It's fake it till you make it, for real. I work a rotation schedule. For two weeks in a row, I work two six hour shifts, noon to six pm and midnight to six am. At the end of the two weeks, I go home.
My circadian rhythm is all fucked, and I'll start feeling active at midnight that first night. So I try to get to sleep before that midnight activity, and I set an alarm so I don't oversleep.

Some other general sleeping tips: Don't just hang out in bed. Use your bed for sleeping and fucking, that's all. You should train your mind and body to associate bed with sleep, not just lazing around and doing whatever. Also, no cell phone/laptop/television in bed. The blue light emitted shatters the sleep chemicals your body produces. Read a book before bed.

That's my advice, from someone that has to totally reset his circadian rhythm twice a month